Based on what I just found out from the National USBC office: NO
I had the same understanding of the rule as you do. I knew an honor score wouldn't merit an award, but thought the game itself would still be included in your lifetime stats. Knowing this, I told my team about it before we pre-bowled unopposed on Jan. 31, 2009 for our Wednesday night league. I jokingly told my team, "Don't shoot an honor score, please!" And what did I do first game? 300! LOL
So with my understanding of the rule, I submitted the award form anyway. The secretary then sent it on up the line. I received a letter from USBC congratulating me and that the sanction was in progress. I've waited over a month and a half and no word.
I called my local USBC office and his still showed in progress. So I called the National office in Arlington and spoke to a nice lady. She said the uncontested pre/post bowl honor scores would not merit an award AND wouldn't be included in your stats! I was pissed!
So the only way it would've counted is if the opposing team pre/post-bowled with us head to head, and a league officer was present. I even talked to my secretary about doing a pre-bowl, and he was like "Oh yeah, go talk to the other team first, but I don't have to be present because of automatic scoring." But obviously he wasn't aware of the honor score thing. Otherwise he would've had the decency to tell me. Had I known that, I would've given the pre-bowl more thought!
I know I can't predict what I was going to do that day. But my understanding of the rule was not correct. Whether I read wrong or something is my own fault. So even though the league has honored my score, the USBC will not. Oh well, at least I didn't shoot my first 800 that day! And I already bowled one perfect game 2 1/2 yrs prior during league, so at least my first ever was sanctioned. But my hopes of having my 2nd sanctioned was all for not.
So FU-K YOU Robert Mushtare! You douche! You're the rotten apple that spoiled it for the rest of us.
Edited on 3/13/2009 2:37 PM