Yikes, this is such a tough subject, but I certainly applaud SrKegler for his attempts. I hope a perfect or near-perfect solution can be found.
In big markets like Detroit, I notice all of the big money leagues are 205 and under, 195 and under, or team capped in some way. Wouldn't it make more sense to make the big money leagues all scratch? The best bowlers in Detroit HAVE to sandbag just to find a league to even bowl in! That's ridiculous if you ask me!!!
In my opinion, the 90 centers or whatever in Metro Detroit need to get together and restructure things. X amount of scratch leagues with no team or individual caps need to be offered for the best bowlers in Metro Detroit, and the shot should NOT be cake! Then there should be x amount of 220 and under leagues that have less money in them, and then x amount of 205 and under leagues with even less money in them...and so on.
The idea here is to give the 180 or 190 average bowler something to shoot for. They want to get better so that they can bowl for the big bucks. I don't even think they should offer jackpots in the lower average leagues!
Then you have the bowlers who will still sandbag in the 205 and unders just to get a good average for tournaments. Makes me sick!
I have thought about this a lot and still cannot find the right answer

I'm just sort of brainstorming here, so don't yell at me too much! hahaha.
http://www.MichiganBowling.comFamous Last Words of a Pot Bowler--"Ok, but this is my last game!"