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Author Topic: USBC dues hike  (Read 9206 times)


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USBC dues hike
« on: May 19, 2009, 03:51:58 PM »
So there was much debate over dues in the propositions at this convention.  Several motions of varying wording all resulting in dues hikes.  One proposition was a tier system for a 2 year and then 3 year hike in consecutive years.  That was voted down, but another proposition was brought to the floor to raise the USBC fees $5 (since they didn't wan't to explain dues hikes two years in a row to their membership).  


This proposition was almost voted in.  a 2/3rds was needed, this prop got %62 percent.  So you can bet that it will be brought to the floor next season.  The possibilities are certainly there that next  year it will pass.  
So I guess I'm wondering if everyone is ready to pay $5 more in two years for sanctioning fees? and this just includes National fees, not any increase in State or Local dues.  So it is possible that in two years you could easily be paying $8 more for sanctioning; +1 for state and +2 for local.  Since most local assoc. operate at a deficite or near deficite, especially since the mandatory local dues from the Youth membership goes in effect this next season.  Our local dues part of youth membership takes a $1 cut with that edict.  




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Re: USBC dues hike
« Reply #1 on: May 20, 2009, 12:37:01 AM »
Sooner or later the USBC is going to have to give a detailed accounting to its membership concerning the sanctioning costs and where the money goes. Most folks see the USBC as cutting back on awards and providing little or no benefit to the average league. Currently, it is hard to explain to league members that they need to pay $20 a year so that their averages are certified (and they might get a patch).

If dues are raised much higher it will become increasingly easier to convince a league to abstain from sanctioning completely. Such a small percentage of league bowlers need or care about being sanctioned. The USBC better realize this before they render themselves obselete.


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Re: USBC dues hike
« Reply #2 on: May 20, 2009, 01:23:07 AM »
It's freaking five dollars for 30+ weeks...  save a damn dime a week for the year in a jar and you can pay for it that way...


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Re: USBC dues hike
« Reply #3 on: May 20, 2009, 01:29:14 AM »
We already pay $19 for USBC dues.  Plus we had to move our office 2 summers ago.  Our rent went up 3X from what it was.  We were in the prior location 48 years.  But it was demolished for a new car dealership.  We have not raised local dues (in three years), because we reaslize that the entire dues amount seems over priced for its worth according to the majority of our membership.  However, with triple the rent we are having a very difficult time staying solvent.  With the amount of centers (13) and membership (10000) we cannot run out of someone's living room or garage.  Now we are presented with a mandated decrease in local dues for our youth membership that we had no say in.  More awards are lost. And the manuals and such that were provided by USBC in paperform are now only available online.  Roughtly 50% of our 200 secretaries are online.  So what are they going to do to get award forms and instructional materials now that they are only available online?  

In two years, should the $5 increase become reality we will see many of our senior leagues drop sanctioning.  Since 48% of our association is seniors that's a significant amount. We could conceivably see the local association not be able to function financially in two-three years.



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Re: USBC dues hike
« Reply #4 on: May 20, 2009, 07:54:54 AM »
What was the reason for the increase. I dont mind paying more if there is something I am getting in return. I mean to say, everything costs more every year... but a ~25% increase is too much to pay just because they want more money. Why do they want more money? Is there something specifically they want to do with the extra money?
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Re: USBC dues hike
« Reply #5 on: May 20, 2009, 08:12:10 AM »
The sanction fee is worth the bonding of prize funds by itself. Noone cares about this fee until someone runs off with the league money and believe me it does happen. A $20 fee over a 35 week league comes to .57 cents a week. Fairly low cost for insurance. Awards are just icing on the cake if your in to them.
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Re: USBC dues hike
« Reply #6 on: May 20, 2009, 08:30:31 AM »
It's freaking five dollars for 30+ weeks...  save a damn dime a week for the year in a jar and you can pay for it that way...

Cool then you would have no problem sending me $5 every 30+ weeks and get nothing in return.

USBC is increasing rates, and cutting what you get for it.  No matter how small the increase, we are members, and someone there should explain it.
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Re: USBC dues hike
« Reply #7 on: May 20, 2009, 08:54:24 AM »
The only thing I expect from my dues is for the USBC to make rules, monitor equipment, run tournaments, and bond my league.

There can be arguments on the effectiveness of some of these activities but they need to be done.

Why do people expect something more tangible?

The amount being paid is not unreasonble for those services.

Half the seniors complaining go out and get in their new Cadillac.

Many of the others complaining drop more in brackets, booze, 50/50, etc each night than sanctioning cost.

25 years ago there were probably 8 million sanctioned bowlers pay about $10.

Today we have 2.5 million at best paying $20. Looks like a drop in revenue to me plus the number of award scores have shot through the roof.

I'm willing to pay to support the game.


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Re: USBC dues hike
« Reply #8 on: May 20, 2009, 09:21:45 AM »
The USBC does present an accounting of their funds.  Check out, find the "About USBC" section, and there should be a link to their financials.  It details USBC's income and expenses for each year.

As for the cost of is $10 dollars.  That is the same price as the lowest membership level of the USGA.  Here is what that $10 gets you as a USGA member:

"The Rules of Golf"
U.S. Open Program
Personalized USGA Bag Tag and Member ID Card
U.S. Open Golf Hat
The USGA Insider E-newsletter
Discount car rental pricing at Hertz
USGA Members can now purchase the TROON Golf Card at a discount
Advance Priority to Apply to Purchase U.S. Open 7-Day Ticket Packages
So is which is the better bargain?  Even if USBC were to get a 50% dues increase (from $10 to $15), it still seems like quite a bargain.  Considering that, on average, bowling leagues contain MUCH more money than any golf league I have ever seen, the bonding portion alone makes it a better bargain.

I also do not understand the issue with USBC putting information online.  How much money do you think is saved by not having to print millions of rule books and other forms?  They are using technology to save money and provide more convenience.  I do not see a problem with that.


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Re: USBC dues hike
« Reply #9 on: May 20, 2009, 09:50:57 AM »

As for the cost of is $10 dollars.  That is the same price as the lowest membership level of the USGA.  Here is what that $10 gets you as a USGA member:

"The Rules of Golf"
U.S. Open Program
Personalized USGA Bag Tag and Member ID Card
U.S. Open Golf Hat
The USGA Insider E-newsletter
Discount car rental pricing at Hertz
USGA Members can now purchase the TROON Golf Card at a discount
Advance Priority to Apply to Purchase U.S. Open 7-Day Ticket Packages

Well if for $10 golf can give out bag tags, paper rule books, hats etc
lets see USBC give with a membership a
a paper rule book
a Personalized USBC Bag Tag
a USBC Hat
a little better quality/sturdier ID card
( they could give you a swipe card, check ins would be a snap just swipe your card as you come in thats it. you get a bowler discount some where they swipe %% off )

USBC is like another company caught in a catch-22

lose members so they increase fees and lower services to make up for the loss which in turn loses more members because of the increased fees and lower services which in turns increase fees and lower services to make up for the loss on and on.

Edited on 5/20/2009 10:11 AM
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Re: USBC dues hike
« Reply #10 on: May 20, 2009, 10:25:45 AM »
Its not $20 for sanctioning.  We are currently paying $19.  So if state and local dues do NOT go up we're talking $24.

But our local assoc. has not raised dues in 3 or 4 years.  And we are working at a deficite.  We are the ones putting on the tournaments you want. But this $5 increase would not go to us.  State is also putting on tournaments but the $5 doesn't go to them either.  At the local level we need more money to survive.  The rate of living has gone up in 4 years and our dues have not.  Our rent for our office has nearly tripled for example.  

What are we getting for our dues and possible dues increase?  We're getting bonding as was mentioned.  We have some National tournaments.  We have a new fascility in TX.  We have Bowlopolis.  We have upcoming Virtual Membership.  We have less awards and cheaper awards.  We have less guidebooks such as league operations manuals.  Other then that I really couldn't tell you what we have.  I do know that prior to the vote for the dues increase it was mentioned that if the dues increase doesn't pass that they'd have to slash 2 million dollars somewhere.  It didn't pass.  So I guess we'll be getting less somewhere.  

Its not $20 for sanctioning.  Your local will eventually have to go up and your state as well.  Even if you only give them a dollar that's a $7 increase in one year.  Are you willing to pay $26 in yearly sanctioning fees?  



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Re: USBC dues hike
« Reply #11 on: May 20, 2009, 10:48:34 AM »
I wanna see what I am paying for, I get very few awards, I get very little back from my local Association, I get very little back from USBC Itself so What am I paying for? Seriously what am I paying for? I haven't been recognized for a award in two years.

I guess I just wanna know where are money goes. I think if they keep jacking up the prices like this memebership will really begin dropping, between the paying the league fees paying dues, paying for gear, i.e. shoes balls and all the other thing nesccary it is quickly becoming expensive
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Re: USBC dues hike
« Reply #12 on: May 20, 2009, 10:50:46 AM »
If the local needs more money, then it should raise its fees.  It really is that simple.

For all of the complaining about what USBC does or does not offer, what about the locals?

Locals run tournaments.  They assist USBC by processing membership and awards.  They assist USBC by answering questions posed by local members (hopefully giving the correct responses).  The local MAY offer additional awards (usually equally as cheap as the ones provided by USBC).  The local MAY offer a website with association information.

What great benefit am I getting from the local?

I've been involved very closely with my local, having served on the Board prior to the USBC and local merger.  My local currently charges $8 as well for its member fee.  But what benefit am I getting from it that I couldn't get alone from USBC?

Tournaments is not the answer.  While some bowlers want these, they are often sparsely attended, at least in my area.  That said, if locals disappeared and bowlers really wanted tournaments, someone would pick up the torch and run with it, creating their own tourneys.  That is the market at work...if they want it, it will be built.


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Re: USBC dues hike
« Reply #13 on: May 20, 2009, 10:55:06 AM »
The services USBC offer have a set cost.  The only variable is the number of awards earned each year.  

If there are 10 million or 10, USBC will conduct ball testing,
If there are 10 million or 10, USBC will bond leagues,
If there are 10 million or 10, USBC will develop a set of rules,
and so on and so on.

It comes down to simple economics.  If everything is costing more, why is everyone's panties in a bunch over USBC raising their price.  Because that is what it is, you have a service and you pay a price for it.
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Re: USBC dues hike
« Reply #14 on: May 20, 2009, 11:19:56 AM »
48% of the association is seniors? I'm sorry, I don't buy that one.

Ooopps, you're right.  Its 38%