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Author Topic: USBC news on web:  (Read 3418 times)


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USBC news on web:
« on: June 22, 2005, 09:32:42 PM »

GREENDALE, Wis. - The United States Bowling Congress is concerned with the degree of influence technology is having over player skill as the primary factor for success in bowling today at all levels.

As the national governing body, the USBC has begun a thorough review of the entire "System of Bowling," which includes the lanes, lane conditions, bowling balls and pins. Through improved set standards following ongoing research by the USBC Equipment Specifications Team, the USBC will ensure the future of bowling does not suffer from a lack of sporting credibility.

The greatest evidence of this concern is the disproportionate rise in scoring over the past 20 years in certified league play. Similar damage has been inflicted to the credibility levels of specific aspects of the game that made it an endearing lifetime sport, such as bowler-produced power and accuracy.

"Bowling is suffering from a lack of credibility in the scoring environment," says Jeff Henry, USBC Director of Sport. "Advancements in technology together with the artificial assist allowed by current lane dressing specifications have led to an environment which minimizes the influences of player ability and skill development."

Bowling is unique in that it has approximately three million certified league bowlers competing at differing skill levels, with a maximum score for a game at 300. While not all certified bowlers possess the abilities to take advantage of today's technological advances, perceptions of the sport are driven by them.

Among the goals of the USBC's efforts to reset the parameters of the game will be to:
- Grow the sport through the respect that a credible playing field provides.
- Enhance the 'risk vs. reward' element to bowling.
- Better define the stars of the game.
- Develop a renewed level of pride in accomplishment.
- Improve the perception of bowling as a sport.
- Place a higher value on coaching and practice for success.
- Be sure technology does not progress to overwhelm player skill as the key ingredient for success.

Statistical data illustrating the recent scoring boom, along with a detailed explanation of the USBC's philosophy towards addressing these issues can be found on

The Web site also features testimonials from Hall-of-Fame bowlers Marshall Holman and Mike Aulby and current Team USA member Diandra Asbaty on the need to bring credibility back to the game today.

Two changes to bowling ball specifications are already in effect. One involves the coefficient of restitution, the other the radius of gyration differential, which affects the dynamics of a bowling ball.

At the upcoming Bowl Expo, the USBC will hold an industry forum for all bowling manufacturers concerning a set of three additional equipment specification modifications under consideration on June 28 from 3:30 - 6:30 p.m. at the Wyndham Orlando Resort in Orlando, Fla. Detailed explanations of the current proposed equipment specifications modifications can also be found at

The USBC will host a press conference for accredited media immediately following the closed industry discussion, scheduled at the Wyndham Orlando Resort on June 28, to answer questions about the process and timetable for decisions on the three modification proposals. Requests for credentials can be made to USBC Director of Communications Tom Clark by e-mail at

At any time, interviews with key USBC officials involved with the effort of reviewing the system of bowling are available upon request:
- Roger Dalkin, Chief Executive Officer.
- Michael Carroll, President.
- Jeff Henry, Director of Sport.
- Neil Stremmel, Technical Director.
- Bob Maki, Director of Coaching.
- Steve Wunderlich, Sport Bowling Director.

All interested parties may send objective comments to: USBC Equipment Specifications Department; 5301 South 76th Street; Greendale, WI 53129; Fax (414) 421-5860; or e-mail:

Bowl Expo
International Bowl Expo 2005, scheduled June 26-July 1 in Orlando, Fla., is the largest annual convention and trade show for the bowling industry. The convention includes a series of seminars and educational sessions geared towards bowling center proprietors, managers and pro shop operators.

United States Bowling Congress
The United States Bowling Congress, as the national governing body, ensures the integrity and protects the future of the sport, provides programs and services and enhances the bowling experience.

USBC officially launched Jan. 1, 2005, as an organization serving more than three million adult and youth bowlers in the United States. It resulted from the merger of the American Bowling Congress, Women's International Bowling Congress, Young American Bowling Alliance and USA Bowling.



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Re: USBC news on web:
« Reply #1 on: June 23, 2005, 05:38:52 AM »


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Re: USBC news on web:
« Reply #2 on: June 23, 2005, 06:25:39 AM »
Dude, fvcking hell, doesn't anybody get it?  If they could monitor lane conditions, they'd already be doing it.  Under the CURRENT standards, I'm betting that 90% of the houses in the country are putting down illegal shots.  That's like letting teenagers go to a party and telling them not to drink.  Fvcking duh, they're gonna do it.  The centers are going to do whatever it takes to keep their bowlers and keep making money.  There would have to be a USBC certified lane technician on hand at every single sanctioned center in the country to operate the lane machine every fvcking time it runs a pattern to make sure the proper conditions are put down.  

Hell yeah their proposed changes are stupid and won't help, anyone can see that.  But like I said, realistically, it's out of their control.  Center owners want to make money, ball companies want to make money.  USBC won't be able to do sh!t.  People's lazy tendencies have caused this.  I like scoring as well as anybody, but when people that SUCK are shooting 300's, that burns my butt.  I've got a 300 and a 299 I KNOW I didn't earn, resin and soft conditions gave them to me.  But hell, why not count them, all the other losers do.
Space for rent or suggestions . .

Edited on 6/23/2005 6:20 AM


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Re: USBC news on web:
« Reply #3 on: June 23, 2005, 06:39:31 AM »
then you need 2 sets of books one before and one for now with these stupid changes.


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Re: USBC news on web:
« Reply #4 on: June 23, 2005, 06:42:19 AM »
brent: what change wouldn't be stupid? if all leagues were required to oil more on the outside, would you think that was good? or do you think things should go as is and keep progressing this way?


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Re: USBC news on web:
« Reply #5 on: June 23, 2005, 06:43:36 AM »
integrity of the game is gone, let it go usbc, or is it fair that someone has to try and shoot 900 with these new rules and all the others could drill what ever they wanted even illegal because who checks the balls after 900 was shot? NOBODY!


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Re: USBC news on web:
« Reply #6 on: June 23, 2005, 08:18:15 AM »
does it really matter now, the rings are probably worth 50 cents


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Re: USBC news on web:
« Reply #7 on: June 23, 2005, 09:02:53 AM »
Things are only lost if you dont try. If they try and make the changes they will work it might take time for everyone to listen and do them but it will work. But if we just sit back adn pout and say it wont then it will never work.
Oil is served Best with fingers!
Why does the 8 Pin laugh at me!

Oil is served Best with fingers!
Why does the 8 Pin laugh at me!



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Re: USBC news on web:
« Reply #8 on: June 23, 2005, 09:36:52 AM »


Glad to see how much passion you have for the game.

 I just love all you guys who throw in the towel before coming out to fight. (With a frightened face) I have to agree with the gerbel. Laziness and greed by all parties has caused this along with a governing body who kept its head in the sand. Although not approving of all the proposals at least someone is this regime has some "ball sack" to speak of. With all the continious ranting which has occurred over these proposals very few have stated information or proposals on how to help the regime attain a greater level of control in its current situation. I'm not talking about broad brush statements which protect their vested interests but commercial plans which could be forummed to better help the entire industry not just specific parts.
 I really believe Mo Pinel as well as some others should really help when pondering this situation. Being a person that has traveled the world seeing the sport also involved with ball and lane oil production he brings a bigger perspective. I remember him stating a few years ago that we should up the min oil level to at least FIQ standards of 5 units and probably more. I get a little peeved when reading all the rebuttals by the manufacturers as most are only worried about their own butt. I hate hearing we can't or won't , I would rather hear solutions or proposals.


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Re: USBC news on web:
« Reply #9 on: June 23, 2005, 09:46:41 AM »

Frankly, their "solution" or "proposal" is to leave the balls alone (differentials aside). Maybe Mo Pinel, Brunwick and others will contribute to other areas, but how does refuting the USBC's claims make it out to saving their butts? You're jumping the gun when you say their not offering anything. I think most bowlers agree the lanes, lane surfaces and bowling pins and ball surface prep effect scoring much more that pin placement, balance and x-holes, and Cg locations. Making people buy new balls or plug and redrill current balls only makes balls companies and pro shops money.


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Re: USBC news on web:
« Reply #10 on: June 23, 2005, 10:20:37 AM »
Make me feel like a thread killer, what don't ya'll!


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Re: USBC news on web:
« Reply #11 on: June 23, 2005, 10:39:21 AM »
is this article on rhetoric or the dawning of a new day?


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Re: USBC news on web:
« Reply #12 on: June 23, 2005, 10:47:46 AM »
Scoring has gone down in golf also!  It's just that the courses are harder.

If you take today's pros back to the the courses of even the late 70s!! prepped as they were in the 70s they would be shooting in the high 50s every other week.

The only reason the average golfer has not improved is the courses have gotten much more tricked up.

In bowling....bowling is not losing popularity because of high scoring.
It is losing popularity because of life style, unpredictability of schedules jobs etc and length of leagues and other choices available.

The average joe blow bowler is not even worried about getting an honor score.

Two solutions.  Make pins heavier, less instable, or raise standards to 5 units outside and enforce it with unannounced inspections.

Any one of these will do it and hardly decrease attendance at all!  Making people rebuy balls and ashcan old balls, what a failed strategy that is.
In golf they tried to make Ping clubs with certain grooves go away.  They compromised at stopping development in that area going forward and grandfathered the old stuff in!


I've never seen such a self dereciating sport.
300s are not being thrown en masse at the houses I bowl at!  I've seen 2 in two years.
It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: USBC news on web:
« Reply #13 on: June 23, 2005, 10:49:16 AM »
No matter what happens, I've learned I can throw a few different drillings and ball types, and be successful. Not to disagree with my idol, Mr. Holman, but it's the truly ignorant that think watching a pro shoot 200 is easy for the average league scrub.


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Re: USBC news on web:
« Reply #14 on: June 23, 2005, 10:51:32 AM »
is this article on rhetoric or the dawning of a new day?

If Marshall Holman was so good back then with his "OLD" ball he should be bowling 300s all the time with the new high tech balls of today.

USBC does not get it, have you ever heard this saying "its not the ball its the bowler". These balls are not allowing people with awful style and no consistency to go out and shoot 300s all the time. You have to have be what of a good bowler, to be able to score well.

USBC, if you change this rule you will see a drop in members again. I do not think that you want that.
"The bowlers Company"

Edited on 6/23/2005 10:47 AM