A couple of weeks ago, a bunch of us were doing our usual summer bowling. Anywhere from 3 or 4 old guys up to 8 or 9 old guys get together twice a week and throw 3 or 4 games, just for fun and to keep our old arms loose for the upcoming season.
This particular session, we observed many times a pin would stand on its base and slide from a few inches to as much as a foot, after a hit. Of course, we have all seen this happen during our many years of bowling but during this session, it must have happened 15 or 20 times. Numerous times the rack would not come down due to the off-spot pins. Sometimes, a pin actually moved into another pins spot.
This only happened during this one session, not before nor since.
It happened to guys who threw a mostly straight ball, a big hook, 12 pound balls up to 15 pound balls.
Our only thought was that perhaps the oil machine malfunctioned and it deposited some oil on the pin deck, making it unusually slippery. We could not confirm this theory, however.
The pins were not new and everything else in the house was normal.
Anyone have any ideas as to what might have happened?