I ran into a problem similar to yours just this morning. We had a makeup and a prebowl to do in the same session, so a back to back 3 game block. Right after the first 3 game set, the rack malfunctioned, and we had to be moved. The pair they moved us to was between open bowlers. No issue, they used lane courtesy, and I and my team treated it as a league situation. Then the birthday party came......right next to our pair. As the girl helped get them setup, I kindly informed her that we were doing a makeup, and if she could be sure the party understood lane courtesy. She did, and it actually went fairly well. Had to wait a little longer when the kids were up, as they're excited so we let them bowl, and went as they were coming back on the approach. Finished that game with a 246, for a 732 set. In this case, the house worked with us, the party was cooperative, and everything worked ok. The best thing you can do sometimes is take the lemons the house gives you and work with them, if you just become a pain in the neck league bowler, that complains at every distraction or instance they won't want to work with you at all, and sometimes may do it on purpose to you. I know, sometimes they could be more considerate to their league bowlers, but if you can put as many distractions aside, or deal with them so it doesn't affect your game, it just makes you a better bowler.