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Author Topic: Technology ruining bowling is a joke....  (Read 3906 times)


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Technology ruining bowling is a joke....
« on: February 25, 2009, 02:10:50 AM »
I don't see how last week didn't open peoples eyes to the fact that technology isn't ruining bowling. When you look at who made TV in my opinion it shows what would happen most weeks on tour without "technology". I am in no way trying to knock who made TV with this either...

You look at Weber and Carter fairly similar releases, with a lot of axis rotation which with plastic will increase your carry. Barnes makes a hook set reaction out of just about any ball he throws so the plastic not having the big backend has little to know affect on him. Fagan also quite a good amount of axis rotation and all 4 have one big thing in common (as with most of the bowlers who finished well), they are all over 325 RPM. And I am not sure about Carter but I would say that other than Weber the other 3 are either pushing or over 400.

The biggest thing I think that technology promotes that people are missing is what makes todays bowlers so good. That is versitility. I think without the technology that versitility would not be as importantof a factor in who is the better bowlers. I think the most important factors without technology instantly would become

1. rev rate
2. accuracy (which all these guys have)
3. Axis rotation
4. matching up ball speed
5. versitility

Where as with technology the way it is I would rate these like so....

1. Accuracy
2. Versitility
3. Ball Speed
4. Rev Rate
5. Axis Rotation

This is just my opinion, I don't think technology ruined bowling it changed it making versitility more important that how many times you can rotate the ball. And to me a versitile bowler is more talented than someone who can just rip the cover off the ball.



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Re: Technology ruining bowling is a joke....
« Reply #16 on: February 25, 2009, 06:04:38 PM »
League membership and technology are two completely separate discussions. League participation has infinitely more to do with socioeconomic factors and the overall changing American society.

Technology is neither good nor bad, it is simply inevitable. Sports that don't embrace or find a way to coexist with technology, or change in general, end up dying. Name any major or even mid-level sport and I can probably give you no fewer than five significant changes in that sport. Sports that haven't changed? Badminton, shuffleboard, etc. And no one plays them.

In bowling, technology has made scoring easier on THC. But if you don't bowl on an easy THC, technology has forced people to do a lot more thinking. I don't get the comments I see from time to time that bowlers used their heads more pre-resin -- the opposite is true. The physical game isn't as important these days but the mental game, as in knowing your equipment and being able to play all over the lane, is much more important.

Resin has decreased the need for laser-like accuracy, but on modified house shots, sport shots and PBA shots, it has increased the need for the bowler to be able to play all over the lane and do it well.

Whether that's better or worse is a matter of personal viewpoint. I like it. This game holds a lot more for me now than it did pre-resin. I'm mentally challenged on a higher level and that appeals to me. Having retro tournaments is appealing but I wouldn't want that to become the norm again. Move forward, not backward.



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Re: Technology ruining bowling is a joke....
« Reply #17 on: February 26, 2009, 01:20:36 AM »
Call it technology if you want, but you still have to worry about surface and release.

I know that I got tired of hearing Randy talk about how the current balls have hook built-in.

That's the point. Modern/aggressive balls may hook more/cover more boards than old urethane pieces and the like - but that's not the point. Perghaps, they make people with poor releases happy since their ball moves despite ugly things they do to it. They also offer some more room for error - but thsi again corresponds to the lane surface and oil pattern. With friction areas, modern balls can create recovery where old stuff simply does not make it. But in the end, the player has to use the equipment properly.
DizzyFugu - Reporting from Germany

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Re: Technology ruining bowling is a joke....
« Reply #18 on: February 26, 2009, 01:43:12 AM »
I think technology has made bowling on a ths easier. accuracy is not needed as much. technology has raised bowling scores for everyone. the plasic tourney was cool but I know that pattern allowed for some movement and carry. throw a long pattern and you'll  see lower scores, less carry, etc.


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Re: Technology ruining bowling is a joke....
« Reply #19 on: February 26, 2009, 04:42:18 AM »
I think technology is good for the most part.  but is bad for those new bowlwers who want to see the ball hit every board on the lane.. because they think it is cool

Take for example  on tuesday i bowled againsed a team of fairly new bowlers. one of them had a raw hammer pain..

with his two handed swing he was on top of the ball return at the beginning of the night hitting the 1 board and it was a mess, i think about an 95 avg for the night. this on a house that it fairly dry..

but that it not properly learning how to bowl and to the point that technology does not make a bowler good..  it makes the better bowlers look a little better is all..

and frankly here in vegas  the oil patterns are on the dryer side so all this hook in a box is a little bad for us here..
In the Bag
NVD 14lb
Playmaker  14lb
Bash Re/Black 14lb
Bam Blue/Black  14lb

Viper R.I.P (Cracked all the way arround ball)
In the Bag
Jigsaw 14lb
Full Swing 14lb
Cherry Vibe 14lb
Backlash  14lb
Bam Blue/Black  14lb


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Re: Technology ruining bowling is a joke....
« Reply #20 on: February 26, 2009, 10:46:46 AM »
FOR HEAVEN SAKES... I want to shake everyone to wake everyone up...

True THS makes scoring easier... "just" as it did when I ran a century 300 lane machine with telescore plastic blocking the 1st 10 boards on both the left side a right side from oiling, not once, not twice but three times down each lane from 1978-1981 on our Scratch league. This was a TOP HAT just like difference period. Back then I could walk in EVERY week and know exactly where to stand and exactly where to play for 3 years... no expections. There is virtually no difference in the comparison of the top hat between then and today. So you can NOT place the HUGE improvement in the scoring pace on improved patterns that today lane machines produce. PERIOD.

So what is left, lane surface, bowling ball technology and improved bowlers (throwing more powerfull releases and ball speeds).

Bowling balls today find more fiction and delay power down the lane. Primarily, because of the thicker and longer oil patterns with the softer and smoother synthec surfaces. Together these three work to create UNHEARD OF POWER down the lane for ALL BOWLERS.

Take away the oil (and every night we do as the patterns break down and change) and we pull out the next more powerfull ball and move in and STILL have UNHEARD OF POWER down the lane.

Take away the surface (use wood) and we STILL HAVE UNHEARD OF POWER down the lane (just a different shape) caused by the oil and and ball.

Reto the oil and we cant use todays balls.  Retro the balls and we cant use todays oil.

The PBA altered thier typical pattern to allow a highers scoring pace intentionally in the plastic ball tournament. They used less volume to give the balls a chance. And of course the premium was on Rev Rate, speed control, accuracy and smaller adjustments with less entry angle. WHICH PROVES IT IS TECHNOLOGY in bowling balls that is producing the higher scoring pace because these are the BEST BOWLERS IN THE WORLD, the most accurate, the most consistant, the bowlers who bowl 1000's of games a year to earn a living and they had NO 300's and did not average what is being averaged in leagues.

Come on people... wake up and realize that when you have the correct TECHNOLOGY in your hand you can strike at will... and when you dont you cant compete at all. NO OTHER SPORT IS SO DEMANDING ON TECHNOLOGY. ONLY IN BOWLING CAN THE BEST BOWLER(S) BE COMPLETELY LOCKED OUT IF THEY DONT MATCH UP. YOU CANT OUT EXECUTE A POOR REACTION!!!! AND THAT IS ABOUT TECHNOLOGY. PERIOD.
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