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Author Topic: Untruthful pro shop. They lied to me yesterday...  (Read 12657 times)


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Untruthful pro shop. They lied to me yesterday...
« on: June 04, 2009, 10:13:05 AM »
I had an unfortunate experience in a well known pro shop in my area yesterday.    Let me tell you all about.  Then, I would like to get some feedback on what others think.

I brought a ball into the shop to be drilled.  After patiently waiting to meet with the most experienced driller in the shop, I greet him, shake his hand and then give him the ball.  He takes the ball and then proceeds to walk back to the drilling area.  (Keep in mind that I had brought in a ball a few weeks before and had it drilled with no issues.)

As he is walking to the drill, he states that he might have to charge me $10 more than what he charged me for drilling the first ball.  When he gets to the drill, he immediately puts the ball on a Determinator.  After about 20 seconds or so, I hear him say...  "I hope you didn't pay a lot for this ball..."

At that moment, I knew there was going to be a problem.  So I gave him a look as if I didn't hear him.  He then repeated what he said.

He then goes on to try to say that my brand new Virtual Gravity is not spinning properly and that he can not find the true mass bias area on the ball.  (We all know that Storm and every other company marks the mass bias on their asymmetrical balls before they leave the factory.)  

So I say, "Oh really? How often does something like this occur?"  He does not reply.  He then proceeds to pull out one of his VG's that he had in stock and puts that on the machine.  Of course, you all know that his ball spun properly.    When he spun my ball again, I noticed how loudly it was spinning because it was "wobbling"!  When he spun his, it was quiet.  LOL!

Now, before each spin on the machine, he clicks a switch in the back of the machine/table.  Can you guess what that switch might have done?!

He goes on to try explain how many Ebonite and RotoGrip balls had the same issue.  He then tries to explain how the ball was spinning properly on one axis, but not the other.  (Duh!  It can't it's wobbling all over the place!)  He then says that he might have trouble drilling my ball, but starts to look for another one of his VG's after I told him that my ball was a 14lb ball.      

While he is looking for another ball, I pick up my ball and proceed to tell him that "I will ship that ball back" and that he should not worry about drilling my ball.  He appeared a little shocked that I didn't want to get anything drilled.  From that point on, everything was just as uncomfortable as I have ever felt in a pro shop.  I knew he was lying.  I didn't want to challenge him on it because his boss, the owner of the shop, was nearby dealing with a supply distributor.  It would have looked bad if I called him out on an outright lie right in front of his boss.  So, I just walked.

As I am trying to leave, he asked me if I bought the ball from the internet.  LOL!  I said... "Oh, absolutely!"  He asked how much I paid for it and I told him that, too.  LOL!

When the owner saw me pick up my ball and put it back in my bag, I felt like everybody was looking at me like I was the bad guy.    Classic!  LOL!

I he only knew that I was going to buy two new balls from him.  LOL!  The Energy and the Fast have not hit the street yet!  LOL!  Oh well...  

The bottom line is this...  Why are pro shop owners getting upset with customers who bring in balls to get them drilled?  THEY MAKE MONEY EITHER WAY!!  They get paid if you buy from them or just get a ball drilled from them!  

Saving money is not a crime.  Yet, there is no excuse for the act lying to a customer.  I understand the point of supporting your local pro shop.  However, how do they expect someone to patronize their business when they blatantly try to mislead them.

And no, there is nothing wrong with my ball.  LOL!    

Any thoughts?...




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Re: Untruthful pro shop. They lied to me yesterday...
« Reply #61 on: June 06, 2009, 06:08:43 PM »
The pro shop I use doesn't have a problem with anyone bringing a ball from the Internet,or from another source like buying from another bowler who doesn't bowl there.
  The driller does a very professional job every time. I've particularly been impressed with this handling of sometimes younger children getting a plastic Target Zone for the junior leagues. I have yet to see one child come out of his shop NOT smiling and having had a good time.
 He is also up front BEFORE plugging and drilling with his pricing policy,and usually gives an exact amount it will cost to have the ball done.
 As a return customer, I have no problem waiting in line at any time if someone is in line ahead of me. Their money is just as important to the owner as mine is,and I'd be an azz if I walked in and butted ahead in line simply because I've bowled there for 13 years.
 JTTDB---Just Throw The Damn Ball
 Don't "think"---that ball isn't in your bag yet..........


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Re: Untruthful pro shop. They lied to me yesterday...
« Reply #62 on: June 06, 2009, 06:57:58 PM »
If your ball wasn't finding its PSA and kept 'wobbling', then it very well could be a bad ball. His was quiet because it found PSA and stabilized. Not all marked PSA's are correct...

Whatever though, you already burned a bridge there.

Nick Smith ... A.K.A. BrunsNick
Brunswick -=- PBA 03-09
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This is very true. Although if the ball wasn't marked a blem what reason does it matter where the ball was purchased. The ball could have been bad if it was bought from his shop as well. Do you think most shop owners would have offered the info of the ball being bad to him then???

Just wondering....As we all know 100% of all shops are not honest.

Thomas "Beans" Biniek Jr.
PBA Member and Lane#1 National Sales Manager and Lane#1 Ball Drilling Expert
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Thomas "Beans" Biniek Jr.
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Re: Untruthful pro shop. They lied to me yesterday...
« Reply #63 on: June 06, 2009, 07:51:26 PM »
The assumption being made here is that the 1st pro shop made the error and not the 2nd. Assumptions can be wrong. Most pro shops will drill a ball based on the manufactures specs period. I've also have never seen a pro shop turn down a drill fee of an outside ball because it was not bought in the shop. At $50 plus inserts every pro shop I know would say "bring in 20 a day".
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Re: Untruthful pro shop. They lied to me yesterday...
« Reply #64 on: June 07, 2009, 05:58:51 PM »
You make no sense.

What doesn't make sense?  You bring two eggs into Dennys and ask them to cook the eggs for you for $2. When they want to charge you $3, you complain about the cost of cooking the eggs.  



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Re: Untruthful pro shop. They lied to me yesterday...
« Reply #65 on: June 07, 2009, 06:07:28 PM »

Very courteous and professional response.  

It is no wonder your shop garners prestigious awards for service rendered.

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Kid Jete

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Re: Untruthful pro shop. They lied to me yesterday...
« Reply #66 on: June 07, 2009, 08:24:08 PM »
You make no sense.

What doesn't make sense?  You bring two eggs into Dennys and ask them to cook the eggs for you for $2. When they want to charge you $3, you complain about the cost of cooking the eggs.  


What the F*** are you talking about?  You ALSO make no sense.


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Re: Untruthful pro shop. They lied to me yesterday...
« Reply #67 on: June 07, 2009, 08:34:38 PM »
You make no sense.

What doesn't make sense?  You bring two eggs into Dennys and ask them to cook the eggs for you for $2. When they want to charge you $3, you complain about the cost of cooking the eggs.  


What the F*** are you talking about?  You ALSO make no sense.

  He wants to bring his own burgers to McDonalds and have them cook them for him. I know it does not make any since but that is the analogy he used.

Edited on 6/7/2009 8:36 PM

Kid Jete

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Re: Untruthful pro shop. They lied to me yesterday...
« Reply #68 on: June 07, 2009, 08:41:01 PM »
You make no sense.

What doesn't make sense?  You bring two eggs into Dennys and ask them to cook the eggs for you for $2. When they want to charge you $3, you complain about the cost of cooking the eggs.  


What the F*** are you talking about?  You ALSO make no sense.

  He wants to bring his own burgers to McDonalds and have them cook them for him. I know it does not make any since but that is the analogy he used.

Edited on 6/7/2009 8:36 PM

Oh I know what he meant but it makes no sense at all.  A pro shop is there specifically to drill balls whether they are purchased from them or not a restaurant is there to cook the crap food they already have in the kitchen.  I'm not even sure you can call that an analogy.  Apples to potatoes at very best lol.


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Re: Untruthful pro shop. They lied to me yesterday...
« Reply #69 on: June 07, 2009, 09:08:01 PM »
Until the internet there was no outlet for purchasing balls from anyplace else except a pro shop.  So its a business that has been surviving like a Dennys, providing the food and cooking it for you.  Now we're expected to cook the food you bring to us at a loss of income from lack of purchase of the food.  Which would be fine if we could offer the food at the same price you are paying for it.  But we cannot.  Our eggs cost more then the eggs you are bringing into Dennys.  



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Re: Untruthful pro shop. They lied to me yesterday...
« Reply #70 on: June 07, 2009, 09:09:21 PM »
A pro shop is there specifically to drill balls whether they are purchased from them or not

Up until recently this was NOT the case.


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Re: Untruthful pro shop. They lied to me yesterday...
« Reply #71 on: June 07, 2009, 09:13:05 PM »
A pro shop is there specifically to drill balls whether they are purchased from them or not

Up until recently this was NOT the case.

  But it is now YES or NO?


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Re: Untruthful pro shop. They lied to me yesterday...
« Reply #72 on: June 07, 2009, 10:36:27 PM »
The objectives of businesses cannot change that quickly (5-7 years) when for decades of years it worked the opposite way.  Are there other sports and activities that the equipment is so specifically fit for the general participant? I'm not talking the professional, but the average participant that wants to play the sport.  

I know all you internet buyers want that $10-$20 savings.  But there are the shops on the other side that cannot survive trying to cosntantly explain mis marked balls and "pro pins" to everyone that beleives they just got the deal of the year.  Sure we charge to drill the balls, partially to make up the loss of retail sales, but get flack from that too.  But the drilling is not the only methods from which we earn a living.  Selling balls is part of it. And now the internet has taken mot of that from us.  

Now a customer flys off the handle and complains publically that "I've been ripped off and lied to" without even trying to handle this issue privately with the business.  I just don't really know what to say.  The shop owner loses, and is now faced with having to explain their position when they really shouldn't have to do so publically.  There's no reason why an adult would not have contacted the owner of the shop privately with their issue concerning their visit to the pro shop.  Instead they take it to a public board and attempt to totally Internationally blacken a business reputation all based on a stinkin' $20 savings off an internet ball.  


Mike Austin

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Re: Untruthful pro shop. They lied to me yesterday...
« Reply #73 on: June 07, 2009, 10:52:44 PM »
Don't forget bags and shoes.  These also used to be exclusively supplied by the pro shop and there was no labor involved.  Shops don't make money on these items anymore either.
Mike Austin's Bowling Dynamix Pro Shops
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Kid Jete

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Re: Untruthful pro shop. They lied to me yesterday...
« Reply #74 on: June 07, 2009, 11:42:35 PM »
A pro shop is there specifically to drill balls whether they are purchased from them or not

Up until recently this was NOT the case.

You call 5+ years recent?  If you can't adjust a business accordingly in that amount of time you might as well shut 'er down.  I have no sympathy for shops that cry about internet sales ruining their business.  I went through it in the golf industry and came out just fine.  No one ever heard me b****ing and moaning, I found other ways to make up the loss of internet sales.  Comparing a bowling pro shop to a Denny's is ridiculous.  It would be like a Denny's owner crying about the grocery store down the street ruining his business.  Not to mention they would and will NEVER have people bringing in their own pancake mix.  Get a grip, or at least a better analogy.


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Re: Untruthful pro shop. They lied to me yesterday...
« Reply #75 on: June 08, 2009, 12:12:21 AM »
I went through it in the golf industry and came out just fine.

How much fitting does it take for a novice golfer to use a club "off the rack"?
