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Author Topic: Untruthful pro shop. They lied to me yesterday...  (Read 12654 times)


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Untruthful pro shop. They lied to me yesterday...
« on: June 04, 2009, 10:13:05 AM »
I had an unfortunate experience in a well known pro shop in my area yesterday.    Let me tell you all about.  Then, I would like to get some feedback on what others think.

I brought a ball into the shop to be drilled.  After patiently waiting to meet with the most experienced driller in the shop, I greet him, shake his hand and then give him the ball.  He takes the ball and then proceeds to walk back to the drilling area.  (Keep in mind that I had brought in a ball a few weeks before and had it drilled with no issues.)

As he is walking to the drill, he states that he might have to charge me $10 more than what he charged me for drilling the first ball.  When he gets to the drill, he immediately puts the ball on a Determinator.  After about 20 seconds or so, I hear him say...  "I hope you didn't pay a lot for this ball..."

At that moment, I knew there was going to be a problem.  So I gave him a look as if I didn't hear him.  He then repeated what he said.

He then goes on to try to say that my brand new Virtual Gravity is not spinning properly and that he can not find the true mass bias area on the ball.  (We all know that Storm and every other company marks the mass bias on their asymmetrical balls before they leave the factory.)  

So I say, "Oh really? How often does something like this occur?"  He does not reply.  He then proceeds to pull out one of his VG's that he had in stock and puts that on the machine.  Of course, you all know that his ball spun properly.    When he spun my ball again, I noticed how loudly it was spinning because it was "wobbling"!  When he spun his, it was quiet.  LOL!

Now, before each spin on the machine, he clicks a switch in the back of the machine/table.  Can you guess what that switch might have done?!

He goes on to try explain how many Ebonite and RotoGrip balls had the same issue.  He then tries to explain how the ball was spinning properly on one axis, but not the other.  (Duh!  It can't it's wobbling all over the place!)  He then says that he might have trouble drilling my ball, but starts to look for another one of his VG's after I told him that my ball was a 14lb ball.      

While he is looking for another ball, I pick up my ball and proceed to tell him that "I will ship that ball back" and that he should not worry about drilling my ball.  He appeared a little shocked that I didn't want to get anything drilled.  From that point on, everything was just as uncomfortable as I have ever felt in a pro shop.  I knew he was lying.  I didn't want to challenge him on it because his boss, the owner of the shop, was nearby dealing with a supply distributor.  It would have looked bad if I called him out on an outright lie right in front of his boss.  So, I just walked.

As I am trying to leave, he asked me if I bought the ball from the internet.  LOL!  I said... "Oh, absolutely!"  He asked how much I paid for it and I told him that, too.  LOL!

When the owner saw me pick up my ball and put it back in my bag, I felt like everybody was looking at me like I was the bad guy.    Classic!  LOL!

I he only knew that I was going to buy two new balls from him.  LOL!  The Energy and the Fast have not hit the street yet!  LOL!  Oh well...  

The bottom line is this...  Why are pro shop owners getting upset with customers who bring in balls to get them drilled?  THEY MAKE MONEY EITHER WAY!!  They get paid if you buy from them or just get a ball drilled from them!  

Saving money is not a crime.  Yet, there is no excuse for the act lying to a customer.  I understand the point of supporting your local pro shop.  However, how do they expect someone to patronize their business when they blatantly try to mislead them.

And no, there is nothing wrong with my ball.  LOL!    

Any thoughts?...




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Re: Untruthful pro shop. They lied to me yesterday...
« Reply #106 on: June 09, 2009, 04:36:57 PM »
I see no reason why the owner should not defend his shop.


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Re: Untruthful pro shop. They lied to me yesterday...
« Reply #107 on: June 09, 2009, 04:53:49 PM »
my driller will charge me within ten bucks of what I can get a ball online for.  why go internet for that chump change when I can help a friend and the local economy?
We got a kinder, gentler machine-gun hand

Same here. If I buy a ball through the pro shop it will be maybe $15 more than buying the ball online, then having him drill it with inserts. Not worth it imo. However, if the pro shop is charging 40+ more, I can't argue with the person getting the ball online.
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Re: Untruthful pro shop. They lied to me yesterday...
« Reply #108 on: June 09, 2009, 04:57:28 PM »
Let's see his shop and his business I think he has every right to respond. It sounds like he has a hell of a shop and business as well.
Having reviewed everything here I still think there was a break down in communication somewhere. I know when I was working in a center I would always joke around with people about what they paid for a ball online. I would try to use it for being able to go back to my boss and say ball x is being sold online for $z and we are at $y and is this much above cost right now. Can I lower the price a little to try to compete? By saying I hope you didn't pay much for it maybe just maybe he was fishing for details you never know.
You stated you were planning on buying more balls from the shop and said what you wanted to do. My question is have/had you talked to the shop about it so they could also help you out with it? I know I talk to my pro shop guy about 4 times of what I am thinking about or what I want to get his thoughts and to think about it for a bit. Also it gives him ideas of what to think about as well for me.
Maybe it's me but something just still does  not seem right about the whole thing. I can't put my finger on it but it does not seem right.


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Re: Untruthful pro shop. They lied to me yesterday...
« Reply #109 on: June 09, 2009, 05:23:05 PM »
The only time I buy internet stuff is if I can substantially save money when doing so.  The pro shop guys around here don't charge me very much to get stuff drilled.. I purchased a thumb mold through my driller for $20, and he only charges me and extra $10 for that on top of what he charges for a drill (usually $30)  If he has X ball marked on his shelf for $219-30.  I can buy that ball usually in the $110-30 range and with the drill that puts me around $175.  So I saved between $45-60.

Several companies have raised their prices, and one thing I have noticed on that, is the pro shop prices didn't increase.  I payed $189 drilled with my mold through my pro shop for a Twisted Fury Destruction, online I couldn't get it cheaper than $146 shipped, so I bought the ball from my pro shop (and I'm very happy with it).

I can understand why drillers get angry when you buy internet stuff. I don't normally buy new balls off the internet anyway.  I've bought a few used balls with low games off of here from some reputable people and with the little bit of extra I had to pay to get them redrilled, I had at most $70-80 invested when that could have easily been double or triple that...  

I'm guilty of being an internet junky...  But I also support my pro shop.  The people who only buy off the internet and want stuff drilled are the ones who seem to annoy the pro shop guys..




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Re: Untruthful pro shop. They lied to me yesterday...
« Reply #110 on: June 09, 2009, 06:56:28 PM »
Anyone that's owned ANY business knows it crap, business owners are in business to make money. Period. Is customer satisfaction important? Of course. Is maximizing your profits the reason for owning a business? I don't think think that question requires an answer.

Here's the problem for pro shop owners you are being squeezed by both sides of your business model, your suppliers and your demanders regard you as a necessary evil. The distributors love the volume pushed by the internet shops so you've lost pricing advantages. A growing volume of your consumers question your pricing policy and buy from internet shops. What does that leave you? Drilling services. Get used to it. Smaller sq. ft. shops with few supplies except those needed for drilling are the future. The rest of you guys just don't realize it yet.

I agree with some of this.  What the majority fail to realize is that in the next 2-5 years, your favorite ball driller might not be around.  It's happening everywhere.  And to the guys claiming "just take the $50 for the blank drill and shut up", well most shops are doing that, but you fail to realize that most shops aren't drilling 10 balls a day.  1-3 for most small places if you're lucky.  Count in the rest of your stock, which if you individualize accessories, grips, polishes, bags, shoes, your actual bowling ball on hand count is around 10% of your entire store inventory.  A pro shop business will not and cannot survive on ball sales and blank drills alone unless they are one of the super shops doing unbelievable volume.  

What is sadly going to happen in the future is the good guys are going to wisen up and leave the sinking ship because they're going broke and losing patience trying to stay in a business they gave 20 years to.  This will leave the majority of your only drillers to be your basement guys with crappy equipment or the mechanic in the closet at your local center with sub-standard knowledge in charge of giving you a reaction.  This will keep the bigger guys in business, but if you're not in a huge association and metropolitan area, all of those big guys will be too far and few in between.  In turn, people will buy less equipment because they don't want to have to drive 2 hrs to the only guy with a clue and those slowdown in overall sales will leave the super shops with piles and piles of "out-dated 12 month old balls" that they can't move leaving them sitting on dead money.

Saving money is not a crime, especially in these hard times.  I don't blame anyone for doing what you have to do.  But the constant devaluing of good pro shop service and the lack of respect and appreciation of the guys good at their craft is going to start the trickle effect that is going to kill the industry.  I shouldn't really say "going to start" because everywhere it's already happening and it's really a shame.  

Posts like the ones from the original poster and some of the fabricated tales I've heard in my time in the industry really puts the good guys in a no win situation.  If you try to help, you're a crook for not giving someone what they want.  Then if you give someone exactly what they want, and it rolls like complete crap, then it's the "pro shop guy" that can't drill and made the ball roll like garbage.  Yet on the other hand if the ball rolls great and the bowler shoots lights out with it, it's never the "pro shop guy" that made them look good by giving them a great layout and matchup for what they bowl on, it's the bowler's "pure skill" and the company that made "the greatest ball ever" that get all of the credit.  

Poor pro shop guy is chop liver in every single scenario.
-DJ Marshall
Are you hiring? ....Have skills, will travel


You had, have and seem to continue to have far too much common sense for your own good.

In central NJ, my driller almost admonishes me if I ask him the price of a new ball. He'd rather I, personally, bring in my internet blanks, and my inserts, He has my measurements. One, two three and 2 new balls are virtually ready for me to use and I'm out the door, except for our BS-ing. I travel 70 minutes in non-rush hour traffic to get to his place.

If you need to be measured from scratch, he'll spend an hour or more making sure every pitch and bevel is as you desire it, for the same $40 drilling fee. Come back 3 weeks later fo ran adjustment and he's happy to make sure you bowl well with his drilling. If you need a new ball, he can order anything you like. It'll be there by Thursday, his regular delivery day. Sooner, if needs be. People have come from as far as Germany to have him drill their balls - no joke, no exaggeration.

"None are so blind as those who will not see."
"None are so blind as those who will not see."


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Re: Untruthful pro shop. They lied to me yesterday...
« Reply #111 on: June 09, 2009, 08:15:45 PM »
sdbowler- I can put my finger on it.  

DCNetBoy is fibbing..  

He makes a long list of his version facts.  ALthough facts like "I took the ball out of my bag" are irrevelant. But the length of the list is so that he can cover himself when the two or three outright falsehoods are exposed.  

Very Sad...Pride is a terrible thing.