Last night was the last night of my (very long) summer league. Being that the winter leagues are about to start, there was a league meeting going on while we were bowling.
The anchor bowler on the other team (who also happens to be the league secretary) had to spend a little time in the meeting, so when it came his turn to bowl, someone adjusted the auto scoring machine to "select" my team's leadoff bowler as the current bowler on the right lane, skipping over the last guy on the other team. Fine and good.
Our leadoff guy gets up, and throws a strike. Other guy is still in meeting, as far as I can tell, so I pick up my ball, and bowl on the right lane, following my leadoff guy. Strike, what a happy guy I am!
Only one problem. After the first guy on my team got his strike, the scoring machine reselected the anchor bowler from the other team as the "current" bowler on the right lane. I didn't realize this, of course, but my strike was recorded by the scorer as belonging to the last bowler on the other team.
Anchor bowler / league secretary arrives just as I walk off the lane, looks at the scorer and sees the strike recorded for him. Says the strike is invalid, because I bowled out of turn. I reply that I did not bowl out of turn, as the decision to skip over him until he returned from the meeting had already been made, and it is nothing more than a scoring error.
He says I am wrong, like the scoring machine is the official arbiter of whose turn it is to bowl on a particular lane. I say that the bowlers are the ones who know what the story is, and should not be overruled by a machine.
If the scoring were being done by hand, and the guy keeping score had put my strike in the other guy's line, we would have told him he made a mistake. He's the scorer, not the referee!
So... what say you league secretaries out there? Does my failure to "inform" the automatic scorer that we were again skipping the other bowler make me guilty of bowling out of turn, even though the "selected" bowler was still not present, and both teams agreed to skip over him until he returned?
Am I guilty as charged?
Cogito ergo bowl