On any flat pattern you just have to remember that your ball is going to hook the same amount on the backend of the pattern no matter what board you leave the pattern from. If your ball is only moving 4 boards , that is all it is going to move(with same speed and rpms) no matter what board you leave the pattern from.
Really the only way to create area is to have a release that changes with where you throw the ball. Example, a release that creates more hook, rpms and angle when you get it outside and one that gets flatter and less hook if you pull it..I guess you would call them at the line adjustments.
18 mph,350 rpm,PAP 5 1/2 x 3/8up, 15 deg axis tilt, varied rotational axis deg.. usually 45+
HighGame 300 x 4, High Series 808
Book Average 205,PBA Xperience 185
Edited on 5/4/2010 1:08 PM