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Author Topic: courtesy of employees at bowling centers  (Read 1758 times)


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courtesy of employees at bowling centers
« on: February 25, 2007, 01:18:54 PM »
I pacing a couple of people for a league make-up tonight very few bowlers in the house. We were on 11-12 couple started bowling on lane 14 no big deal then there lanes break down and the idiot at the desk just moves them right next to us. My girl friend asked the guy if he knew there should be a one lane buffer between anything pertaining to league and open play and he was utterly baffled by the question. Shouldn't he know this?

I bring this up because this house has a rap for employees not knowing or caring what happens in the place. Earlier this season on a Tuesday night a guy had the front 10 and was setting up for his 11th and a mechanic stepped out onto the lane next to him half way through the approach! the guy missed terribly. A couple of years ago same house were having a Large tourney final match and the two guys are neck in neck 7th frame one guy is halfway through is backswing and this what you hear over the P.A. '' YOUR PIZZA IS READY ON LANE 30 PIZZA IS READY FOR LANE 30!!!''  the guy almost broke is neck staggering to the line and lost the match due to that.

My point is shouldn't employees be given knowledge about common courtesy at a bowling alley? or is that two much to ask? Your thoughts?

thanks for the responses!

Edited on 2/25/2007 10:16 PM
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Re: courtesy of employees at bowling centers
« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2007, 09:22:58 PM »
Must be an AMF house.
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Re: courtesy of employees at bowling centers
« Reply #2 on: February 25, 2007, 09:29:44 PM »
As a mechanic at a rather large center I can say we do not know scores in the back. so we would not know if the bowler on lane 10 is going for 300 and we step down onto the lane behind the masking unit for a call on a lane next to it. I can also say it is piss poor with a center being slow and plent of lanes available they should not have put somebody next to league bowlers making-up or prebowling. usually during serious play like that a counter employee will put a lane in workshop so no one else will come behind them to open the lane up. The other instance we tell the snackbar and everyone else that if there is a large tourney going on we will not be using our p.a. Which we host a pba regional for the southwest.

Edited on 2/25/2007 10:32 PM


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Re: courtesy of employees at bowling centers
« Reply #3 on: February 25, 2007, 09:55:11 PM »
Ok now I think you guys need to cut these people some slack.  People will almost always find something to complain about.  If they just moved these bowlers next to you and they obviously weren't that big of a problem if the were one more lane over and you wouldn't of complained.  Secondly I don't know how you can blame a mechanics for doing his job. He doesn't have x-ray vision to see throw the masking unit. I think it was more the guy who miss terribly needed someone to blame and that just gave him something.  And the pa is nothing.  If you have ever been in a bowling alley before you would have too deal with this problem.  And if this was in a tournament and they were in the finals I would hope this guy had a better mental game that he could deal with someone talking over the pa. Thats just my opinion of the situation you described.
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Re: courtesy of employees at bowling centers
« Reply #4 on: February 25, 2007, 10:07:26 PM »
I'm not sure why the PA thing is such a problem.  Unless it the speaker was held next to his head, and it was dead silent throughout the alley, then just before release they played a terribly loud squealing sound, it's not that big of a deal.  I've had *my* name called over the speaker while bowling, which is significantly more distracting than a random "your food is ready" and it didn't bother me.
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Re: courtesy of employees at bowling centers
« Reply #5 on: February 25, 2007, 10:17:34 PM »
I ran into a problem similar to yours just this morning.  We had a makeup and a prebowl to do in the same session, so a back to back 3 game block.  Right after the first 3 game set, the rack malfunctioned, and we had to be moved.  The pair they moved us to was between open bowlers.  No issue, they used lane courtesy, and I and my team treated it as a league situation.  Then the birthday party came......right next to our pair.  As the girl helped get them setup, I kindly informed her that we were doing a makeup, and if she could be sure the party understood lane courtesy.  She did, and it actually went fairly well.  Had to wait a little longer when the kids were up, as they're excited so we let them bowl, and went as they were coming back on the approach.  Finished that game with a 246, for a 732 set.  In this case, the house worked with us, the party was cooperative, and everything worked ok.  The best thing you can do sometimes is take the lemons the house gives you and work with them, if you just become a pain in the neck league bowler, that complains at every distraction or instance they won't want to work with you at all, and sometimes may do it on purpose to you.  I know, sometimes they could be more considerate to their league bowlers, but if you can put as many distractions aside, or deal with them so it doesn't affect your game, it just makes you a better bowler.


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Re: courtesy of employees at bowling centers
« Reply #6 on: February 25, 2007, 10:18:21 PM »
Merlin, I totally agree and you are very correct. There is no such rule that states there needs to be a 1 lane buffer next to a league prebowl/makeup. That is just crazy talk right there!

I am sure someone has been caught in the middle of their approach by something. A mechanic walking out, someone yelling, whatever it may be! It sucks, but it does happen. Nothing you can really do about it.
George Palumbo
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Re: courtesy of employees at bowling centers
« Reply #7 on: February 25, 2007, 10:48:22 PM »
Someone talking on the PA shouldn't make a difference. They aren't usually very loud and it's not like the center would be dead quiet when someone is going for 300. There will be still be the sounds of laughter, bowling balls hitting the lanes, people screaming after getting a strike, etc. It's not like the PBA.
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Re: courtesy of employees at bowling centers
« Reply #8 on: February 26, 2007, 01:46:32 AM »
I've been reading on this forum for years now and this thread has finally made me decide to register.  I am the manager on duty at an insanely busy 32 lane center.   We are full constantly.  I hate nothing more than when people complain about us putting open bowlers next to them.  We always try to put "league bowlers" next to a league or at least bowlers with lane courtesy.  A one lane buffer is not always possible.  People have to realize that leagues are not our only source of income.  We can't afford to turn away the money that the "open" bowlers are bringing in.  If there are plenty of open lanes, then of course keep them away from the make-up, but it's not always possible.  Off topic- Here's a funny little story that happened the other day.  A guy wanted to do a make-up for his Friday night league.  We are full Mon. thru Thurs. from 6-9pm with leagues.  He wanted to do it at one of those times and he told me, "Well when the hell are we supposed to do our make-ups?"  I couldn't believe he asked me that.  Sorry for the long post, I guess I had to vent a little bit.  I look forward to being a contributing part of this forum.  Jesus


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Re: courtesy of employees at bowling centers
« Reply #9 on: February 26, 2007, 07:27:48 AM »
Do you live in Warner Robins, GA? Trust me; you just described my house.
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Re: courtesy of employees at bowling centers
« Reply #10 on: February 26, 2007, 07:42:19 AM »
AMF - Never heard of them.

Edited on 2/26/2007 8:40 AM