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Author Topic: 5-step delivery vs 4-step delivery  (Read 3172 times)


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5-step delivery vs 4-step delivery
« on: November 02, 2015, 03:14:12 PM »
My fellow bowlers,

I was what are the differences between the 2? Obviously, you have a extra step of course, but are there any other advantages? I just switched, and my timing and release feels so more natural, with the 5 step, I couldn't get a comfortable or consistent release which lead to timing issues and other problems. And I'm more balanced, better swing, and easier release.

Any opinions would be appreciated, thanks.




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Re: 5-step delivery vs 4-step delivery
« Reply #1 on: November 02, 2015, 04:01:41 PM »
For most people, it's a step that gets you going (mentally, more than physically); it can help add some ball speed which is mostly generated from foot speed. Since it's in the 3rd to last step (the first of a 4 step approach, the 2nd of a 5 step approach) in which you get the ball moving, for most people, the first of 5 steps only gets you moving.

When you take 4 steps, getting the ball in motion can feel awkward for a lot of us; it always did for me. When I switched to 5 steps I found I had to focus a lot on making sure both the 1st and the 2nd steps were small ones. When I took 4 steps, I only had to focus on the 1st step being small. (Long 1st or 1st & 2nd steps often throw your natural timing off.)
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Re: 5-step delivery vs 4-step delivery
« Reply #2 on: November 02, 2015, 04:27:42 PM »
Thanks Charlest, that's exactly what I went through and thought when I was bowling 5-step and slowly switching to 4-step. I feel so much comfortable taking the 4 step approach.

Thanks again for your very Informative insight.  :)


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Re: 5-step delivery vs 4-step delivery
« Reply #3 on: November 02, 2015, 04:34:46 PM »
You're welcome. Continued good luck.
(FYI Those 2 paragraphs are a distillation of about 12 -15 years of study and grief. :) )
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Re: 5-step delivery vs 4-step delivery
« Reply #4 on: November 02, 2015, 04:41:46 PM »
here is a v ideo. Might help of what your asking.


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Re: 5-step delivery vs 4-step delivery
« Reply #5 on: November 02, 2015, 04:49:46 PM »
There is no right or wrong. I was 4-step forever, and then 18 months ago converted to 5-step. I've been having trouble with timing lately, so I tried the 4-step again in practice this weekend. For whatever reason (I believe simplicity) it felt better. I'm going to start with 4-step tonight and stay with it until it doesn't work.  :)
I find with the 5-step my approach tempo tends to be a little faster the addition of the first small timing step. With the 4-step, I'm a little slower and more deliberate. At least over the weekend, I felt with the 4-step more consistent in achieving Mark Baker's recommended footwork.
I'm fine with both and have got to the point where I comfortably switch on the fly. Like a lot of things in bowling, it depends on the individual and the speed/timing you're trying to achieve.


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Re: 5-step delivery vs 4-step delivery
« Reply #6 on: November 02, 2015, 06:58:29 PM »
There is no right or wrong. I was 4-step forever, and then 18 months ago converted to 5-step. I've been having trouble with timing lately, so I tried the 4-step again in practice this weekend. For whatever reason (I believe simplicity) it felt better. I'm going to start with 4-step tonight and stay with it until it doesn't work.  :)
I find with the 5-step my approach tempo tends to be a little faster the addition of the first small timing step. With the 4-step, I'm a little slower and more deliberate. At least over the weekend, I felt with the 4-step more consistent in achieving Mark Baker's recommended footwork.
I'm fine with both and have got to the point where I comfortably switch on the fly. Like a lot of things in bowling, it depends on the individual and the speed/timing you're trying to achieve.

Good point. (Great minds think alike ???)

With 5 steps I find myself trying to hurry too much; it takes a concerted effort not to rush. 4 steps almost feels robot-like these days after using 5 steps for the past 3 years. But I used 4 steps for the previous 45 years ...
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Re: 5-step delivery vs 4-step delivery
« Reply #7 on: November 02, 2015, 11:42:24 PM »
I experimented with using a 4 step approach 2 years ago and it felt awkward.  With 5, I can get 2 shorter steps in and set up the timing the way I want it to be.  Plus I feel I'm more deliberate which is good.  It just seems more natural for my game.

The biggest thing is to find what's most comfortable for what you want to do.  There isn't a right or wrong way with the number of steps in an approach.
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