Lets say your in matchplay or some type of one on one for some money. What type of bowler would you prefer to face?
1-The calm, collected, consistant, old school bowler who all he might do is pump a fist or something small to show he was happy with the shot. Whether he had 9 in a row or just left 4 greek churches in a row he has the ultimate poker face.
or 2- the showboat. Running out shots, screaming, yelling, making snide remarks, anything and everything to win.
I watched my dad who i have said before is having severe mechanical problems, face one of these showboats. The king of the hill we were at we only had a field of 16 so everyone made it, and he finished dead last, 200 pins off the lead qualifier. The guy he bowls is just the cockiest guy you will ever meet. Always running out shots, big time sandbagger, if he has u locked he will throw shots between his legs, things of that sort.
This guy runs off a 3 bagger and starts screamin, runnin out shots, and i could just see my dad bear down, get angry, and run off the next 6 to beat this showboat.
He went from being completely lost to suddenly being dominant because he didn't like being showed up by this clown.
me preferably i'm like my dad, i wanna face someone who likes to show off, let him get that adrenaline running.
Which would you be most wanting to face if given a decision? and perhaps share some stories of people showboating and losing or stuff. thought this might stir some conversation
am i still considered a lefty, i never get to play the left side of the lane