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Author Topic: USBC dues hike  (Read 9204 times)


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USBC dues hike
« on: May 19, 2009, 03:51:58 PM »
So there was much debate over dues in the propositions at this convention.  Several motions of varying wording all resulting in dues hikes.  One proposition was a tier system for a 2 year and then 3 year hike in consecutive years.  That was voted down, but another proposition was brought to the floor to raise the USBC fees $5 (since they didn't wan't to explain dues hikes two years in a row to their membership).  


This proposition was almost voted in.  a 2/3rds was needed, this prop got %62 percent.  So you can bet that it will be brought to the floor next season.  The possibilities are certainly there that next  year it will pass.  
So I guess I'm wondering if everyone is ready to pay $5 more in two years for sanctioning fees? and this just includes National fees, not any increase in State or Local dues.  So it is possible that in two years you could easily be paying $8 more for sanctioning; +1 for state and +2 for local.  Since most local assoc. operate at a deficite or near deficite, especially since the mandatory local dues from the Youth membership goes in effect this next season.  Our local dues part of youth membership takes a $1 cut with that edict.  




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Re: USBC dues hike
« Reply #31 on: May 21, 2009, 04:55:17 PM »
The losers that are complaining about a $5 increase in dues, are the same losers who think that $5 foot long subs at Subway are a rip off and eat off the dollar menu at McDonald's 6 days a week, becoming roughly the size of a wooly mammoth in the process.  Get a life chumps, you spend more on one large cappuccino at Starbucks than you will for the increase in USBC dues for the ENTIRE BOWLING SEASON.  I win.

Sleepy, more words of wisdom my friend! Last summer when people complained about gas prices, they still bought coffee at Starbucks and the price worked out to be about $50 for a gallon of coffee!
"A man gains his first measure of intelligence on that same day when he admits to his stupidity."

Edited on 5/21/2009 4:27 PM

Right because filling up your car once a week, once every two weeks, once a month if you hardly do any driving, or someone like me who has to fill up 3 times a week is EXACTLY the same as paying an extra $5 ONCE FOR THE YEAR!

So what exactly is your point?


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Re: USBC dues hike
« Reply #32 on: May 21, 2009, 07:43:20 PM »
What you are saying is the decline in membership is due to the economy.

Our membership is up 2%  We attribute that to a brand new center that opened in an area that was just dying for an updated bowling center.



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Re: USBC dues hike
« Reply #33 on: May 21, 2009, 07:45:28 PM »
My bowling partner has to bring her three children every week. They are 5, 7, 9. Sweet kids, but that is the only way she can bowl and the kids can be distracting to the match.

My folks bowled with I was a kid.  We had a babysitter.



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Re: USBC dues hike
« Reply #34 on: May 22, 2009, 06:56:29 PM »
The only way I would ever support a fee hike for USBC fees if a percentage of the fees went to the PBA. If everyone would give a couple of bucks to the PBA to help support them and make them bigger I am all for it.

Other then that, NO WAY! This is coming from an organization that the less you average and occasionally do well, the more stuff you get. But if you average higher then 210 and get a 700 series you get nothing. STUPID!


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Re: USBC dues hike
« Reply #35 on: May 22, 2009, 07:12:51 PM »
Erin. Which association do you belong to? It sounds a lot like mine ( They moved 2 years ago, have a large membership but have more houses. We also pay $19 a year for dues.
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T Brockette

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Re: USBC dues hike
« Reply #36 on: May 22, 2009, 07:19:21 PM »
The economy could be blamed on the decline in bowling somewhat, but to me, the biggest reason for the loss of sanction bowlers is the centers themselves. I quit bowling in 1985 and started back in 2001. Somewhere in between that time, the proprietors started to basically put their trust in business to open play bowlers. I understand the concept (wife runs a center), but if you don't have a constant flow of league bowlers, when the economy gets bad, then your business really takes a hit. Also keep in mind, the USBC is pratically in a partnership now with the BPAA. This is the same entity that has pushed centers for years to concentrate more on open play.
Tracy Brockette – Lone Star House Hack


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Re: USBC dues hike
« Reply #37 on: May 24, 2009, 01:59:42 AM »
One of my chief complaints,is that since the merger, we are now paying the
price to sponsor a few female bowlers to bowl professionally on TV.  We
should not be spending that amount of money on a few women to make some money
on the professional (tour).  We have been taken in.  Every time that a womens'
sport advances it is at the expense of mens sports.   If they have a vaible
product, it should stand alone, not because of my dues.


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Re: USBC dues hike
« Reply #38 on: May 24, 2009, 12:25:41 PM »
This is the last year for our association to print year books.  we can no longer afford to print them, and hand them out for free.  Next year CDs will be made and the averages are available on our web site.  



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Re: USBC dues hike
« Reply #39 on: May 25, 2009, 07:39:40 AM »
$5 bucks for 52 weeks.  Wow, a dime a week.  For this you get the local year book to check averages for bowlers entry into leagues (for all you whiners who complain about sandbaggers in your HANDICAP leagues), award score rings (which you still bi$ch about the number that are given out or how they aren't worth anythng) that people still strive to get, state and local asscociation tournaments, research on new equipment and how it affects the sport, well the list could go on and on.  Did any of you stop to think that maybe that whopping dime a week is going towards paying the people that work at the USBC?  Cost of living, insurance costs, etc. You know, the things that any business has to worry about when it comes to paying their employees.  Not saying that is the reason for the increase but it might play a part.    

You chumps would complain about anything!  It's like a homeless guy being given a cheeseburger and complaining it's not filet mignon.

A year book for bowling? I have never gotten one even offered to me? They keep taking rings away, If the USBC is doing great things that you say how come I never get to see any of it?
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Re: USBC dues hike
« Reply #40 on: May 25, 2009, 10:01:12 AM »
C'mon, mainzer.  You've never gone to the counter and used the yearbooks to verify an average of a bowler?  Do you really think if a guy shoots multiple honor scores in a season that he/she should get a redundant ring for each one?  I notice you didn't bother to reply to the "silent" things they do that don't affect you personally but affect the sport.  Things like the research they do, the bonding of your league funds, the tournaments, etc.  I still have a feeling that a lot of these dues go to paying/retaining the staff of your local association and national offices.  Again, it's only a dime a week.

First off the book is a local association book, not a USBC book.  Money to the USBC shouldn't be paying local associations.  We pay a local association dues to pay for that.

Increase in fees for increased operating costs are one thing. But they keep raising dues and cutting what we get.  Meanwhile, they strike backdoor deals with Casinos to add to their revenues at the expense of their members.

IF they didn't get the binions sponsorships it isn't like they would be lowering the payout at the nationals.  So where did the money go?  R&D, operating costs, and profit!!!!
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Re: USBC dues hike
« Reply #41 on: May 25, 2009, 11:41:38 AM »

Increase in fees for increased operating costs are one thing. But they keep raising dues and cutting what we get.  Meanwhile, they strike backdoor deals with Casinos to add to their revenues at the expense of their members.

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Progressive Metal Band

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Re: USBC dues hike
« Reply #42 on: May 25, 2009, 12:02:19 PM »
I still have a feeling that a lot of these dues go to paying/retaining the staff of your local association and national offices.

NONE of it goes to the local association. In fact the portion of your entire USBC dues there is a part for local.  None of it goes to your State associaition if you have one.  But this discussion is only about National dues hike.  At the local level USBC has cut the services they've given us like the "USBC" envelopes that we used to put the special achievement awards in. We have to buy those now.  And at a rate a 2000 "200 game" emblems a year that's a lot of envelopes.  Delivery of all those awards is at the local expense.  Next year with the revamp of the award system this issue should be much less. They are ending the League Operations Manual.  Our local association will undoubtedly be responsible for printing the 60 page manual for the 100 or so secretaries that are not online. All local "city" tournaments are at the local cost, hopefully built into entry fees, no contribution from USBC.  We have not raised the local portion of our sanctioning fee since the merger, three years ago.  Nothing comes back to us from USBC.  



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Re: USBC dues hike
« Reply #43 on: May 25, 2009, 07:29:52 PM »
Exactly what is it that you are getting less of?

fewer and fewer awards, I know some people don't care about awards, me ehhh oh well, I am out their to make money in tourneys and be the best bowler I possibly can,  but for some awards are a big deal.

And if I keep paying higher dues dues how about the USBC change something instead of the constant same old. How about a mandate for a tougher shot for Scratch Leagues. How about getting people at a national level to go around checking houses to make sure they are legal. I don't see any of this ever happening. So what in the name of god do I pay for?
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Re: USBC dues hike
« Reply #44 on: May 25, 2009, 08:22:31 PM »
How about getting people at a national level to go around checking houses to make sure they are legal.

We used to have regional National reps.  We would hear from them from time to time.  They'd stop by certain meetings etc......  They kept us in touch with what was going on at the National USBC office level.  But last year......USBC did away with them.  



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Re: USBC dues hike
« Reply #45 on: May 26, 2009, 10:46:56 PM »
$69.95 for .... These Award Rings

300 Ring is still Free.
Duke Harding

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