The only thing that will really change, is pro shops will learn to use the pin placement to create flare, instead of trying to use a balance hole to alter the shape of the core, after a too weak of pin placement. Any good ball driller already knows this.
Oil absorption rate is a big ado about nothing. You can create traction with peaks and valleys, you don't necessarily need a highly porous cover material.
again, the USBC has scratched their "knee" when it is the elbow that itches.
The only possible conflict I can see, is if a shop tries to get close to the limits of 3oz because of a ball with a lot of top weight, you don't have a remedy to fix it with an X hole. Probably want to stay closer to 2.5 to be safe, because sometimes things just happen when you start drilling into these cores, that you don't necessarily expect.
They could've allowed a longer time period like say a full year to allow the 3oz rule to be in place before no X holes. Anyone who has worked in the pro shop knows bowlers will be showing up on Thursday night to get their ball fixed for Friday.