The ladies tour uses the same amount or less oil on the lanes as the men's tour, yet their patterns hold up.
The ladies use as strong of layouts, if not stronger than the men do, yet their patterns hold up.
The ladies tour uses as much or often times more surface on their balls then the men do, yet their patterns hold up.
The ladies tour throws high end equipment on their tour at a higher rate than the men do, yet their patterns hold up.
There are very few if any ladies that throw urethane on any regular basis, if ever.
The ladies tour has a lower AVERAGE rev rate than the men's tour.
Kegel has data PROVING that the ladies patterns hold up better than the men's patterns.
Pro Shops sell more high end equipment to league bowlers with lower rev rates, than with a high rev rate, to the fact that design intent of high end product is designed for rev challenged bowlers. Higher rev rate league bowlers gravitate to lower hook potential balls.
All of this will lead a person with common sense to see that the issue of pattern integrity has more to do with rev rate, than it does with the balls "porosity" or "layout", but USBC is attacking the balls. Scratch the knee while it is the elbow that itches. They created this situation by promoting two handed bowling, and offering an avenue to allow bowlers to create more rev rate than what they can without the stability the second hand on the ball allows in the two handed delivery, thus increasing the percentage of higher rev rates. You are always going to have an EJ Tackett or Robert Smith, a Bob Vespi, but now, you have MORE of the high rev rates, because of the promotion of the two handed style.
You see, it has nothing to do with just "whining" about bowlers with a high rev rate, I am doing nothing more than looking at the facts, and forming a LOGICAL conclusion on the said facts that rev rate has more to do with problems of pattern integrity, and the ability to create a stable environment for EVERYONE to be able to showcase their accuracy and repeat-ability. The only way to fix that, is to teach the game from a more traditional style, a style that has longevity and echoes the core foundation of a "lifelong participation" sport; a sport that is the number one participation sport in America. A game that does NOT have corporate America behind it, so you need to be able to make money from it over a longer period of time, because the quick cash grab simply isn't there.