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Author Topic: USBC, Honor Scores and Ball Manufacturers  (Read 1456 times)


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USBC, Honor Scores and Ball Manufacturers
« on: May 26, 2009, 02:29:36 PM »
Is it a viable solution to have the Ball Manufacturers take over the job of giving out awards from the USBC?

The USBC wastes way too much of our money giving out way to many awards that no one really cares about.

Seriously, do you wear the patches or pins they give you? Do you really need your ego stroked every time you beat your average by 100 pins?

My idea would have the USBC giving you a ring for your FIRST 298, 299, 300, 700(ladies) or 800.

Each subsequent honor score would earn you a certificate and potential rebates from the ball manufacturers based on what ball you used to shoot the award. The advantage of this would be the ball companies can now use those bowlers who shot honor scores as living, breathing advertisements as well as giving the bowlers an excuse to buy a new ball.

This is similar to golf when a player gets a hole in one, the golf ball company often will give the golfer a plaque for their achievement. The ball companies can develop award programs for each level of achievement, like $5 rebate for 11 in a row, $10 for 300, $20 for 800 series, etc.

The smaller awards like 125 game, 150 game, etc. would be eliminated or be the responsibility of the house. The point is that the USBC spends too much time and money on giving bowlers awards for every little accomplishment when they should be governing the game/sport, enforcing rules, running tournaments, etc.

Sorry if this seems a little harsh to the lower level bowlers, but in reality how much money would the USBC save in the long run?? How many of those lower level bowlers really care about a patch or a pin? Wouldn't a cash rebate be more incentive to become a better bowler than a lapel pin made in China?

Love to hear your comments....



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Re: USBC, Honor Scores and Ball Manufacturers
« Reply #1 on: May 26, 2009, 11:32:13 PM »
Though many people on this forum probably don't care about awards, the people on this forum are also a minority of those that sanction with USBC.  

Many of our seniors (and I've already stated that its 38% of our bowlers) want their awards.  In fact they are calling the office if they don't get them within a couple weeks.  Some put in award aps knowing they don't qualify but with a note "but she/he bowled very well, I think they deserve an award".  Youth bowlers want their awards and their league directors want them to get the awards.  New bowlers want their awards.  I know its been so long since you guys were "new" but there are people (adults) that join leagues as total  newbies every year.  And they are encouraged within the sport by awards.  At the end of the league season when everyone is waiting for payouts and these achievements are announced its a good time and welcome appreciation from your now known peers.  These bowlers comeo back next year.  Even long time bowlers have trophy walls where they are pinned up (for example).  Those that want the awards really want them.  I don't know if a cash rebate would be the same.  

This year there was an option on the special achievement award form to NOT get the award.  How many checked that?  Or if you got the award did you return it to the local association office so it could be redistributed to someone that wanted it?  On the Honor Award form there are options to donate to several charities rather then getting the ring.  If you don't care about the ring then do you use these options? or only after you've gotten your ring for the year?  Because after you get your yearly ring, any repeat awards do not count for the donation.  It has to be the first one of the year.  

At one time the elaborate award system of ABC and WIBC was their "claim to fame".  It was what they touted as a strong point for joining ABC/WIBC and bowling sanctioned leagues.  No other sport had such an elaborate award system and it drew people to the sport.  Now USBC wants to go the opposite direction.  Whether that be because they need to save money or they think it will build some integity, when they have given up integrity on so many other issues, I don't know.  

If you were a new bowler and made some significant achievments that first year, would you rather have a simple award and appreciation from your peers or know that USBC is building a professional training fascility some place in TX that you know you will never see or be able to use?  You think USBC is wasting money on awards?  I have a feeling they are wasting much more money on things we know have very little knowledge about.  They paid a high class company to do research for them concerning affiliate rewards systems like AAA and AARP.  Tens of thousands of dollars to do that.  New web masters are being paid to totally redesign and revamp the USBC web site.  Do you care if the web site looks more modern?  Do you even use the USBC web site?  

Lower level bowlers are the majority of the sanctioned bowlers.  It doesn't seem right to be harsh with them when they are the ones that want the awards, they are the paying majority and everyone else has to option to not take the awards.  If you don't want the awards then don't waste USBC's money by taking them.  



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Re: USBC, Honor Scores and Ball Manufacturers
« Reply #2 on: May 26, 2009, 11:38:42 PM »
Do you realize the USBC's yearly operating budget is $50 million. And they have approx $20+ million in the bank over and above.

They abuse power....
Formerly BrunsRico

Edited on 5/26/2009 11:39 PM
Co-author of BowlTec's END GAMES ~ A Bowler's COMPLETE Guide to Bowling; Head Games ~ the MENTAL approach to bowling (and sports) & (r)eVolve
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Re: USBC, Honor Scores and Ball Manufacturers
« Reply #3 on: May 27, 2009, 12:05:54 AM »
Nice post,Atochabsh.  You covered the areas of new and senior bowlers quite well.  It's usually the bowlers who have to struggle much more to reach that achievement level who appreciate the awards more.  Unfortunately, many never do bowl well enough to win an award.


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Re: USBC, Honor Scores and Ball Manufacturers
« Reply #4 on: May 27, 2009, 01:10:28 AM »
Sure, make the manufacturer's responsible for all high level award scores.  Then maybe they'd stop releasing balls that even Stevie Wonder can shoot 300 with on a house shot!

Bill Thomas

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Re: USBC, Honor Scores and Ball Manufacturers
« Reply #5 on: May 27, 2009, 03:02:53 PM »
I think you would have to include the proprietors in this too. IMO, the lane conditions have just as much if not more to do with high score awards.  The lane man can make you or break you.


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Re: USBC, Honor Scores and Ball Manufacturers
« Reply #6 on: May 27, 2009, 03:41:39 PM »
300 game = Free soda
800 series = fries

Alien shot 300 = Fried Rice
