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Author Topic: Update on adjustments  (Read 702 times)


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Update on adjustments
« on: May 11, 2004, 08:58:53 PM »
Well I just spent the past few nights tooling with my game (without scorers on of course).  I must say that I am in agreement, I did a TON wrong and am figuring it out.  I'm far from being tournament ready though.

The things I have done to my liking so far:
A. Starting with my right elbow against my side with ball in line with arm while holding it with my left hand.  Very noticable push away and a slight bit of upwardness.
B.  Getting comfortable with a "free" arm swing as to the point I dont even feel the ball in my hand until I'm following through it at the line.
C.  Projecting the ball down the lane a bit more and the follow through isn't fake in appearance and feel.  I dont feel myself pushing the ball through the downswing.
D.  Use the 4 1/2 step method from the line and ended up moving my starting spot about 8 inches forward.  My footsteps are all about equal in size with a much slower walk to the line, giving the ball more time to get up the backswing and come back down.  Slide foot is finishing about the same time as I'm releasing the ball (with more speed believe it or not)
E.  I was playing 13 out to 7 on a burned up lane with carrydown, then they stripped and oiled while I was practicing.  I moved out and played right up 7-5 with a little more speed and a LOT less revs. (those who saw the video know I have hand)

So my conclusion so far is that with the free arm swing and a good push away, that I'm able to take the revs off the ball, play a tighter line and be consistant with it (can throw big hook if needed), and get to the line much more comfortably.  But I still have a lot of work to do!!

I appreciate all the advice/help I've recieved.  My dumbass left my camera in the car so I didn't get any video.  I will in a few days.  Maybe friday morning when I hit the bank
I can shoot 10 pins!!!  But I usually forget the rest of the rack