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Author Topic: USBC Q & A  (Read 797 times)


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« on: June 03, 2005, 11:59:10 PM »
I found an interesting question on the site, and I can't find my original printed version of "rule changes" they want to make, but this , to me, is a 'backing off' of the original proposed changes.

Q. You stated that the proposal to eliminate all balance holes will "reduce the ability to manipulate the dynamics of the bowling ball." What does this mean for all bowlers (high and low average amateurs, professionals, recreational bowlers)?

A. Many bowlers would not be affected by this proposed change. If a bowler has been using a Black Beauty since 1972, he or she will be able to continue using it (unless the ball has a balance hole). In general, this would eliminate exotic drillings of high tech bowling balls.

Q. What if bowlers have a ball with a balance hole? If these proposals are adopted, could a ball with a balance hole still be used in USBC certified competition?

A. Any ball that is on the approved list remains approved. As of Jan. 1, 2006 only new balls (with the USBC logo) would be prohibited from having a balance hole (and the CG must be within one inch of the cg). As of Jan. 1, 2008 no ball with a balance hole would be allowed in USBC certified competition. You could still use a ball without a logo (a pre-2006 ball), it just couldn't have a balance hole and the CG must be within one inch of the center of the grip. Older balls could be plugged and re-drilled.

Q. Have you received any feedback from bowling ball manufacturers? Pro shop operators? What's their take on the proposals?

A. General consensus from pro shops and ball manufacturers is that balance holes don't give any assistance to today's bowlers due to the latest technology in cores and cover stocks. That raises a question: If that is truly the case, what does it matter if we remove the ability to put a balance hole in a ball?

Our data shows that balance holes can create a dynamic effect on bowling balls and removing them will reduce artificially-assisted scoring. If a manufacturer (or anyone) can show that is not the case, we hope he or she will submit the information in writing and/or bring it to the Forum.

All that above is from the Q/A section.

If I'm reading that right, any ball, without a balance hole, was made prior to 1/06, will be legal, forever...?

As I said, I can't find my original, but I think this is a change from the original message, or I was just reading it wrong, or , possibly they backed off some wording.

I know this horse has been beaten to death, it's just something I found and wondered if the rest of you were reading it as I do.

AZ Guy aka: R & L Bowlers Pro

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Re: USBC Q & A
« Reply #1 on: June 04, 2005, 09:03:36 AM »
That's what it sound like to me.
Eric T. Spivey, P.E.
 Visionary Test Staff Member