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Author Topic: upset the center  (Read 1854 times)


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upset the center
« on: October 23, 2008, 03:41:30 PM »
I think someone has upset the bowling center that I bowl two nights a week in. Tuesday night was something of a flood outside 10 and bone dry inside so it was kind of crazy but nothing new. Then heard about Wednesday night it was flood 15 and in bone dry out to 7 then the usual o/b. Then comes tonight the early leagues didn't have enough oil to keep the ball right and our 5 man mens league comes in and the ball hooks in the backswing. So I saved my bracket and doubles money and just drank and bowled the whole night with plastic. Anyone else seeing something new every night? and every week for that matter.
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Re: upset the center
« Reply #1 on: October 24, 2008, 02:32:55 AM »
not really... after long and hard tryouts our center here has found a good challanging pattern they keep without much variation
that is good and not so good
u know what you get
you know what you get and don'T need to adept and learn new shots

the new center is different buit also is trying out different patterns to find "the" pattern... guess they found it now (opened since Feb) and nothing changes much.

good thing I can play both to learn at least two different shots and learn to change my release... I don't want to become a househack
(I always need to laugh when I see those "highscore" house hacks get on another lane and drop in average by almost 20 pins just because they have no clue how to adept - I am not so good but I always keep my average )
Sebastian Koch
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Re: upset the center
« Reply #2 on: October 24, 2008, 04:59:01 AM »
Yep, every week it is different. They say they never change the shot, but one week I have to play up ten and early roll it to even get it to the pocket, then last night the ball hooks at 20ft and nobody in the house shoots close to average.

 There are usually LOTS of high scores, but high on our pair last night was 637and, while I have no problem with a hard shot, don't feed me cake for 8 weeks, then dry them out for position round.

 If you want dry, then have dry. If you want slick, then have slick. Don't make me guess from week to week which ball to take out of my bag and where to play. This isn't a tournament, it is a stupid LEAGUE full of house bowlers.

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Re: upset the center
« Reply #3 on: October 24, 2008, 11:29:00 AM »
Several factors affect lane conditions even when the pattern put down is the same.  When are the lanes dressed?  Might they have been done earlier than normal?  How much open play have they had and what kind of bowlers and bowling balls?  Have the track area and heads been dried out or have plastic balls created a lot of carry down?  And the weather plays a much greater part than most bowlers realize.  Is the heat on or the air conditioning?  Or is the weather such that neither one is running much?  It is not very likely that the center changed the pattern put down, that's more trouble and complaining than the manager wants.  --  JohnP

David Lee Yskes

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Re: upset the center
« Reply #4 on: October 24, 2008, 12:55:24 PM »
Hey feel somewhat lucky,   I'd rather bowl on a Chef's Suprise than, the normal THS, where you just spray n pray.  

I mean atleast your kept on your toes every week and cant take anything for granted.    

I bowled on a Saturday mixed league back in 02-03 and ran into alot of what you said.   Every week was something new.  And you never had a consistent shot, but it kept me sharp since I one week i was playing 5th arrow just to find oil and the next week i was going up 10 cuz of all the carry down lol.  

I still say the best week happend when the House was having a huge Juniors Tournament and put out a tougher shot for the tournament.    Well league starts and i pull out my old Trauma and between 4th n 5th arrow and was going out to 10, and getting a nice reaction.  I ended up shooting a clean 650 for the nite.  But I also shot alot of 4pin and 9pin spares.   The nice thing was the shot was tougher so there was no hold and a OB @ the 8board.  

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Re: upset the center
« Reply #5 on: October 24, 2008, 01:08:33 PM »
I experienced this the last two years which gave us the signs that the end
was near for our center.  Center did eventually close last May.

I agree with David, different shot week in, week out kept you on your toes.
People who hated this were the one shot wonders......Give me variety.


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Re: upset the center
« Reply #6 on: October 24, 2008, 02:44:20 PM »
We had some issues with our old Magnum lane machine that caused something like what you are describing.  The computer was messed up in the thing and the stripping valve was flaky.  Fixed that!  It's amazing what a new Kegel lane machine will do.


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Re: upset the center
« Reply #7 on: October 24, 2008, 02:52:29 PM »
Hey feel somewhat lucky,   I'd rather bowl on a Chef's Suprise than, the normal THS, where you just spray n pray.  

I mean atleast your kept on your toes every week and cant take anything for granted.    

^^^I agree with this.^^^
Jon (in Ohio)
aka: Rico Swervé~


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Re: upset the center
« Reply #8 on: October 24, 2008, 03:21:27 PM »
I totally agree. My house got one of these red beauties a few years ago and the shot is the same every week. I also bowl on a second shift and basically you know what you're getting and how to adjust if the lanes are a bit dried up.

The only complaint was once last year when when one the rollers on the right side got stuck and it was an oil slick down the right side track area.  They fixed it the next day and the shot was back to normal.

On the flip side, I sub in an AMF house and it's a crapshoot of what you're going to get. They have 2 of these old oil machines and I bet that they never service them. They say they oil every week and I believe they do. It's just the old oil machines are no where as good as these Kegals.These machines are great.
We had some issues with our old Magnum lane machine that caused something like what you are describing.  The computer was messed up in the thing and the stripping valve was flaky.  Fixed that!  It's amazing what a new Kegel lane machine will do.


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Re: upset the center
« Reply #9 on: October 24, 2008, 03:35:26 PM »
We try to keep the lanes as consistent as possible.  Being owned by AMF, we are stuck using Summits.  But the house shot we use, for the womens and mixed leagues, is fairly easy the heavier mens shot isn't that much more difficult.  Certain people complain, but we can't please everyone. I wish we had a Kegel machine, though.
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Re: upset the center
« Reply #10 on: October 24, 2008, 03:39:00 PM »
I always pray for the Bowling Gods to make the Kegel oiler screw up or make the lane-man push the wrong button. I love to watch everyone squirm! long as everybody has to deal with the same mess, I am all for it!
Jon (in Ohio)
aka: Rico Swervé~


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Re: upset the center
« Reply #11 on: October 24, 2008, 10:17:05 PM »
Its kinda funny, bowlers for yrs wanted lanes to be more consistent. Now they get that they want them to be like 'the good old days' Sorry the 'good old days' had more to do with badly maintained lane machines and oil men who'd just come down from the trees.
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Re: upset the center
« Reply #12 on: October 24, 2008, 10:31:57 PM »
I have done a lot of things in bowling over the years but I have learned a lot in a short time as a center owner.  Lane conditions are very interesting.  Most of my customers could care less about the challenge of bowling.  All they want is to score well, drink a few beers and have a good time.  There are a few that want challenges but they are a small percentage.  Then you have some that have no idea what a condition is.  On the pro shop side I have been getting a few bowlers that are serious coming over from the Lawton area about 35 miles away.   They have been getting 10 to 12 balls fixed and or changed a piece on average.  The fine line on lane condition being good yet still challenging is thin.


Slick, tacky, wood or synthetic it does not matter your slide is correct with SLSM Designs Bowlers Slide Sock. The Finest Slide Sock on the Planet!!!
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David Lee Yskes

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Re: upset the center
« Reply #13 on: October 24, 2008, 10:59:49 PM »

I know what you mean, one of the old places i bowled at bought a Phoenix machine in 2000 i believe, and the shot because stupid easy!   I mean said house was known for being a tougher shot because of it's lack of oil and the "good bowlers" would average around 200-210 a few guys could push the 220 mark.   But once the Phoenix machine hit the lanes, WOW!!!  everyones average when up a good 15-25pins.    

And of course for a while everyone loved it, but it got old, and you knew things needed to change, when you have a full 30lane house and couldnt get 5 brackets run, because you had to shoot 250+ just to win a game.  

I always would joke around with one of the managers about "changing" the shot, and his reply was, " F that, I dont need that headache of people bytching to me "    

now me personally, If I was the owner or manager of a bowling alley, I'd change up the shot everyweek.   I'm not saying " Pederson Classic " type of lane oil lol.   But go from a THS 37ft shot, to a 36ft pattern, to a 40ft pattern, then to a 40ft shot with lighter volume of oil.   Also i'd make the shot a bit flatter too.  

And as Adrian said, it's funny how the older bowlers wish it would go back to the old'n days lol.   I think most people would say that, cuz in the old'n day's  averaging 200 actually ment something.   And I'm not saying going back to the 70's lol, but i can remember even back in the 90's if your house had a tougher shot averaging 200 ment you could bowl well.  

Now people laugh when they hear about some John Q Public averaging 230+  cuz everyone knows he is either a Lefty lol or is bowling on a cupcake shot.
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