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Author Topic: usbc sportshot crap  (Read 21640 times)


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usbc sportshot crap
« on: April 20, 2008, 05:12:34 AM »
is anyone else sick of the sportshot crap the usbc keeps shoving at us, I have read that league bowling membership is declining, iknow that this is true in my area. I live in mich. and the decline of the auto industry is having a huge impact on our leagues.Jobs, Money, and time are tight so guys are having to cut back. the usbc is basically ignoring normal house leagues and is pushing pba experience and sport leagues. the thing is we don't have the time and disposable income to devote to having all this extra equipment and practice time. everyone on my team averages over 200, we have all decided to cut back to once a week bowling. we tired of the usbc telling us that what we are doing doesn't measure up and for the "integrity of the game we should switch to a pba exp. league.
thats my rant
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Re: usbc sportshot crap
« Reply #181 on: April 24, 2008, 12:50:14 PM »
I bowled a double shift last night. 1st shift THS and 2nd shift is the PBA league on the US Open pattern.  On the THS, for fun I brought out my PLASTIC ball and shot 274 and a 693 series.

On the US Open pattern using my real equipment and moving all over the place, I shot a 430.

That should tell you all you need to know right there.
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Re: usbc sportshot crap
« Reply #182 on: April 24, 2008, 12:58:21 PM »

And as long as ANYONE can even think that "Joe Average Bowler" is on par with the Professionals, none of this will EVER occur.  That is what USBC is tasked with correcting.  If the THS goes away and some bowlers leave with it, perhaps that is a good thing SHORT-TERM...but only if the LONG-TERM gain described above will be recognized.  There is absolutely no guarantee that this would occur, but fear cannot be our guide.


My suggestion right now is to chill out. If you're trying to change how people think outside the sport of bowling, you're going to die a very bitter person.

This sport has never enjoyed the level of public respect afforded golf, and when you sign up to be a bowler you agree to accept that. And I'm not even talking about scoring pace issues; we still fight the stereotype of being a bunch of boozed-up, fat, bald factory workers toiling away in a cigarette smoke-filled barn. That stereotype has been alive and well for 100 years, and no one has fixed it even when scoring conditions were cruddy for everyone.

If you are looking to bowling for personal edification, you are searching in the wrong place. You posts indicate that you seem to look to external loci for confirmation of whether you are or aren't a good bowler, and that's not necessary. You're way too concerned with using your talents to garner respect.

And, you're setting up a strawman argument, anyway. This is barely about whether anyone outside or inside bowling thinks amateurs are good as the pros. It's much more about league bowlers bowling on a condition that allows them the opportunity to shoot high numbers.

And even if they do, welcome to life. There are some supremely popular sports out there (golf, NASCAR) where some of the general public mistakenly thinks they're as good as the players. You can't legislate based on that kind of thing.



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Re: usbc sportshot crap
« Reply #183 on: April 24, 2008, 01:07:53 PM »
For all you that are bowling for FUN.

Shooting High Scores.

Is that the only way you can have FUN in bowling?

If you don't shoot a 280, 250, 230, or 220...then you are not having fun. That does not make sense to me.

Its NOT us wanting the Sport condition that have the EGO issue it is YOU!

Once again, the truth is somewhere in the middle.

* You can toughen up a league THS without making it a sport shot.

* I don't know too many people who need to shoot 700 a night to have fun but they need to shoot better than 450 (see the post directly below yours; I don't know if that guy had fun but 90 percent of league bowlers I know would not).

* There's ego on both sides and if you won't admit that, you're not being honest. The two biggest jerks in my leagues by far are the guys that are good sport-level bowlers and are constantly rubbing it in people's faces. We had someone shoot 279 a couple of weeks back at the other end of the house and the center announced it over the intercom, and Mr. Sport, who was bowling on my pair, says in a fairly loud voice, "there's another meaningless piece of s*** score." What a great representative of the sport the guy is...



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Re: usbc sportshot crap
« Reply #184 on: April 24, 2008, 01:14:25 PM »
The Game 300,

If bowling on a shot and shooting 430 is how you believe we should grow the sport of bowling then you must not be very smart. Nobody wants to shoot those score unless your brain isn't wired quite right. There are shots that are not soft than allow good scores but require shot making ability. If any person on this board thinks we need to start shooting 450-550 to save the game you have been hitting the bong a little too often!!


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Re: usbc sportshot crap
« Reply #185 on: April 24, 2008, 01:26:55 PM »
For all you that are bowling for FUN.

Shooting High Scores.

Is that the only way you can have FUN in bowling?

If you don't shoot a 280, 250, 230, or 220...then you are not having fun. That does not make sense to me.

Its NOT us wanting the Sport condition that have the EGO issue it is YOU!

Once again, the truth is somewhere in the middle.

* You can toughen up a league THS without making it a sport shot.

* I don't know too many people who need to shoot 700 a night to have fun but they need to shoot better than 450 (see the post directly below yours; I don't know if that guy had fun but 90 percent of league bowlers I know would not).

* There's ego on both sides and if you won't admit that, you're not being honest. The two biggest jerks in my leagues by far are the guys that are good sport-level bowlers and are constantly rubbing it in people's faces. We had someone shoot 279 a couple of weeks back at the other end of the house and the center announced it over the intercom, and Mr. Sport, who was bowling on my pair, says in a fairly loud voice, "there's another meaningless piece of s*** score." What a great representative of the sport the guy is...


So because your house has two Azzholes, sport bowling is bad for everyone?!?

You also talk aboutlookin to others for satisfaction.....well that is true of everyone by default because everyone's average in your league is listed on the standings sheet each week, so everyone is being compared against everyone in the league. But my personal satisfaction comes not from my total at the end of the night but from when I look back over my 3 games and can say I hit my mark consistently, hit my breakpoint consistently, released the ball well, etc. But it also frustrated the hell out of me when I look back and see I didn't do any of those rather well for a night and look at my series and see 715-720-730. That becomes a joke when you know you bowled bad and yet you are rewarded with an above average score. On nights I throw the ball bad, I should shoot 550-560. And that is the motivation to improve the next week so I can get back to where I belong.

And its not about shooting 700 to have fun, but it's people who have raised their average 15-20-25 pins because of a small increase in skill and a large increase in the ease of the conditions. I leave out the increase in ball technology because that is available to everyone. And these aren't you 225-235 average bowlers, they are the 190-210 average bowlers. If they bowled on a condition, even a tougher THS condition, their average drops back down to close to their skill level and they get pissed and complain, and whine, and b!tch about how the shoot is too tough, etc. They actually believe they are a good a bowler as their THS average indicates. I know I am not a 233 average bowler on a "real" shot. I want to be, but how can I when people like you and 302 are out here calling Sport bowling a joke? Hell, 302 even has it in his signature. That's the real problem, you don't see that it's not an all or nothing proposition. If the USBC pushes Sport bowling and PBA experience leagues, it's not saying get rid of the THS shot. It doesn't have to promote a THS league as strongly because there are already more then enough people to fill those, usually (admittedly this varies by region). So it promotes the new idea, the idea that you can see how good you really are. Problem is most people don't want to know how good they "really' are and are just happy being as good as they "think" they are.



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Re: usbc sportshot crap
« Reply #186 on: April 24, 2008, 01:27:27 PM »
The Game 300,

If bowling on a shot and shooting 430 is how you believe we should grow the sport of bowling then you must not be very smart. Nobody wants to shoot those score unless your brain isn't wired quite right. There are shots that are not soft than allow good scores but require shot making ability. If any person on this board thinks we need to start shooting 450-550 to save the game you have been hitting the bong a little too often!!

There were guys that could shoot 500-600 on it but you had to actually make quality shots to strike and make your spares, that is my point.  We have PBA members in the league and they average from 195-210 so far for the year.  There  THS averages are in the 225-240 range.  My average so far for the 1st shift is  209 and my PBA exp. average is 173.  So that shows me how much I really suck and definitely brings you down to earth.

If people want to just got out and shoot high scores on easier patterns, then good for them.  Just don't brag about it and think you are better then god unless you are willing to back it up on a tougher condition.  

I do believe however that the US Open pattern is a little to extreme and sent from the devil.
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Re: usbc sportshot crap
« Reply #187 on: April 24, 2008, 01:27:58 PM »
The Game 300,

If bowling on a shot and shooting 430 is how you believe we should grow the sport of bowling then you must not be very smart. Nobody wants to shoot those score unless your brain isn't wired quite right. There are shots that are not soft than allow good scores but require shot making ability. If any person on this board thinks we need to start shooting 450-550 to save the game you have been hitting the bong a little too often!!

But shooting 750 with your eyes closed is going to save the game?!? Keep drinking that Kool-Aid and see where it takes you.



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Re: usbc sportshot crap
« Reply #188 on: April 24, 2008, 01:36:31 PM »

First of all, I'm not calling sport bowling "a joke." That's between you and 302efi.

What I am saying is that it is not for everyone, and certainly not for anyone who has either just the money or the time to bowl once a week -- which because of changes in our society and our economy, is happening more and more.

My firsthand experiences with sport-level bowlers do not diminish the sport bowling experience itself; however, I have had a lot more bad experiences with those types than I do with inflated-head THS addicts who think they're as good as the pros. Given the choice of who to be locked up in a room with, I would probably pick the THS guy because while he might be delusional, at least he's not bitter.

If you're going to respond to my posts, do me the favor of actually reading them, please. I've bowled on PBAX, sport and/or tough shots for most of my bowling life -- including 8 years of league bowling at a house that laid out a totally gutter-to-gutter flat shot because of its old-school owner's preferences. I have come to realize that one size is not going to fit all in this sport. Sport bowling has its place, but it's not going to be default setting for all leagues, nor should it be.


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Re: usbc sportshot crap
« Reply #189 on: April 24, 2008, 01:37:43 PM »
I honestly think scores would NOT drop to 430. That's less than 150 average. I really believe what would happen is less High and Low games. The bowler would stay closer to their average.  

I see 160 and 170 average bowlers on THS right now have 200 some game then tank the other two games.
Talkin' Trash!


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Re: usbc sportshot crap
« Reply #190 on: April 24, 2008, 01:45:45 PM »

First of all, I'm not calling sport bowling "a joke." That's between you and 302efi.

What I am saying is that it is not for everyone, and certainly not for anyone who has either just the money or the time to bowl once a week -- which because of changes in our society and our economy, is happening more and more.

My firsthand experiences with sport-level bowlers do not diminish the sport bowling experience itself; however, I have had a lot more bad experiences with those types than I do with inflated-head THS addicts who think they're as good as the pros. Given the choice of who to be locked up in a room with, I would probably pick the THS guy because while he might be delusional, at least he's not bitter.

If you're going to respond to my posts, do me the favor of actually reading them, please. I've bowled on PBAX, sport and/or tough shots for most of my bowling life -- including 8 years of league bowling at a house that laid out a totally gutter-to-gutter flat shot because of its old-school owner's preferences. I have come to realize that one size is not going to fit all in this sport. Sport bowling has its place, but it's not going to be default setting for all leagues, nor should it be.


I totally agree with you on that point.  That is why I can not compete with the people in my league.  This is the only night of the week I bowl and the 1st shift I am subbing for someone for most of the year.  I see these guys come in with a new ball almost every night and they practice after the league is over and on Sunday nights when the house puts out the shot.  I just don't have the time or the money for that.

I have problems with the person who bowls in 3 or more regular leagues, averages 220 and thinks they are the greatest thing since sliced bread, but once you mention a sport shot or tougher house shot, they run like a thief in the night.  

Take our county tournament this year.  Last year the house put out a really tough shot and the scores were low so 1/2 the people complained and the other 1/2 loved it.  So this year the house that has it put out an easy shot and there were 5 800's and like 10 300's.  And this is a relatively small county.  It was ridiculous.
It's all about J.A.C.C

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Why is there more oil in the parking lot then on the lanes I bowl on?

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Re: usbc sportshot crap
« Reply #191 on: April 24, 2008, 02:12:00 PM »

First of all, I'm not calling sport bowling "a joke." That's between you and 302efi.

What I am saying is that it is not for everyone, and certainly not for anyone who has either just the money or the time to bowl once a week -- which because of changes in our society and our economy, is happening more and more.

My firsthand experiences with sport-level bowlers do not diminish the sport bowling experience itself; however, I have had a lot more bad experiences with those types than I do with inflated-head THS addicts who think they're as good as the pros. Given the choice of who to be locked up in a room with, I would probably pick the THS guy because while he might be delusional, at least he's not bitter.

If you're going to respond to my posts, do me the favor of actually reading them, please. I've bowled on PBAX, sport and/or tough shots for most of my bowling life -- including 8 years of league bowling at a house that laid out a totally gutter-to-gutter flat shot because of its old-school owner's preferences. I have come to realize that one size is not going to fit all in this sport. Sport bowling has its place, but it's not going to be default setting for all leagues, nor should it be.


Well said Jess, I agree that one size or pattern is not going to fit all bowlers.

Our house changes the shot every 5-6 weeks during our league, so we do not bowl on the same shot the whole season.  We do not hear alot of grumbling when it changes most teams just adapt and move on.  Our house must be the exception to the norm from listening to everyone here because out of the 22-5 man teams on Thursday night this year we had only one 300 game shot and the highest average was 215.  For the year we only had 4-300 games shot in the house so not everyone has been able to shoot the easy 300.  I was present twice this year when people shot 300 and you could have heard a pin drop both nights (32 lanes in the house), so there is evidentally some respect left in some bowling centers.

Edited on 4/24/2008 2:12 PM


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Re: usbc sportshot crap
« Reply #192 on: April 24, 2008, 02:16:51 PM »

Well said Jess, I agree that one size or pattern is not going to fit all bowlers.

Our house changes the shot every 5-6 weeks during our league, so we do not bowl on the same shot the whole season.  We do not hear alot of grumbling when it changes most teams just adapt and move on.  Our house must be the exception to the norm from listening to everyone here because out of the 22-5 man teams on Thursday night this year we had only one 300 game shot and the highest average was 215.  For the year we only had 4-300 games shot in the house so not everyone has been able to shoot the easy 300.  I was present twice this year when people shot 300 and you could have heard a pin drop both nights (32 lanes in the house), so there is evidentally some respect left in some bowling centers.

Edited on 4/24/2008 2:12 PM

Same at my house. High average on the league right now is 210, there are about 6-7 others over 200, you have a cluster around 180-190 and then it drops off from there. We also have a shot that rotates (same pattern laterally, but five different lengths) from time to time.

We've had one or two 300s this year, no 800s, a couple of 290s and a bunch of 270x stuff but on both 300s this year the place sounded like a stadium.



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Re: usbc sportshot crap
« Reply #193 on: April 24, 2008, 02:47:15 PM »
I have the same thing in my house as Jess and RV have...the shot mutates itself almost every week.  I'd say it's the same length most of the time, just the amount of oil changes.  Last week the lanes were flying compared to 2 weeks ago.  I've only bowled the first half, and we've only had one three hundred.  The league stopped to watch, and it was the guy's first one.  He came in light and the headpin took out a stubborn 5 was awesome.  High average in our league is a 216 I think...maybe 217 or 218 after his monster series last week.
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Re: usbc sportshot crap
« Reply #194 on: April 24, 2008, 02:48:42 PM »
And Jorge, great you avg 233 on a THS.  It still doesn't man it is too easy for eveyone, Instead of trying to make the game change to fit you, stop bowling THS leagues and just bowl sport and PBA Ex.  Then you don't have to deal wit  the house guys.

If you read through these 8 pages now, you see I'm not trying to make the game fit me, people are trying to find a way to grow the SPORT of bowling, which seems lost on a few you. Football is a game, but it is also a SPORT. Same for bowling. For those that want to enjoy the game of bowling, join a mixed league bowl on your THS shot, go Cosmic bowling and have fun. But some of us would like to enjoy the SPORT of bowling which means there needs to be some challenge there.

And I would love nothing more then to bowl a Sport league or a PBA Experience league, but there are none in my area. So I have no choice. And just so you know, even with my 233 average, I know I suck, how many of you can say the same?!?

If you avg 233 then you don't suck.  Yo uprobably won't be able to compete wit hthe PBA Tour Pros o ntheir shot, but not many people on here can.

You are trying to make the game fit you.  By downing everyone's accomplishments on a THS just because you find it easy, and saying the things you have been saying here, you want THS scores to hae an asterisk for the lack of a better term. Your attitude here says to me in your eyes "if it isn't a sport shot, it ain't nothin"  That is one of the many reasons people don't step up and try Sport leagues, too many people like that.

Technology has made all sports easier, and will continue to do so.  For that I say, if you think a THS is too easy, then down't bowl on it, in your case, you should beating the streets trying to get PBA Ex leagues in your area.  IF you still can't, the least you can do is not put down THS and the bowlers that choose to bowl on it.  And by saying it is too easy, you are putting it and the bowlers down.


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Re: usbc sportshot crap
« Reply #195 on: April 24, 2008, 03:06:10 PM »
I know I am not a 233 average bowler on a "real" shot. I want to be, but how can I when people like you and 302 are out here calling Sport bowling a joke? Hell, 302 even has it in his signature

What does my signature (newly founded I may add) have to due with you ability or determantion to avg well on "real" shot ?

Your just looking excuses and rationalizations.
I will head to my local pro shop. Right after I buy it online.

Sport Bowling is a F**king joke