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Author Topic: USBC Petition for Jackal Recertification  (Read 20040 times)


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Re: USBC Petition for Jackal Recertification
« Reply #91 on: March 22, 2016, 02:29:41 PM »
Not trying to speak for Rico but here are my thoughts.

If the USBC doesn't randomly field test balls from all manufacturers in a uniform fashion, how do you put any credence in the certification process because there may be lots of balls the do not conform but we'll never know until some anonymous party to decides what/when to test balls. The USBC is supposed to be an unbiased party responsible for enforcing standards, but are they really if there's no uniform field testing conducted? With field testing, maybe this could have been caught a long time ago and only impacted a small number of USBC members and limited the financial implications to Motiv.

Random thoughts...

How long have Motiv balls with this core been out of compliance? (I know this is your favorite question, but the Predator core has been in production since at least 2012)

Did the anonymous party know Jackals were out of compliance for months or even years and waited to notify the USBC to maximize the financial impact to Motiv which also negatively impacted our members.

Should this have been caught months or even years ago thus reducing impact to members and Motiv?

How many other manufacturers have produced non-conforming equipment and never got caught? 

At the end of the day, if they are field testing it obviously isn't very effective and if they aren't then the "USBC Approved" certification has no credibility. If you can't understand the logic of conducting uniform field tests for all certified products to protect USBC members and the integrity of the game, then none of is going to make much sense.
#AFutureForMembership #WhoDoesUSBCWorkFor


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Re: USBC Petition for Jackal Recertification
« Reply #92 on: March 22, 2016, 02:51:51 PM »
If someone can prove to me that a ball being 1 THOUSANDTH out of tolerance on differential makes a meaningful difference, I'll agree, but I think the USBC picked the wrong fight and absolutely botched this entire process.  Bottom line is it doesn't matter, ball still has to be thrown well.  If someone brings in a ball with an .080 diff and a 2.30 rg and wants to bowl me for money, sure, not worried, because these aren't things that magically make the ball better.  Everyone seems to be thinking because these numbers aren't legal is because they're better.  That's what I'm taking issue with, that misconception.  It's like saying a 5 iron is better than a 7 iron because it hits the ball further.  Yeah, but if you're 150-170 yards out and you want to use your 5 iron because it hits the ball further, let's put some money down on that right now. 

So WOWZERS, I also assume you go through all your leagues and make sure everyone's balls are legal?  I guarantee you can go through any league in the COUNTRY, and you'll find at least a few balls illegal on weight, but nobody throws a fit about that. 
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Re: USBC Petition for Jackal Recertification
« Reply #93 on: March 22, 2016, 02:57:59 PM »
You're right it doesn't make a difference but there is a rule in place for all the companies and motive was over the limit. Now if other companies get caught cause of this so be it.


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Re: USBC Petition for Jackal Recertification
« Reply #94 on: March 22, 2016, 03:24:02 PM »
I agree with Rico.
 It has been already been proven after drilling the P4 hole depending upon distance will increase your Diff. almost nearly triple.
 You don't like this post. Then just ask your friend Phil C...... Or Mo P.

Since we were mentioned, we have proven with our core designs and have published the after drilling numbers, our balls are capable of taking a .045 pre drilled ball and creating a .070 after drilling diff. All legal since he spec clearly says under .060 pre drilled.
We also avoid any possible glitches in manufacturing going over .060 by never targeting anything above .055 or .056 as a starting diff. This way any abnormalities will never render the ball USBC illegal.
My simple question is since they do field testing (per their response) how was a ball launched last June not discovered until March.

Good Times Good Times

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Re: USBC Petition for Jackal Recertification
« Reply #95 on: March 22, 2016, 03:29:03 PM »
We also avoid any possible glitches in manufacturing going over .060 by never targeting anything above .055 or .056 as a starting diff. This way any abnormalities will never render the ball USBC illegal.

That's one thing in the whole fiasco that I've thought about.  You'd think, since the diff can be raised w/drilling, why the hell they'd go so high.  Seems most all other manufacturers don't go above that .055-.056 diff range un-drilled.

It just seems like it's giving an opportunity for something (such as the current situation) to arise.


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Re: USBC Petition for Jackal Recertification
« Reply #96 on: March 22, 2016, 04:06:37 PM »

Tough to tell a legal or illegal ball not knowing side/top/etc especially when you do not know the starting info. Further, I put my trust in pro shops and other bowlers to have done or to do the right thing, which is what the USBC did here. They found an illegal ball and outlawed it. Kudos to them.

I do agree that the problem is if they do field testing, why did they not catch it sooner...are they really that behind, that understaffed, or what exactly?

We know the Jackal is bad now.

When I was drag racing, if you have ever watched drag racing, a red light can occur because you left the line .001 too early. If you have ever watched NHRA Top Fuel or Funny Cars or Pro Stock Cars, you would know that a car leaving .001 early when they travel to the finish line at over 300 MPH, what does .001 really mean? Not much, but they left the line too early. Thus, because they left too early, regardless of what the other car did, the car leaving too early loses and the other car is the winner.

Not a direct apples to apple comparison, but similar in that .001 can mean the difference between a legal ball/illegal ball and a legal run or illegal run (because your car left the starting line too early).

Sorry that I feel the rules need followed, regardless of how arbitrary it is. The rules are there for a reason. I guess what is causing my stickler attitude toward this is my background in Risk. When we test controls, we cannot pass any threshold regardless of how small it is. In a million dollar account, if my firm calculated a yield and is a single penny off, we fail the control because we were not right on. Who is really going to miss a penny? We either gave a penny too much or a penny short, but either way, we were wrong. Well, Motiv was wrong here.


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Re: USBC Petition for Jackal Recertification
« Reply #97 on: March 22, 2016, 04:07:28 PM »
What Newguy said is exactly right. Why risk it? Why get so close?


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Re: USBC Petition for Jackal Recertification
« Reply #98 on: March 22, 2016, 04:21:27 PM »
What Newguy said is exactly right. Why risk it? Why get so close?

My guess is it's more of a marketing ploy than anything else. With specs like that they can say/promote something like "no other company has products pushing the limits like ours!" Not that I blame them of course, any little bit of an edge (perceived or real) over your competition on the market is a plus and something a growing company like Motiv needs. There are risks of such a strategy, which are obvious now, and they're paying the price for it.

That's all I got.


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Re: USBC Petition for Jackal Recertification
« Reply #99 on: March 22, 2016, 04:26:05 PM »
 Thank you Newguy for your 2cents.
 It was definitely unfortunate that Motiv found itself in this situation. At best they are stepping up to the plate by replacing those balls with a new future release.
Maybe they will start some ISO 9001 procedures to have better control of their future high diff. releases


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Re: USBC Petition for Jackal Recertification
« Reply #100 on: March 22, 2016, 04:30:07 PM »

You are 100% right, but that is why you also have to have a very stringent QC department ensuring the cores are coming out of the molds correctly and testing of balls coming off the line to ensure the balls comply with USBC specs. Where was Motiv's QC testing through this?


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Re: USBC Petition for Jackal Recertification
« Reply #101 on: March 22, 2016, 04:54:36 PM »
What Newguy said is exactly right. Why risk it? Why get so close?

My guess is it's more of a marketing ploy than anything else. With specs like that they can say/promote something like "no other company has products pushing the limits like ours!" Not that I blame them of course, any little bit of an edge (perceived or real) over your competition on the market is a plus and something a growing company like Motiv needs. There are risks of such a strategy, which are obvious now, and they're paying the price for it.

That's all I got.

Though I agree it could be used for marketing purposes, I don't remember Motiv ever stating such.  It seems like everyone's imaginations have gone in every which way over this issue. 

The facts are Motiv produced balls that exceeded the differential specification.  Because of said infraction, all Jackals and Jackal Carnages were deemed non-compliant and had to be removed from competition.  That was the only course of action.  Notice Motiv has not come out and claimed how unfair USBC is in this.  The infraction showed a manufacturing inaccuracy and Motiv will do what is necessary to not have this happen again (hopefully).


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Re: USBC Petition for Jackal Recertification
« Reply #102 on: March 22, 2016, 05:10:16 PM »
Wowzers, you have been beating up Motiv for the last week, I think I speak for many others, it's time to shut your damn mouth and give it a rest! Nobody gives a sh*t anymore what you have to say on this subject. You have made your feelings known over and over until everyone wants to puke. Take your replacement ball when it comes and sell it as soon as possible, that way you don't have to whine your azz off anymore about Motiv not paying for drilling it. Then , take the money and buy any ball that would make you happy. Never buy another ball by Motiv and seal your big mouth once and for all! I will continue to buy Motiv equipment and enjoy the quality products they make. Their customer service is second to none and if you don't agree, I could give a spit. Now run along, we get it, your not happy. So what? I sure you've been unhappy before in life and you will be in the future! That is life!!!


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Re: USBC Petition for Jackal Recertification
« Reply #103 on: March 22, 2016, 05:21:52 PM » I have responded to others, this is a free country, and I am free to post whatever I want as long as I am not threatening anyone, and this is far from making threats. So either A) block me so you do not have to read what I write or B) if you can't stand it when someone has a different opinion but yet are still so much into whatever that you have to post a comment back, go somewhere that you can control someone else's North Korea or China.  Then everyone can post as you see fit.

I guess you must not have read the posts that I suggested a Venom Shock for a bowler (or was it 2 bowlers) as a possible arsenal ball at the USBCs...because I really like mine.

So this is life and life is dealing with those that do not agree with you. Deal with it. I am not leaving, my opinion is not changing, and I will continue to post my opinion as I see fit.

Considering I just received some PMs today about the subject in favor of what I am saying, some people still do give a $hit.

Have a nice day


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Re: USBC Petition for Jackal Recertification
« Reply #104 on: March 22, 2016, 05:31:47 PM » I have responded to others, this is a free country, and I am free to post whatever I want as long as I am not threatening anyone, and this is far from making threats. So either A) block me so you do not have to read what I write or B) if you can't stand it when someone has a different opinion but yet are still so much into whatever that you have to post a comment back, go somewhere that you can control someone else's North Korea or China.  Then everyone can post as you see fit.

I guess you must not have read the posts that I suggested a Venom Shock for a bowler (or was it 2 bowlers) as a possible arsenal ball at the USBCs...because I really like mine.

So this is life and life is dealing with those that do not agree with you. Deal with it. I am not leaving, my opinion is not changing, and I will continue to post my opinion as I see fit.

Considering I just received some PMs today about the subject in favor of what I am saying, some people still do give a $hit.

Have a nice day

Now my feeling is hurt...I haven't gotten a single PM in favor of what I'm saying.
#AFutureForMembership #WhoDoesUSBCWorkFor


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Re: USBC Petition for Jackal Recertification
« Reply #105 on: March 22, 2016, 05:45:03 PM »
Sorry Morph...I have no problem with what you post, its your opinion. We just don't agree on everything.

Have a good one