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Author Topic: USBC Sanction Fees Compared to USTA Sanction Fees  (Read 7918 times)


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USBC Sanction Fees Compared to USTA Sanction Fees
« on: August 15, 2015, 09:57:40 AM »
I noticed in another thread it was mentioned that league bowlers always complain when the USBC/State/Local fees always seem to go up every year.

I remember going to league meetings and several people always complained loudly when it went up one buck.  Then someone would say, "let's go unsanctioned." What is it now, around $21 or $22?

It never bothered me, because it was a one-time yearly fee, who cares about one more dollar, one time?

I also play USTA tennis.  A one-year membership is $44 ($119 3-year, $176 5-year).  Everytime you play a different "season," such as mixed doubles, men's 18 & Over, 55 & Over, etc., you also must pay $25, for each season.

For example, this year, I played on 6 separate teams, 2 mixed doubles and 4 different men's teams, each costing $25 for a total of $150, plus the $44 USTA membership fee.

This is the equivalent of having to pay a USBC fee for each league you bowl, every year.  Imagine the uproar if they tried to make us do that?

Our 40 & Over team made the play-offs.  When you make the play-offs, the team must pay a $135 fee.  In our case, our club paid the fee for us.  Not sure if all clubs do this.  If we had placed in the top two in the play-offs we would have made the sectionals.  The fee for the sectionals: $250 per team, plus a $14.74 processing fee.

No idea what it would cost if you made the nationals.

I have never heard anyone complain about the tennis fees, which are exorbitant in comparison to bowling's one-time, low fee.

What do you get for your money?  USBC has eliminated almost all awards.  I guess you are paying for those in the USBC offices somewhere who oversee everything and make the rules.  I am sure someone else can fill me in on what all they do.  There is a website that lists member awards and past year's averages. 

In USTA you get a pretty good website where you can keep track of all the players and teams, including past years.  You are also paying for local officials and coordinators who oversee the local leagues, play-offs, sectionals, etc.  Also, players are rated and ratings posted, and available to view via the website.

And USTA membership also allows you to play USTA-sanctioned tournaments, but, of course, you must also pay an entry-fee for all those tournaments.

Of course, the cars in the parking lot of most tennis clubs are a lot more expensive than those in the average bowling center. 

Any thoughts on the similarities/differences between the two are welcome.



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Re: USBC Sanction Fees Compared to USTA Sanction Fees
« Reply #1 on: August 15, 2015, 12:45:06 PM »
The fee for each team you play on is more a comparison to your league fees bowling, not your sanction fee.

As far as no one complaining about the fees in tennis, well, the tennis crowd in general is in a much different income bracket than most league bowlers.


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Re: USBC Sanction Fees Compared to USTA Sanction Fees
« Reply #2 on: August 15, 2015, 07:22:14 PM »
Except in bowling we get a chance to win some of our fees back in prize money.  There is no prize money in tennis.

Also, the price of belonging to a private club, which is not required to play on a USTA team, but almost everyone that plays does, is generally greater than league dues for a season.

It definitely is a different crowd, although I do know at least two other guys that do both.


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Re: USBC Sanction Fees Compared to USTA Sanction Fees
« Reply #3 on: August 16, 2015, 11:02:49 PM »
I'm pretty sure in tennis you're not eating pizza, drinking pitchers and throwing down shots while you play...bowling, yes to all of the above. 
It's all about synchronized pin dancing!


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Re: USBC Sanction Fees Compared to USTA Sanction Fees
« Reply #4 on: August 17, 2015, 09:32:19 AM »
There are lots of tennis leagues that are not USTA-sanctioned...and I would put the competitive nature within the league up against those of the leagues that do desire to play outside of the region. 

The issue with bowlers and the sanction fees is that the costs continue to rise while the reward FROM those fees continues to decline. 

Oh, and depending on where in the country one is located, the access to neighborhood courts could very well come simply from payment of the POA/HOA fees.  My lake community has both covered and uncovered courts and is considered private only in the sense that it is restricted to residents and their guests...but there are no additional fees required for "membership" (unlike the two golf courses). 


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Re: USBC Sanction Fees Compared to USTA Sanction Fees
« Reply #5 on: August 17, 2015, 09:40:49 AM »
Definitely, tennis is by far the cheapest if you just want to play.  Plenty of public courts sit un-used where I live.

But if you do already belong to a tennis club, it is difficult not to want to play on the club USTA team. 

I have played in the non-sanctioned tennis things and they are a little cheaper, but the ones I was in were not teams, just mostly singles and sometimes doubles, although there is World Team Tennis, but it has very strange rules.


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Re: USBC Sanction Fees Compared to USTA Sanction Fees
« Reply #6 on: August 17, 2015, 10:22:38 AM »
But if you do already belong to a tennis club, it is difficult not to want to play on the club USTA team. 

I guess that depends on where you live...around here, plenty of people are content to have their go at it on a weeknight league that has teams from various neighborhoods...they are competitive in the sense that they are playing for a championship but they are not sanctioned. 

I have played in the non-sanctioned tennis things and they are a little cheaper, but the ones I was in were not teams, just mostly singles and sometimes doubles, although there is World Team Tennis, but it has very strange rules.

Back when dad was playing, each neighbood 'team' had singles, doubles and mixed doubles and they were playing for total points as accumulated by wins.  There was also what I guess could be described as A, B and C players...the A players were the equivalent to what varsity in school would have been while B players were like those JV players just on the cusp of being able to sort of compete at the upper level and the C players were everyone else on the 'team' that were the golf equivalent of the ones happy to get an occasional par while avoiding a double bogey.


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Re: USBC Sanction Fees Compared to USTA Sanction Fees
« Reply #7 on: August 17, 2015, 11:14:49 AM »


I have played in the non-sanctioned tennis things and they are a little cheaper, but the ones I was in were not teams, just mostly singles and sometimes doubles, although there is World Team Tennis, but it has very strange rules.

Back when dad was playing, each neighbood 'team' had singles, doubles and mixed doubles and they were playing for total points as accumulated by wins.  There was also what I guess could be described as A, B and C players...the A players were the equivalent to what varsity in school would have been while B players were like those JV players just on the cusp of being able to sort of compete at the upper level and the C players were everyone else on the 'team' that were the golf equivalent of the ones happy to get an occasional par while avoiding a double bogey.

That sounds nice.  Never heard of anything like that around here, but there may be. 

At any rate I wasn't complaining about USTA, I like it, I just find it strange that so many bowlers complain about USBC going up one dollar, when it is a one-time per year payment.  I realize now they have cut out almost all awards, but I was really referring to years past, before they did this.  I am sure they still complain, but I don't go to as many league meetings as I used to.


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Re: USBC Sanction Fees Compared to USTA Sanction Fees
« Reply #8 on: August 17, 2015, 02:59:55 PM »


I have played in the non-sanctioned tennis things and they are a little cheaper, but the ones I was in were not teams, just mostly singles and sometimes doubles, although there is World Team Tennis, but it has very strange rules.

Back when dad was playing, each neighbood 'team' had singles, doubles and mixed doubles and they were playing for total points as accumulated by wins.  There was also what I guess could be described as A, B and C players...the A players were the equivalent to what varsity in school would have been while B players were like those JV players just on the cusp of being able to sort of compete at the upper level and the C players were everyone else on the 'team' that were the golf equivalent of the ones happy to get an occasional par while avoiding a double bogey.

That sounds nice.  Never heard of anything like that around here, but there may be. 

At any rate I wasn't complaining about USTA, I like it, I just find it strange that so many bowlers complain about USBC going up one dollar, when it is a one-time per year payment.  I realize now they have cut out almost all awards, but I was really referring to years past, before they did this.  I am sure they still complain, but I don't go to as many league meetings as I used to.

Great Statement. Bowlers should not complain. $20.00 is nothing for 1 time a year. Bowlers who do complain are not serious Bowlers.


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Re: USBC Sanction Fees Compared to USTA Sanction Fees
« Reply #9 on: August 17, 2015, 08:07:35 PM »

Great Statement. Bowlers should not complain. $20.00 is nothing for 1 time a year. Bowlers who do complain are not serious Bowlers.

Well, according to this, there aren't many serious bowlers on BR.  :)


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Re: USBC Sanction Fees Compared to USTA Sanction Fees
« Reply #10 on: August 18, 2015, 11:29:08 AM »
It is kind of like the comparison to golf.  Lots of golfers never join local USGA affiliate, they just go out and play.  Same with tennis.  However bowling has always measured its participation by USBC affiliation.  By almost any comparative measure USBC membership is cheaper than other sport affiliations.  Especially when you remember that most golf and tennis players at higher levels also belong to expensive clubs. 


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Re: USBC Sanction Fees Compared to USTA Sanction Fees
« Reply #11 on: August 18, 2015, 12:12:19 PM »

Great Statement. Bowlers should not complain. $20.00 is nothing for 1 time a year. Bowlers who do complain are not serious Bowlers.

It is not about whether the $20 is a big deal in the grand scheme of things...bowlers or ANY OTHER SPORTS PARTICIPANT who have to pay a sanction fee are ALSO consumers.  And good consumers tend to want some manner of value for their purchasing dollar...and the simple reality is that the USBC has failed to provide that for quite some time...


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Re: USBC Sanction Fees Compared to USTA Sanction Fees
« Reply #12 on: August 18, 2015, 03:13:09 PM »
It is kind of like the comparison to golf.  Lots of golfers never join local USGA affiliate, they just go out and play.  Same with tennis.  However bowling has always measured its participation by USBC affiliation.  By almost any comparative measure USBC membership is cheaper than other sport affiliations.  Especially when you remember that most golf and tennis players at higher levels also belong to expensive clubs. 

AMEN. Couldn't have said it better Myself. The USBC needs Our Support.