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Author Topic: Unfair?  (Read 1097 times)


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« on: September 01, 2004, 03:53:54 AM »
Monday night I started myfirst league in a year and a half. I went in to the center and started looking for my team. The league president stopped me and said that they didn't need me this year. I was shocked! I'm new to this city and don't know anyone! They asked me to bowl as I was practicing after the league meeting. Anyway, here I am at the counter as practice begins, by now I'm livid. I can only bowl on Mondays and now, no team!!! Bummer. Just as I was about to leave a guy comes up to the counter and says he needs someone. The president told him to quickly grab me. So I bowled with these guys and I was so happy. As it turns out, they are one of the top teams in the league!! I channeled my frustration into my bowling. Shoot games of 224-210-235 for 669 series. Good enough to win all of my brackets and about $100 total. Many folks came up to me that night and told me that I was better off bowling with these guys than the other team! I can certainly agree.
    However, I'm still gonna hold a grudge against those guys for doing this to the new guy!!!! Wait until we bowl them!!!! I am very graciuos for the opportunity to bowl again and will not take it for granted anymore. Being the new guy isn't very fun.
Bowl To Win!!!



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Re: Unfair?
« Reply #1 on: September 01, 2004, 12:23:56 PM »
Yep, I am not getting either unless the league preident also was the team captian on your team.

The team captian holds the team franchise.  He/she is the one that decides who bowls on the team.  

Lil story about a friend of mine who bowled regularily with a great team at ABC Natl's...Faball teams from WI.  Anyway they replaced him after he was already out there with a hired gun.  He was pissed to be sure and got on the sub list.  He wound up getting picked up bowling next to his former team and shot a decent 7-- and their hired gun shot 5--.  Always comes back to haunt you!  



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Re: Unfair?
« Reply #2 on: September 01, 2004, 03:29:45 PM »
The team I was asked to bowl on, the team captain told the league president that the memeber that I WAS replacing decided to bowl. I'm new in this town and do not know very many people. So, I thought htat my chance to bowl this league was over. Here it was the first night of bowling and I'm stuck with out a team. I got lucky and ended up on a much better team. I'm really happy about that, just thought that it wasn't fair that the team replaced me and didn't even let me know. He had my telephone number. Sorry about the confusion, I was rambling.

In the end I am very happy.
Bowl To Win!!!