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Author Topic: Unsanctioned Leagues  (Read 7728 times)


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Unsanctioned Leagues
« on: April 30, 2003, 07:46:51 PM »
I just finished reading through the post about WIBC rejecting the USBC-SBO proposal, and got to thinking about the whole sanctioning deal.  What I am curious about is this; How many on this board currently bowl in any unsanctioned leagues, and how many would be willing to do so?

Think about it.  What do the Bowling Alley Proprietors have to lose?  Most would probably welcome an unsanctioned league, if scheduled on a day where they currently don't have any activity.  Who's going to turn away paying customers?  

Also, this type of league would save the "casual" bowler who never intends to compete in tournaments their yearly dues.  (Ok, that's only what, $15??  But it has been claimed on these boards that bowlers are cheap!)  Besides, the league could set up it's own guidelines for awards as it deems necessary (or choose not to have awards at all).  As for rules and regulations, ABC guidelines have been around long enough almost everyone has a basic understanding of the rules.  Modifications can be made league by league.

I'm not trying to form a boycott of sanctioned leagues, but just curious how everyone else feels about the unsanctioned format.


Why, WHY won't the last one just fall??  It's WIGGLING for cryin' out loud!!
Little Bo Peep has lost her sheep...

I wonder where they went? ;)



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Re: Unsanctioned Leagues
« Reply #1 on: May 01, 2003, 11:06:58 AM »
I subbed in one unsanctioned league.  It was very very scary.  There were no rules what so ever.  People were bowling for other people, people were so drunk that after me sitting there for 4 hours they decided not to finish the last game and call it a draw.  I told them to never call me to sub again.  

I could type forever on the horror stories of that night.  I would probably take some big draw to get me to try an unsanctioned league again.  While the sanctioned rules aren't great atleast they are something.  On a side note Peach would have loved this league.  A lot of them didn't shoot spares they just reset and lots of other wild things that come with drunk women everywhere.
I don't really play cards and I am not 79, but it fits together somehow.


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Re: Unsanctioned Leagues
« Reply #2 on: May 01, 2003, 11:17:37 AM »
I just finished reading through the post about WIBC rejecting the USBC-SBO proposal, and got to thinking about the whole sanctioning deal.  What I am curious about is this; How many on this board currently bowl in any unsanctioned leagues, and how many would be willing to do so?

Also, this type of league would save the "casual" bowler who never intends to compete in tournaments their yearly dues. Besides, the league could set up it's own guidelines for awards as it deems necessary (or choose not to have awards at all).  As for rules and regulations, ABC guidelines have been around long enough almost everyone has a basic understanding of the rules.  Modifications can be made league by league.


The league I organized for my employer in 2002 has flourished without being sanctioned. As you state, we make our own rules, set our own prize fund amounts, etc. We enforce bowling etiquette and the rules of bowling. As in sanctioned leagues, the league officers and team captains comprise the board of directors and, thus far, we have had no problems. We pretty much have a blast unfettered by outside directives or influences. And the proprietor welcomes us each week.

Works for me.

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Re: Unsanctioned Leagues
« Reply #3 on: May 02, 2003, 06:26:38 AM »
My ladies league is unsanctioned.  However, we follow the WIBC rulebook.  I would prefer that it be sanctioned, but I'm in a very small minority.

RIP Thong Princess and Sawbones