Again, you are spot on. It's awesome to have someone like you on this site. I can relate, am active on a golf forum and consider myself very helpful n certain areas and help members all the time over there.
Like my question to start this discussion, I at least know it's much more then just buying the latest greatest rock to roll.
I have not found anyone local who can or seems to want to give me my specs so I can learn about them, understanding them, and being able toy understand what my current strengths and weakness are and then attempt to improve on them.
I did a boot camp with a gold medal teacher. This was one of the main reasons why I paid for the boot camp as I thought that if I wanted anyone to provide me with specs, he was it. Yet, he drilled a ball for me and a gave me a video lesson but never gave me my stats even though I asked for it.
I am also working with another person locally that I thought would give me my specs for sure my specs for. Since is seemed to be a top driller I asked about my specs and my current arsenal and he watched me throw it, but again never measured me up.
I was planning to buy this ball from him and make him do my specs and then explain them to me before we drilled it up. He sorta knows the shot the I was asking about so I feel that will en up being good to help me out and learn.
But you are so right about people taking short cuts. I see all the time on the golf sites about getting a new driver with no understanding about their swing specs and what they mean. They only want the longest easiest driver and they want it to exactly this and do not understand that it is their swing that does not provide them with the results that they are seeking with no knowledge of path, angle of attack, spin ratio, launch angle on what is good and what is bad that makes all drivers bad for their swing. Quick fix syndrome
If I was a tournament player, I would be flying to someone good to get my specs if I could not find anyone locally. I am just a 2 league player who is gets into it and loves it and is after any info about bowling daily. Always trying to learn more and of course, see my average go up. I know that I can average over 200, just applying myself even more this year since as this will be my second year at this house and I know that it is more then just show up and throw into a wide 5 board area and get a strike. Felt I improved last year dealing with a house that really punished many of the players (-10 to -25 pins ave) that came from our past easy league shot. I dropped just a few
Thanks for the links, info and your help on this site. I wish I could see the pic about the clock reference from JJ hard to understand without a pic for me.
Watching some ultra slow mo's on You Tube, to me it looks like many Pros ring fingers are at 10:30 at the bottom of the swing and rotate about 90 degrees to the opposite side of the ball.
It's BG...just another iPad miss type earlier