Hi everyone,
Bowled a tournament today and did absolutely horrible. It was a Cheetah pattern layer out over a pattern that was previously on the lanes. I don't have a Urethane ball and have made the decision it's time to pick one up.
I'm considering ether the Storm Pitch Black or the Motiv Tank Rampage. Any recommendations?
Quote from: leftybowler70 on Today at 09:34:44 PM
Please give your bowling style; Speed/rev rate, pin to pap, and the conditions you mainly bowl on 41 ft, 38 ft, etc; That way, you'll receive proper recommendations on what you fit you best.
PAP - 5 1/4 Over 7/8 Up
Speed - 18.5 (can go as low as 15 and as high as 21 but normally sit right at 18.5 at the foul line.
Rev Rate - 300 - appx.
I bowl on both THS and Sport. Don't think I'll ever use this ball on THS. This week was PBA Cheetah, last week was PBA Scorpion 47', the week prior was a 43' version of Scorpion, next week is ABT #8 (36', 24.55ml).