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Author Topic: Untruthful pro shop. They lied to me yesterday...  (Read 12651 times)


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Untruthful pro shop. They lied to me yesterday...
« on: June 04, 2009, 10:13:05 AM »
I had an unfortunate experience in a well known pro shop in my area yesterday.    Let me tell you all about.  Then, I would like to get some feedback on what others think.

I brought a ball into the shop to be drilled.  After patiently waiting to meet with the most experienced driller in the shop, I greet him, shake his hand and then give him the ball.  He takes the ball and then proceeds to walk back to the drilling area.  (Keep in mind that I had brought in a ball a few weeks before and had it drilled with no issues.)

As he is walking to the drill, he states that he might have to charge me $10 more than what he charged me for drilling the first ball.  When he gets to the drill, he immediately puts the ball on a Determinator.  After about 20 seconds or so, I hear him say...  "I hope you didn't pay a lot for this ball..."

At that moment, I knew there was going to be a problem.  So I gave him a look as if I didn't hear him.  He then repeated what he said.

He then goes on to try to say that my brand new Virtual Gravity is not spinning properly and that he can not find the true mass bias area on the ball.  (We all know that Storm and every other company marks the mass bias on their asymmetrical balls before they leave the factory.)  

So I say, "Oh really? How often does something like this occur?"  He does not reply.  He then proceeds to pull out one of his VG's that he had in stock and puts that on the machine.  Of course, you all know that his ball spun properly.    When he spun my ball again, I noticed how loudly it was spinning because it was "wobbling"!  When he spun his, it was quiet.  LOL!

Now, before each spin on the machine, he clicks a switch in the back of the machine/table.  Can you guess what that switch might have done?!

He goes on to try explain how many Ebonite and RotoGrip balls had the same issue.  He then tries to explain how the ball was spinning properly on one axis, but not the other.  (Duh!  It can't it's wobbling all over the place!)  He then says that he might have trouble drilling my ball, but starts to look for another one of his VG's after I told him that my ball was a 14lb ball.      

While he is looking for another ball, I pick up my ball and proceed to tell him that "I will ship that ball back" and that he should not worry about drilling my ball.  He appeared a little shocked that I didn't want to get anything drilled.  From that point on, everything was just as uncomfortable as I have ever felt in a pro shop.  I knew he was lying.  I didn't want to challenge him on it because his boss, the owner of the shop, was nearby dealing with a supply distributor.  It would have looked bad if I called him out on an outright lie right in front of his boss.  So, I just walked.

As I am trying to leave, he asked me if I bought the ball from the internet.  LOL!  I said... "Oh, absolutely!"  He asked how much I paid for it and I told him that, too.  LOL!

When the owner saw me pick up my ball and put it back in my bag, I felt like everybody was looking at me like I was the bad guy.    Classic!  LOL!

I he only knew that I was going to buy two new balls from him.  LOL!  The Energy and the Fast have not hit the street yet!  LOL!  Oh well...  

The bottom line is this...  Why are pro shop owners getting upset with customers who bring in balls to get them drilled?  THEY MAKE MONEY EITHER WAY!!  They get paid if you buy from them or just get a ball drilled from them!  

Saving money is not a crime.  Yet, there is no excuse for the act lying to a customer.  I understand the point of supporting your local pro shop.  However, how do they expect someone to patronize their business when they blatantly try to mislead them.

And no, there is nothing wrong with my ball.  LOL!    

Any thoughts?...




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Re: Untruthful pro shop. They lied to me yesterday...
« Reply #1 on: June 04, 2009, 06:22:29 PM »
What if he was not lying??? then you have internet junk which is really funny to me.


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Re: Untruthful pro shop. They lied to me yesterday...
« Reply #2 on: June 04, 2009, 06:25:12 PM »
The whole internet thing does have a lot of pro shop people upset. A lot of stuff you can buy off the net for less then what the shop is getting in for or at the same price. That's why some shop guys get so upest about it. Hard to say what he was doing to know the full story. I would have asked what he was doing if his boss was right there.



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Re: Untruthful pro shop. They lied to me yesterday...
« Reply #3 on: June 04, 2009, 06:29:28 PM »
Do you really save money off the net?? Between K & K Bowling Services and Haynesnadeau shop in Vegas you are always better off to buy first quality balls.

I use the K & K shop only but many friends are getting killer deals from David Haynes.

Edited on 6/4/2009 6:45 PM


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Re: Untruthful pro shop. They lied to me yesterday...
« Reply #4 on: June 04, 2009, 06:31:18 PM »
Oh, the ball was checked out on another machine at a different pro shop!  LOL!  



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Re: Untruthful pro shop. They lied to me yesterday...
« Reply #5 on: June 04, 2009, 06:34:47 PM »
I think that you possibly just screwed yourself by being arrogant and thinking you know more than the pro shop operator.  Good job man!

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Re: Untruthful pro shop. They lied to me yesterday...
« Reply #6 on: June 04, 2009, 06:37:28 PM »
sdbowler, I hear what your saying and I respect your comment but why would a pro shop pay more for a ball than anybody can get it from the internet. Is the reason because the ball is guaranteed? Seems like the ball companies would be able to make more sales with pro shops if the prices were the same as the internet and still guaranteed. This would even out the brick and mortor sales vs internet. Then the pro shops would be able to make more volume sales as well and with drilling, make profit. It seems like a very simple idea, that is why I am sure it doesnt work! LOL. Anyway, just wondering . Thanks.


Mike Austin

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Re: Untruthful pro shop. They lied to me yesterday...
« Reply #7 on: June 04, 2009, 07:11:17 PM »
sdbowler, I hear what your saying and I respect your comment but why would a pro shop pay more for a ball than anybody can get it from the internet. Is the reason because the ball is guaranteed? Seems like the ball companies would be able to make more sales with pro shops if the prices were the same as the internet and still guaranteed. This would even out the brick and mortor sales vs internet. Then the pro shops would be able to make more volume sales as well and with drilling, make profit. It seems like a very simple idea, that is why I am sure it doesnt work! LOL. Anyway, just wondering . Thanks.


The bowling ball companies generally don't sell to pro shops.  The ball companies sell to distributors.  The distributors sell to pro shops.  The distributors also sell to internet sites.  Because many times the internet sites do higher volume, the distributors sell to them at a lower price than they will to a pro shop.  It almost doesn't matter how much volume the pro shop does, the shops have a hard time getting the cheaper prices that the internet sites receive.

If the shop guy was not lying, you MAY be getting a not so good ball.  We don't know what was actually going on.  How did you know nothing is wrong with your ball?  Did you get it checked out at the other shop before or after the mentioned shop?  If it was after, you did not know at that time.  If it was before, why didn't you get it drilled at the 1st checking shop?  If you are so sure that you were right and had caught them in a lie, then you had/have every right in calling them out on it.  Why schlep out of the shop with "everyone looking at you", maybe because they all knew and trusted the shop owner, you weren't right, had no proof, and were trying to make them look bad???  Why all the sarcastic LOL???  What really is the axe you are trying to grind?

Saving money is not a crime, you are correct.  It is also not a crime for pro shops to make money.  Shops DO make money when they drill your balls for you.  Shops make MORE money when you buy the ball from them.  Pro shops are supposed to be a business, to make money, as much money as the market will bear.  The shop might have been doing you a favor putting the ball on their Determinator for free.  You didn't even mention what the extra $10 fee was for???  The shop could have said nothing, took your money, your ball rolled like crap, and you are pissed off, now who's the bad guy?  The probably should have drilled the ball with a disclaimer:  we think there could be something wrong with your ball, and then took your money.  The pro shop in question is "well known in your area" for a reason.

I'm all about good customer service and being honest.  I went the extra mile every chance I got.  BUT, I had to be paid for that.  Service has a price.  Great service has a higher price.

Good luck to ya!

Mike Austin's Bowling Dynamix Pro Shops
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Re: Untruthful pro shop. They lied to me yesterday...
« Reply #8 on: June 04, 2009, 07:29:15 PM »
sdbowler, I hear what your saying and I respect your comment but why would a pro shop pay more for a ball than anybody can get it from the internet. Is the reason because the ball is guaranteed? Seems like the ball companies would be able to make more sales with pro shops if the prices were the same as the internet and still guaranteed. This would even out the brick and mortor sales vs internet. Then the pro shops would be able to make more volume sales as well and with drilling, make profit. It seems like a very simple idea, that is why I am sure it doesnt work! LOL. Anyway, just wondering . Thanks.


The bowling ball companies generally don't sell to pro shops.  The ball companies sell to distributors.  The distributors sell to pro shops.  The distributors also sell to internet sites.  Because many times the internet sites do higher volume, the distributors sell to them at a lower price than they will to a pro shop.  It almost doesn't matter how much volume the pro shop does, the shops have a hard time getting the cheaper prices that the internet sites receive.

If the shop guy was not lying, you MAY be getting a not so good ball.  We don't know what was actually going on.  How did you know nothing is wrong with your ball?  Did you get it checked out at the other shop before or after the mentioned shop?  If it was after, you did not know at that time.  If it was before, why didn't you get it drilled at the 1st checking shop?  If you are so sure that you were right and had caught them in a lie, then you had/have every right in calling them out on it.  Why schlep out of the shop with "everyone looking at you", maybe because they all knew and trusted the shop owner, you weren't right, had no proof, and were trying to make them look bad???  Why all the sarcastic LOL???  What really is the axe you are trying to grind?

Saving money is not a crime, you are correct.  It is also not a crime for pro shops to make money.  Shops DO make money when they drill your balls for you.  Shops make MORE money when you buy the ball from them.  Pro shops are supposed to be a business, to make money, as much money as the market will bear.  The shop might have been doing you a favor putting the ball on their Determinator for free.  You didn't even mention what the extra $10 fee was for???  The shop could have said nothing, took your money, your ball rolled like crap, and you are pissed off, now who's the bad guy?  The probably should have drilled the ball with a disclaimer:  we think there could be something wrong with your ball, and then took your money.  The pro shop in question is "well known in your area" for a reason.

I'm all about good customer service and being honest.  I went the extra mile every chance I got.  BUT, I had to be paid for that.  Service has a price.  Great service has a higher price.

Good luck to ya!




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Re: Untruthful pro shop. They lied to me yesterday...
« Reply #9 on: June 04, 2009, 08:13:57 PM »
1: "(We all know that Storm and every other company marks the mass bias on their asymmetrical balls before they leave the factory.)"

We also know they mismark them from time to time.

2: "He then says that he might have trouble drilling my ball"

How is this "blatantly trying to mislead" you?

3: "The bottom line is this... Why are pro shop owners getting upset with customers who bring in balls to get them drilled? THEY MAKE MONEY EITHER WAY!! They get paid if you buy from them or just get a ball drilled from them!"

When did he refuse to not drill the ball because it was not purchased in the store?

Remember, when you assume, you make an Arse of U and ME.


"I don't want to be remembered, I want to be forgotten"

Edited on 6/4/2009 8:16 PM

Edited on 6/4/2009 8:17 PM


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Re: Untruthful pro shop. They lied to me yesterday...
« Reply #10 on: June 04, 2009, 08:14:49 PM »
If your ball wasn't finding its PSA and kept 'wobbling', then it very well could be a bad ball. His was quiet because it found PSA and stabilized. Not all marked PSA's are correct...

Whatever though, you already burned a bridge there.

Nick Smith ... A.K.A. BrunsNick
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Nick Smith
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Re: Untruthful pro shop. They lied to me yesterday...
« Reply #11 on: June 04, 2009, 08:22:12 PM »
(We all know that Storm and every other company marks the mass bias on their asymmetrical balls before they leave the factory

Just because they mark it doesn't mean its in the correct spot.  Storm is usually pretty good, but you have to weigh all Brunswicks. Happens all the time.  Heck I've seen balls with two cgs punched in them.  Now which one do you use?  

When a ball has screwy weights and stats it takes longer for the pro shop to weigh it out, drill, re weigh, to make sure that the ball ends up being legal.  Plus I'm sure you didn't pay him anything for the time and use of the machinery that he had to purchase to determine that your ball was mis marked.  So he just gave away that time to  

I think he was being very honest with you up front by telling you that there might be issues with this ball.  Not his fault you bought a "deal" somewhere else.  He's probably a lot like us, we over look every ball purchased and brought in for sale to make sure it is a good pin to cg and mass bias stats.  So that they are the most versital to drill for anyone walking into the shop.  And for that we deserve to earn a tiny bit of profit off that ball.  But when internet buyers think they get deals because the ball on the net is $20 cheaper, we really can't have a lot of sympathy when you get a "lemon".  Sure we make the money off the drilling, grips and maybe slug, but we'd get that anyway whether we stocked the ball or it was brought in.  But it does cost us money to stock that ball on the wall and have it instantly available for purchase.  

Send the ball back.  It will cost you shipping and restocking fee and time not using your anticipated ball.  Of course they might send you another screwy ball, who knows.  Just because you request a pin,cg,mass bias placement doesn't always mean you get it.  But you got it cheaper.


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Re: Untruthful pro shop. They lied to me yesterday...
« Reply #12 on: June 04, 2009, 09:19:08 PM »
Everyone wants their pro shop to stay in business, and continue to drill their balls great, yet they don't want to help him stay in business by purchasing through him. You see the irony?

We drill plenty of balls bought online, and without a gripe, too. These balls cost us nothing to inventory and warranty.  You will get a professional fit and you'll be happy. Just don't expect to have your ball put in the front of the line to get drilled before those purchased through us. Those will always have priority.

I hope you find a satisfactory resolution to your issue, but we here will never know if you were right or the pro shop.

Lane Carter, Strike Zone Pro Shops - Salt Lake City, Utah
Brunswick Pro Shop Staff

The opinions expressed are solely those of the writer and not of Brunswick Corporation.


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Re: Untruthful pro shop. They lied to me yesterday...
« Reply #13 on: June 04, 2009, 10:52:17 PM »
Quick question.....I bring you 50-60 balls per year to drill for me for the past 3-4 you still put me in the back of the line?

Everyone wants their pro shop to stay in business, and continue to drill their balls great, yet they don't want to help him stay in business by purchasing through him. You see the irony?

We drill plenty of balls bought online, and without a gripe, too. These balls cost us nothing to inventory and warranty.  You will get a professional fit and you'll be happy. Just don't expect to have your ball put in the front of the line to get drilled before those purchased through us. Those will always have priority.

I hope you find a satisfactory resolution to your issue, but we here will never know if you were right or the pro shop.

Lane Carter, Strike Zone Pro Shops - Salt Lake City, Utah
Brunswick Pro Shop Staff

The opinions expressed are solely those of the writer and not of Brunswick Corporation.


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Re: Untruthful pro shop. They lied to me yesterday...
« Reply #14 on: June 04, 2009, 11:01:58 PM »
Hmm, I wonder where this happened?

Edited on 6/4/2009 11:08 PM