So there was much debate over dues in the propositions at this convention. Several motions of varying wording all resulting in dues hikes. One proposition was a tier system for a 2 year and then 3 year hike in consecutive years. That was voted down, but another proposition was brought to the floor to raise the USBC fees $5 (since they didn't wan't to explain dues hikes two years in a row to their membership).
This proposition was almost voted in. a 2/3rds was needed, this prop got %62 percent. So you can bet that it will be brought to the floor next season. The possibilities are certainly there that next year it will pass.
So I guess I'm wondering if everyone is ready to pay $5 more in two years for sanctioning fees? and this just includes National fees, not any increase in State or Local dues. So it is possible that in two years you could easily be paying $8 more for sanctioning; +1 for state and +2 for local. Since most local assoc. operate at a deficite or near deficite, especially since the mandatory local dues from the Youth membership goes in effect this next season. Our local dues part of youth membership takes a $1 cut with that edict.