Klugh, I WOULD take you seriously if.........Hmm, think about this.....if you actually HELPED me. Don't expect me to take you serious, if all you do is come here and say "Hey you suck i laughed at you" and then say you weren't flaming. Leftside said i sucked a lot, but the reason I didn't mind, is because he actually tried to HELP. You didn't, you had NO reason to post at all if you weren't helping.
And don't kid yourself....the only actual flames i've made since the summer, were during the troll episode with wicked's 80 names....
But please, if you have NOTHING useful to say, refrain from posting in here. People like you are why nobody likes bowling. You make fun of the kid whos been bowling a year and doesn't have anyone to help him, and then say "i wasn't flaming". Your worse then i've ever been....I never invaded posts where someone was asking for help...I stayed in the non-bowling section.
When i started reading your post, I was actually glad, hoping i'd get more help from someone who knows things. But then, it turned into personal insults...
EDIT: And about the aiming thing...that was a response to someone saying "i dont' see any strikes, must be that brunswick stuff"........I wasn't aiming for a specific mark to strike, just trying to get shots in, especially considering i had limited time and had to sneak these in.
NOW, if you'll actually agree to HELP and not just keep saying "wow you suck quit bowling", then I'll be more than happy to listen. And you're not helping, especially since I've been debating whether or not to continue bowling, and your tone/comments are telling me i should follow my instincts and not bother playing another season.
- Andy
Brunswick....'Nuff said.
Edited on 3/5/2005 6:29 PM