One of my league's last year our great secretary stole over 9k in cash, we had a meeting with Patty Mc Cune she told us our options and stated our association would press charges against the thief.
The thief is a lane monitor at the nationals can you flipping believe this crap??? Well known among the head honcho's at the tournament, the guy has admitted to stealing the money.
A league member ran into Patty in the last few days, she has since changed her tune and said we have to press charges on this guy. So it is ok for your local association to just wipe there hands of any trouble, I want this to go to court and the guy to at least get probation.
The same guy has a record for being with an underage minor from years ago, I found this on some old court online documents and is listed on the Nevada website for sex offenders. You never know who you are really voting in, I have known this guy for 10 years and never thought of him for what he really is a thief and pervert!!
So wise up southern nevada league members our local association picks and chooses who they will help and screw over!!
Please feel free Patty to answer why you do nothing about it after getting up in front of our league and saying you care about helping us???
I hope the sh1t hits the fan at USBC over this, come on Gene Kanak and help a fellow BR brother out with a lame duck local association.