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Author Topic: USBC Life Expectancy bet  (Read 3831 times)


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USBC Life Expectancy bet
« on: July 10, 2009, 07:45:01 AM »
How many years do you think the USBC Will be able to operate given the current circumstances? Fewer and fewer bowlers cause them to rasie prices but that just drives more bowlers away. They don't seem to care about this though. They elimante awards which may keep some bowlers in the sport, In my mind the awards don't matter but to some they may it shows they have accomplished something.

So how long does the USBC have left? Are they taking their last gasp? On life Support or are they turning the corner?

I think they are on life support, I beleive they maybe getting desperate behind closed doors.
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Re: USBC Life Expectancy bet
« Reply #1 on: July 10, 2009, 03:47:58 PM »
5 years max
fading fast they are
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Re: USBC Life Expectancy bet
« Reply #2 on: July 10, 2009, 04:06:38 PM »
i was hoping yesterday. they must have no idea whats going on in the real world. or maybe they dont care, just running a big company into the ground seems to be the norm. next thing you know besides dues we will have to use are tax dollars to bail them out.

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Re: USBC Life Expectancy bet
« Reply #3 on: July 10, 2009, 04:10:10 PM »
I find it hard to believe that the elimination of a 7-10 split or triplicate award will force people to quit the game.  

I consider my 30 something bucks a year (including sport bowling membership) is a bargain.  

For those of you that complain about the money USBC rakes in, take up skeeball or something.  I'm sure there is a forum somewhere to complain about Chuck E Cheese ripping you off.

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Re: USBC Life Expectancy bet
« Reply #4 on: July 10, 2009, 08:57:47 PM »
The decline of the league bowler is due to many reasons. I'm not so sure it's  entirely the fault of the USBC.
Having said that, there's always room for improvement. I don't like the removal of certain achievement awards. Some of those are more rare than a 300 game nowadays, and mean more because of it.
As to the OP's question, I think we'll see a major change of some sort by 2015.
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Re: USBC Life Expectancy bet
« Reply #5 on: July 10, 2009, 09:30:58 PM »
HARRY .. you make an excellent point!

Sawbones .. I honestly DID NOT hear of the merger you mention .. is this something recent?

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Re: USBC Life Expectancy bet
« Reply #6 on: July 10, 2009, 09:39:30 PM »
Until they have sucked the life out of all bowlers they will continue to mismanage the way they and many other companies always do. They don't know what bowlers want and they don't care.

"I find it hard to believe that the elimination of a 7-10 split or triplicate award will force people to quit the game."

These awards are so few and far between they can afford to give them away. 298,299,300,800 are a little different. It will be a a not so distant future where you will pay for all awards. They will over charge for very cheap, cheap awards that they can profit off of anyway possible. Any one get an 11 in a row balsa wood stamp? Great compared to the plaque you use to get uh?

"I consider my 30 something bucks a year (including sport bowling membership) is a bargain."

It is at $30, but when you keep running off bowlers you will be paying more for even less. You will also have fewer leagues, fewer tournaments, fewer bowling alleys.

Then skeeball will be fun.

I give them an easy 15 years or more.
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Re: USBC Life Expectancy bet
« Reply #7 on: July 11, 2009, 10:59:23 PM »
Right! the USBC is done, hardly any awards and now they drop maximum juniors age, two years max.
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Re: USBC Life Expectancy bet
« Reply #8 on: July 11, 2009, 11:44:49 PM »
 It's dollars---not dolors. Wow..............
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Re: USBC Life Expectancy bet
« Reply #9 on: July 12, 2009, 12:23:34 AM »
You and I will be dead and gone, but the USBC will live on, it's unfortunate but true.

Pat Patterson
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Re: USBC Life Expectancy bet
« Reply #10 on: July 12, 2009, 02:00:45 AM »
Quote it really this hard for people to master the English language?/quote]

You have to remember that for some posters on this site, English is not their native language.  This site has visitors from Europe, Central and South America, and the Far East from what I've noticed.  www indeed.


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Re: USBC Life Expectancy bet
« Reply #11 on: July 12, 2009, 03:03:50 AM »
4pin, nd300 - Way to actually address the topic/his argument instead of nitpicking over a misspelled word that was obviously close enough for everyone to understand.

Acvar - all great points. However, I don't think the usbc is going anywhere soon, due to the fact that the have most league bowlers believing the usbc is 100% necessary, and has proprietors eating out of their hand.

MI 2 AZ - thank you for pointing that out. Not only have these two (below) made a (possibly) false assumption that this person is in the USA, but also that they have been here long enough to learn the language. To them I would pose this question: should you be expected to learn Spanish if you are living in America? Then why should a person who is (possibly) in their home country be expected to learn to speak English?

LOL! I was just about to say the same thing. Good god, is it really this hard for people to master the English language?

 It's dollars---not dolors. Wow..............
 JTTDB---Just Throw The Damn Ball
 Don't "think"---that ball isn't in your bag yet..........

Oh look, signature updating finally works.

RIP ThongPrincess

P.S. For any grammar police who may be policing this topic, please direct any complaints of misspellings or grammatical error to apple and their worthless iPod textcorrect software.
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Re: USBC Life Expectancy bet
« Reply #12 on: July 12, 2009, 02:32:51 PM »
4Pin has to rip other people because he sees flaws in himself. Makes him feel good putting others down but when people fight back he whines about being attacked typical hypocrite would rather spell dollars dolors than be the one in your flapper video CrownedPrince.

Know back on subject. CRD again brings up a great point people do whatever whenever to get around USBC rules I think we have all experienced this at some point. But their also groups that would get together that would be able to create decent by-laws and maybe form up  a decent league without the help of a governing body.

Also when the USBC Does die I beleive another Governing body will appear who it is up for grabs but I think their is still to much interest for it to go unchecked by everyone.
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Re: USBC Life Expectancy bet
« Reply #13 on: July 12, 2009, 04:43:41 PM »
Who is going to run the national championship? States? Locals?

Who is going to run Junior Gold? All the team USA’s?

Who is going to ensure that lane beds are level? Gutters deep/wide enough? Pins made correctly? Balls meet specification?

Provide a national database of averages/achievements? Ensure tournaments are played on a level playing field for all participants?

All this besides all the things like bonding that have been brought up hundreds of times in the past.

You hear this stuff virtually every year. The USBC is here and will continue to be here for many years to come.

The move to Texas has moved it in the same campus as the BPAA and while certain administrative functions may merge in the future I expect the USBC to continue to be the rules and regulatory arm of any organization.
The fact that many of the complaints come from bowlers spending thousands of dollars a year on equipment but don’t want to give $20 to help govern and grow the sport and worry about some 50 cent chevron. I find this ironic.



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Re: USBC Life Expectancy bet
« Reply #14 on: July 12, 2009, 04:47:18 PM »
i want the abc again
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