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Author Topic: Updated vids of a_ak57!  (Read 3893 times)


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Updated vids of a_ak57!
« on: March 04, 2005, 10:31:03 AM »
I got to take a couple clips today.  This is just to show different shots i can do.  I'm still going to make an all-comprehensive vid showcasing all my bowling balls, and everything.  But for now there's this.  So enjoy.  Might be big for dial-uppers, but you know it's worth the wait.  In the LL #1, I haven't figured it out, but i'm guessing that's what, like 250rpm?  And the second one is probably like 450.  The last LL is a LOT though.  I'll have to get a close up of it.

After viewing the vid and getting suggestions, I've come up with a list of priorities:

1.  Slow down feet, get better timing
2.  Free armswing
3.  Bend knees
4.  Then, work on release
- Andy

Brunswick....'Nuff said.

Edited on 3/5/2005 1:03 PM



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Re: Updated vids of a_ak57!
« Reply #31 on: March 05, 2005, 11:49:02 AM »
No, I'm just saying that to illustrate JUST how bad my timing is.

You wouldn't think so, but my favorite line is actually like a 10-5 swing.  The reason i talk about the revs/speed is because it pisses me off since I CAN get them easily.  Most bowlers physically can't do something I can, but my technique is so bad I can't.  It's kind of like having a Ferrari or something, but not knowing how to drive it.  Wouldn't that piss you off?

But anyways....right now, my goal is to work on my timing and develop a free armswing, basically become a stroker.  Then I'll work from there based on what i see.
- Andy

Brunswick....'Nuff said.

Edited on 3/5/2005 12:45 PM


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Re: Updated vids of a_ak57!
« Reply #32 on: March 05, 2005, 11:53:47 AM »
Ultimately, my goal is to be able to play the straight up line, but like how Mike Wolfe did before on the telecast.  Basically, the high revs/speed but straight up....Really only to get some better entry angle, and some better carry.  But who knows how long that will take so I'll be a stroker for a while..
- Andy

Brunswick....'Nuff said.


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Re: Updated vids of a_ak57!
« Reply #33 on: March 05, 2005, 01:53:24 PM »
An avid reader of bowling forums, and the coach John Jowdy, I don't post much, but I know that your form(s) need some major work. It appears to me that you cannot do any of them properly, let alone all of them. You should get some help, and I also doubt that your average ball speed is quite as high as you say it is. I believe you should seek immediate coaching before someone hurts themselves laughing at you. . .  I know I about did.
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Re: Updated vids of a_ak57!
« Reply #34 on: March 05, 2005, 02:16:09 PM »
An avid reader of bowling forums, and the coach John Jowdy, I don't post much, but I know that your form(s) need some major work. It appears to me that you cannot do any of them properly, let alone all of them. You should get some help, and I also doubt that your average ball speed is quite as high as you say it is. I believe you should seek immediate coaching before someone hurts themselves laughing at you. . .  I know I about did.
Bowl. Eat. Sleep. Repeat.
wow you sure are an a§shole! The point of this thread was to get help for him, not to make fun of him d!ckhead.
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Re: Updated vids of a_ak57!
« Reply #35 on: March 05, 2005, 02:25:24 PM »
TheBowlingKid25, I know the point of these forums is to get help. Your friend, however, says

"Nah, I wasn't even aiming. Just trying to get the film in."
- Andy

He says this right at the beginning of the post. What's the point in even making the post if you aren't going to do your best? There isn't one, and it's not possible to help him unless he tries.
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Re: Updated vids of a_ak57!
« Reply #36 on: March 05, 2005, 02:38:48 PM »
I see what you mean, but I don't feel that that it is correct to "beat around the bush" as some would say. If something needs said, say it. And besides, isn't 99% of his posting flame?
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Re: Updated vids of a_ak57!
« Reply #37 on: March 05, 2005, 03:20:45 PM »
only I'm allowed to say he SUCKS AND THAT I LAUGH AT HIM! But thats because I'm his friend. lol
¡Viva la nación de Brunswick!

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Re: Updated vids of a_ak57!
« Reply #38 on: March 05, 2005, 04:41:08 PM »
Leftside, while you consider it flame when I call a_ak57's "unique" bowling form laughable, at least one other person agrees with me . . . So maybe it's not flame.
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More people might consider it laughable, but don't see fit to watch it after checking the replies.

Edited on 3/5/2005 5:37 PM


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Re: Updated vids of a_ak57!
« Reply #39 on: March 05, 2005, 05:25:49 PM »
Klugh, I WOULD take you seriously if.........Hmm, think about this.....if you actually HELPED me.  Don't expect me to take you serious, if all you do is come here and say "Hey you suck i laughed at you" and then say you weren't flaming.  Leftside said i sucked a lot, but the reason I didn't mind, is because he actually tried to HELP.  You didn't, you had NO reason to post at all if you weren't helping.

And don't kid yourself....the only actual flames i've made since the summer, were during the troll episode with wicked's 80 names....

But please, if you have NOTHING useful to say, refrain from posting in here.  People like you are why nobody likes bowling.  You make fun of the kid whos been bowling a year and doesn't have anyone to help him, and then say "i wasn't flaming".  Your worse then i've ever been....I never invaded posts where someone was asking for help...I stayed in the non-bowling section.

When i started reading your post, I was actually glad, hoping i'd get more help from someone who knows things.  But then, it turned into personal insults...

EDIT:  And about the aiming thing...that was a response to someone saying "i dont' see any strikes, must be that brunswick stuff"........I wasn't aiming for a specific mark to strike, just trying to get shots in, especially considering i had limited time and had to sneak these in.

NOW, if you'll actually agree to HELP and not just keep saying "wow you suck quit bowling", then I'll be more than happy to listen.  And you're not helping, especially since I've been debating whether or not to continue bowling, and your tone/comments are telling me i should follow my instincts and not bother playing another season.
- Andy

Brunswick....'Nuff said.

Edited on 3/5/2005 6:29 PM


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Re: Updated vids of a_ak57!
« Reply #40 on: March 05, 2005, 05:39:16 PM »
Thanks for the comments Clay.  Knee bend is one of the major things for me, since you're supposed to have it anyways, and being tall, that only amplifies my loft, which is a bad thing.

PS- Klugh, in regards to the whole flaming/spamming thing, I actually did stop for a month, but people still labeled me as that stuff, so I figured, well forget it then, if it doesn't make a difference, why bother.
- Andy

Brunswick....'Nuff said.


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Re: Updated vids of a_ak57!
« Reply #41 on: March 05, 2005, 05:50:25 PM »
I did kind of rush to get them in, but I still know I do rush to the line.  I *might* be going tommorrow, so I'll try to change some things and get some new vids.  

But in all reality, Klugh is pretty much right.  I think I might be actually better off in going with my gut, and just stopping bowling and focusing more on paintball and other sports.  Hmm, i bet if sold all my stuff i'd have enough cash to buy a nice new paintball gun....And no, I'm not kidding.  A couple months ago, I made a post saying that if i didn't get any better in the second half of league, I would stop, and I'm holding my word.  Though harsh, Klugh is right, and I'm not sure if i really want to waste the time trying to correct my shot, when I could use the time to improve something I'm already good at.  Especially considering i've lost all happiness in bowling anyways.
- Andy

Brunswick....'Nuff said.


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Re: Updated vids of a_ak57!
« Reply #42 on: March 05, 2005, 06:02:09 PM »
i was just wondering what you average, you don't have to reply, but im just curious. the main reason is cuz of how active a poster you are, giving out advice/info i would just like to know, i have my guess but i would like to know the truth.

i think ur main problem is trying to do so many different styles. i would suggest sticking to whatever style you think is the most comfortable and will enable you to score to ur liking. i would guess it would be more along the lines of some sort of tweener since you are a big guy and prlly wanna take advantage of being a bigger bowler. cuz of ur build you should be able to generate a lot of power and open up the lanes once you get ur technique/form down.

i would also suggest reconsidering the whole free armswing thing. im not saying that muscling is good, which you appear to do right now, but having a totally free armswing is actually detrimental. you want to have a little bit of tension in ur armswing to maintain control. if you watch the guys on tour, not that many have a totally free armswing, there is some tension in their armswing. i have heard this from respected coaches as well as "elite" bowlers, so i don't think im too crazy in stating this.

overall, pick a style, learn it, master it, then go from there. i think it is more beneficial to have a great A game instead of having sub-par A, B, and C games. especially since you just started bowling, you don't really need all those styles in ur tool shed.


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Re: Updated vids of a_ak57!
« Reply #43 on: March 05, 2005, 07:47:35 PM »
Great advice, thanks all.
- Andy

Brunswick....'Nuff said.


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Re: Updated vids of a_ak57!
« Reply #44 on: March 06, 2005, 07:43:20 AM »
Seriously.....How can you expect to get better if you spend 99.9% of your time fluckin off????....Stop trying so many different things Andy....learn the basics first and go from there....bring ONE ball....yes ONE!!!!!!!!!.....For the life of me I wish I lived closer to you so I chould help you personally.....I think you and BK are awesome kids but I guarentee you that if me and someone like Leftside who ACTUALLY care walked in and saw you screwing around during league on Saturday the first thing that whould come into our minds whould be that you probably chould use a Batista bomb or

Wotargara, LOL. Andy seriously too, kids like you are the future to bowling. How can you improve if you don't take it seriously enough. You have alot of knowledge of this game, now use it to your advantage. Don't make me come up to Pa and give you a swift kick in the butt.

Any good coaches in your area?
Anyone have change for my 2 cents?

Yeah I know, I know, I don't take it seriously.  But it's just so hard, when most of the people you face are kids fluffing the newest hook monster at literally 11 or 12mph and shouting like they found the cure for cancer, when they get a brooklyn strike to finish out that awesome 117......Luckily though, I'm switching houses after this season to one where good bowlers bowl, so I'll feel a need to compete and get better.

As for coaches, I have no idea.  There definitely aren't any in the current house i bowl in, though there are people who pretend to be.  They annoy me, since they sugercoat everything, saying "Oh that was good, just remember, bend those knees", and I'm thinking "No, it's not good, why are you lying.".......I did eventually realize, it was because they didn't know how to fix anyone, but tried to be the "coaches" of the junior league.
- Andy

Brunswick....'Nuff said.


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Re: Updated vids of a_ak57!
« Reply #45 on: March 06, 2005, 01:05:48 PM »
I don't think you guys are giving enough props to the leader of the Brunswick Nation.  

My best advice, drop all the balls, grab the one that feels the best, and seek professional coaching.  There's alot of good coaches in the PA area you're in.  Ask around cause we can't do much to help you here if we aren't physically there with you.

Right now, I'm throwing my plastic ball with the aid of coaching until I get my release to where it should be.

It takes the body 1700 repititions to retrain your muscle memory.  So you need alot of practice!