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Author Topic: Upper Body Positioning  (Read 679 times)


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Upper Body Positioning
« on: August 22, 2004, 03:52:19 PM »
Okay, just a little confused here.  Over the years, we have all had various coaches and other fellow bowlers help us with our game, a little constructive criticism if you will.  Anyway, I'm caught between two opinions, and I'm looking for further advice.  Should you're upper body be straight up at the line, or should you "chase" over your knee at the foul line?  I always tried to lean into my shot a bit, but now I'm told that you should be more upright at the line.  If you were more upright, doesn't that limit your driving ability and your availability to go through the shot more?
I thought all you had to do was stand left and throw it right??

I suffer from a serious case of HeadStuckInMyAss-itis



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Re: Upper Body Positioning
« Reply #1 on: August 23, 2004, 10:23:57 PM »
And leaning too far forward would create a situation in which you would short-arm the ball and fall horrendously off-balance, gotcha.

I thought all you had to do was stand left and throw it right??

I suffer from a serious case of HeadStuckInMyAss-itis