Actually, I don't dip my brain into the dynamics of bowling balls. I find it near the bottom of my list when it comes to understanding bowling as a whole. I was just being inquisitive this morning.
I'm actually one of the guys who gets hated on when I "giggle" or give that "Tiger woods type of smile" when other bowlers talk "pin up, pin down - I need length or to roll early. blah blah" or I hear "i miss my mark"....
I'm simple, I keep 3 or 4 layouts I like, use the vortex if need be, and bowl. If I need to play the twig or the 5th arrow, I'll do it as best as I can. and one thing I don't do when bowling, is pay attention to poeple lol. It's funny how my friends/teammates get all worked up over a guy who carries everything.