How its looked at today I'm not sure, but here was the classic way to look at it.
Oil, med and dry was basically figured by length.
(this is from the book Revolutions2)
Oil (long oil) were lanes oiled 35 to 45 feet.
Med. were lanes oiled 25 to 35 feet.
Dry (very short oil) was 18 to 25 feet.
heres a quote from a interesting article on patterns.
"the overall volume of the shot probably has the least affect, as the length that the conditioner is applied can make the "volume" almost meaningless."
Click here for storyAs used in BTM current issue
Oily is a 44' oil (High Street)
Medium 41' oil (Main Street)
Dry 38' oil (Easy Street)
These are the Kegel Navigation Recreation Series of patterns.
you can see them here. on 2/10/2009 9:34 PM