Stan you have no clue what you are talking do not move the core what so create a 1" pin out or 1oz of top weight, the core is shifted a 1/32" off the true center of the bowling thirty second of an inch. You really think that influences ball motion?
And you really want to defend that they needed to go back and waste monies on another ALL important 6 month test? SERIOUSLY?
The USBC needs to start using ALL the frickin league bowlers that they have employed in Texas to actually go out and get people to start bowling again. Ball motion studies and ball dynamic regulations are NOT...I reitterate... NOT GOING TO BRING BOWLERS BACK TO THE GAME....these limitations & studies honestly probably impact 5% of all sanctioned bowlers.
Try and follow golf's lead on having free lesson days at bowling centers for juniors & parents. Go to a golf course during the summer and see how many kids are playing...many for free if they walk.
Try and do something with all the so-called talent they have hired to start promoting the game to EVERYONE and try to do whatever possible to get them in bowling centers. Help eductate owners and managers on how to keep the bowlers once they get them back in the centers.
They need to start using some of the $50 million a year working budget for something NO? Their model is as they lose bowlers, rais the dues to compensate.
Read the article Bill Vint wrote on what has transpired inside the USBC in the past 10 yrs or so and see where your dollars are going....too many wanna-be chiefs and NO indians doing the job to get bowlers back.
The views and opinions expressed by myself are solely those of mine and NO one else, nor are they affiliated with anyone else.