I know what you mean, one of the old places i bowled at bought a Phoenix machine in 2000 i believe, and the shot because stupid easy! I mean said house was known for being a tougher shot because of it's lack of oil and the "good bowlers" would average around 200-210 a few guys could push the 220 mark. But once the Phoenix machine hit the lanes, WOW!!! everyones average when up a good 15-25pins.
And of course for a while everyone loved it, but it got old, and you knew things needed to change, when you have a full 30lane house and couldnt get 5 brackets run, because you had to shoot 250+ just to win a game.
I always would joke around with one of the managers about "changing" the shot, and his reply was, " F that, I dont need that headache of people bytching to me "
now me personally, If I was the owner or manager of a bowling alley, I'd change up the shot everyweek. I'm not saying " Pederson Classic " type of lane oil lol. But go from a THS 37ft shot, to a 36ft pattern, to a 40ft pattern, then to a 40ft shot with lighter volume of oil. Also i'd make the shot a bit flatter too.
And as Adrian said, it's funny how the older bowlers wish it would go back to the old'n days lol. I think most people would say that, cuz in the old'n day's averaging 200 actually ment something. And I'm not saying going back to the 70's lol, but i can remember even back in the 90's if your house had a tougher shot averaging 200 ment you could bowl well.
Now people laugh when they hear about some John Q Public averaging 230+ cuz everyone knows he is either a Lefty lol or is bowling on a cupcake shot.
" Lift Your Skirt Grab Your Balls and Learn How to Bowl "