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Author Topic: usbc sportshot crap  (Read 21567 times)


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usbc sportshot crap
« on: April 20, 2008, 05:12:34 AM »
is anyone else sick of the sportshot crap the usbc keeps shoving at us, I have read that league bowling membership is declining, iknow that this is true in my area. I live in mich. and the decline of the auto industry is having a huge impact on our leagues.Jobs, Money, and time are tight so guys are having to cut back. the usbc is basically ignoring normal house leagues and is pushing pba experience and sport leagues. the thing is we don't have the time and disposable income to devote to having all this extra equipment and practice time. everyone on my team averages over 200, we have all decided to cut back to once a week bowling. we tired of the usbc telling us that what we are doing doesn't measure up and for the "integrity of the game we should switch to a pba exp. league.
thats my rant
twisted fury
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a bad night of bowling is better than a good night at work.
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Re: usbc sportshot crap
« Reply #226 on: April 25, 2008, 01:43:52 AM »
Posted by Jess:  "I couldn't give a tinker's da*n what outsiders think about the sport and its scoring and those that do need to sack up a little and quit letting outside forces dictate whether they respect the sport, themselves and their own accomplishments"

Therein again lies the problem.  Good for you if you don't care about what the outside world thinks of you or the Sport.  However, if the Sport is EVER to grow it will be because of the influence and money spent by those OUTSIDE the it matter GREATLY what they think of it.

Seeing as how the bowling industry isn't too keen on putting up its own money to create the necessary programs to grow the sport, someone will have to foot the bill.


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Re: usbc sportshot crap
« Reply #227 on: April 25, 2008, 01:53:15 AM »
Is that really the best you have?  By the way congratulations on the 300 and 800 you shot in PRACTICE.  I am sure am glad that you posted that on your profile...shows everyone exactly who we are dealing with.

I have no desire to post a profile, but I will leave you with this:
T654 - D719 - S716 = AE2089  --> ABC Nationals (not practice)

And in my typical elitist fashion, I will refrain from speaking to you any further...I mean what kind of left-hander only averages 180?


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Re: usbc sportshot crap
« Reply #228 on: April 25, 2008, 02:19:15 AM »
Posted by Jess:  "I couldn't give a tinker's da*n what outsiders think about the sport and its scoring and those that do need to sack up a little and quit letting outside forces dictate whether they respect the sport, themselves and their own accomplishments"

Therein again lies the problem.  Good for you if you don't care about what the outside world thinks of you or the Sport.  However, if the Sport is EVER to grow it will be because of the influence and money spent by those OUTSIDE the it matter GREATLY what they think of it.

Seeing as how the bowling industry isn't too keen on putting up its own money to create the necessary programs to grow the sport, someone will have to foot the bill.

If you actually knew what you were talking about, you would know that the reason outside money is hard for bowling to come by has nothing to do with scoring pace. It has to do with the fact that the televised bowling audience, while loyal to the telecast, have not historically been quick to support sponsors with their own wallets. That is due, in great part, to the demographics of bowling versus other sports.

It also has a great deal to do with the historical stereotype of the bowler as being Bald Joe the Drunken Schmoe, wearing his ugly shirt and shoes and smoking a stogie while he bowled. That stereotype has been with us since the height of bowling's "glory days" and shows no sign of going away soon.

If you are going to state that an investment company or Cadillac or some other high-dollar, high-profile company won't pitch money in because of the scoring pace, I'd like a little proof beyond your word. But I know I won't get that. I've seen PBA pros make plenty of reference to the advertising conundrum and scoring has never come up -- but what do they know, right?

As for posting your bowling scores, if only it had any correlation to your IQ, you'd be aces. The problem is you actually think your athletic ability has bearing on your ability to understand the rules of basic finance, demographics, or societal trends, and it obviously very much does not.

But you are pretty good at telling people how you can throttle them with either hand. So that's something.

The truth is, every time you open your mouth in this discussion, you drive people away from your point of view, because you can't make a post here without thumping your chest and talking about how important and talented you are. You've been this way ever since you first came on the site.



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Re: usbc sportshot crap
« Reply #229 on: April 25, 2008, 07:15:58 AM »
EagleHunter, serious question.

When you say "save the game/sport of bowling", what are you exactly talking about ? How is it dieing ? You thinking everyone will just quit one day ?

You can't really think all the bowling centers will just close down one day, do you ?

What about the game, is really needed to be "saved" ?
I will head to my local pro shop. Right after I buy it online.

Sport Bowling is a F**king joke

Edited on 4/25/2008 7:16 AM

trash heap

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Re: usbc sportshot crap
« Reply #230 on: April 25, 2008, 07:53:00 AM »
There is always going to be that balance between luck and skill in this game. It doesn't matter the lane conditions. On any given condition when everyone seems to struggle, someone will excell. So when you berate the 180 bowler for shooting 300, its just not right. No one was born being a 200+ average bowler and an accomplished Sport pattern bowler.

This forum is populated by a lot of younger bowlers. You have no idea how your bowling life is going to be 10, 25, or 40 years from now. You don't even know if you are going to be bowling anymore. I would just caution a lot of younger bowlers that you take a breather and absorb just a bit of what older more experienced bowlers are saying on both sides of this issue. If you don't think that sheer dumb luck was ever an issue "back in the good old days" then you are wrong.

This true there is always going to be a small percentage that is luck also there is a small percentage where someone can be on for one night.

That has happened to me twice in bowling tournaments. I was throwing the ball right where I wanted it go and I was throwing it great and seemed so effortless. Most nights I get that for 4 or 5 shots and I lose it. Then there are nights that nothing seems to work and I struggle.

Talkin' Trash!


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Re: usbc sportshot crap
« Reply #231 on: April 25, 2008, 07:53:51 AM »
Is that really the best you have?  By the way congratulations on the 300 and 800 you shot in PRACTICE.  I am sure am glad that you posted that on your profile...shows everyone exactly who we are dealing with.

I have no desire to post a profile, but I will leave you with this:
T654 - D719 - S716 = AE2089  --> ABC Nationals (not practice)

And in my typical elitist fashion, I will refrain from speaking to you any further...I mean what kind of left-hander only averages 180?

Now that's just downright jackassery right here.  I'm not sure if it's sarcasm or serious, but to even put that up is way over the line.  Those are lovely Nationals scores, but what relevance does it have to anything?  Why does someone's ability on the lanes mean so much to so many of you?  It is a physical activity, and not all people have the same amount of physical abilities.  Some work harder at it, some don't.  Lots of people seem to be losing sight of the bigger picture for the little details.  Does anybody even remember why this debate cropped up?  Or has it gone the way of the political dichotomy:  arguing for argument's sake?
"This is not 'Nam. This is bowling. There are rules."


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Re: usbc sportshot crap
« Reply #232 on: April 25, 2008, 08:09:48 AM »

Does anybody even remember why this debate cropped up?

Yeah, the OP of this thread was saying USBC should not continue to push sportshots or sport bowling on us.

For some reason the bowling elites think that sport bowling is the saving grace of the game. So Eagle Hunter posting his great scores on the Nationals "tuff" shot, shows his great ability

Sh!t for all we know is he went Brooklyn and threw the nose on every shot and carried ..LOL
I will head to my local pro shop. Right after I buy it online.

Sport Bowling is a F**king joke

Edited on 4/25/2008 8:12 AM


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Re: usbc sportshot crap
« Reply #233 on: April 25, 2008, 12:43:15 PM »
Just got back from the tournament. It seemed tougher than normal this year and I'm not sure exactly why. PLENTY of oil, though. I could have left 2 balls home this year that didn't even sniff a shot on the lanes, which surprised me.

Team - Tried starting out playing straight up 11-12 board but couldn't get comfortable. Four splits, including back to back 4-9 splits that ruined what I thought were decent shots. 1st game had 5 open frames, and it could not have been a worse start to the tournament. Shot 135! I can't believe it happened!

Moved left to playing around 3rd arrow with very little swing and finished 208 and 222. I used a Solid Zone at about 1200-1500 grit. It's an international ball that's a little stronger than the Wizard. Bowled the same squad as Steve Kloempken's all-star team that included Rhino Page as anchor. My stellar start meant I had ZERO fun in brackets, too.

Doubles - 9:20am (2nd) squad. You get 4 practice shots, so I moved way outside to going straight up 4 board and was surprised to find the pocket. First game was 200, so I felt like maybe I could stay out there and hopefully get some "carry" help. Two open frames and lots of spares for a 180. Then things started getting strange again with the splits on seemingly decent shots. My 3rd game had 5 opens again from 3 splits, 1 washout, and 1 idiot shot by the bowler. Punched out in the 10th for 152! I can't believe I'm actually typing this, but it happened.

Singles - Switched pairs and the next pair had a bit more carry-down. Game 1 had 7 spares and two open frames on another split and another idiot shot by me... 168! Game 2 had only 1 open but 6 spares for 185. I'm wishing the pain would stop, but had to bowl one more game just to see what depths I can sink into again. Another split to start and one other open for a 195. I was able finally to use my Blast Zone (4000 abralon) straight up 7 board and finished with a nice looking shot but the time was gone and my patience was, too. All events total was a whopping 1645!

At times carry was good, but overall, I left too many splits and flagged a few single pin spares to ruin any chance to a good showing this year. I must say that I still had a great time. The shot was demanding, and the tournament seemed to be running well. Hats off to Albuquerque for a good time even though I bowled like crap.

If I could bowl it again, I'd start way outside with my Solid Zone and just stay out there. Every where I tried playing the lanes there wasn't much room to miss, which is quite allright with me. Chalk this one up to experience and hope there's a silver lining somewhere.

Lane Carter, Strike Zone Pro Shops - Salt Lake City, Utah
Brunswick Amateur Staff

Edited on 4/21/2008 4:22 AM

sounds like the kind of event i should be excited about spending close to a 1000.00, to get to, stay at and participate in. Similar stories are being reported back by my friends. Many are saying they might go to  vegas next year and skip the bowling, rather throw their money away in the casino, instead of bowling 150's
twisted fury
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a bad night of bowling is better than a good night at work.
every frame is a opportunity to succeed!


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Re: usbc sportshot crap
« Reply #234 on: April 25, 2008, 04:11:50 PM »

Great post again. At least I have the balls to tell what I average and what my high series right and lefthanded have been. If posting my high scores from practice shows what kind of person everyone is dealing with here then I guess there are alot of people who have lowered themselves here in your eyes by posting what they have shot practicing. I said it didn't mean anything I guess a superstar snob like you can't understand that statement. Anyone could post the Nationals scores you did, not much proof they're real.


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Re: usbc sportshot crap
« Reply #235 on: April 25, 2008, 06:26:29 PM »
My last post was in DIRECT response to Tony's complaint that I wasn't man enough to post a profile.  Quite frankly I do not care to blow my own horn, but if you wish to continue baiting me...then toot toot.  Most of you wouldn't believe anything that I put in a profile anyway...too bad for you.

If you think that I'm merely here to blow smoke, well quite frankly to hell with you.  I have done my part to try and inject a different viewpoint and look from a MUCH larger scope than it appears most of you are capable of.  If that comes across as elitist I would suggest it is because you are incapable of comprehending what I am talking about.

I have been on the lower end of the scoring spectrum and worked my up to near the top, so I know that I can comment about these things from experience.  For those of you who haven't cracked the 200 average barrier, how dare you attempt to tell anyone how it is when you haven't been there?  Is that wealth of knowledge coming out?

I have worked with well known coaches, including National PBA champions.  I have worked at my local association and have talked about these very issues with past ABC Presidents, Directors, and Executive Directors.  These are well-respected individuals within the sport, and people who I respect a great deal.  Our conversations have often echoed some of the things discussed here.  So since I seem to be on track with people that I respect, and are respected throughout the industry, I get far less concerned with what other less respected individuals think, especially those who are unable to think outside of their tiny box.

Meanwhile, Tony felt the need to PM me and challenge me (among other things he had to say).  Good luck with that, I have much better things to do with my time than to deal with your ignorance and childishness.  If you don't want to get called out, then keep quiet.

For the record, my high average was 231-RH and 187-LH (bowled half the season after pulling a tendon in my right was my 1st time bowling LH).  High game 300-RH, 267-LH, High series 819-RH, 665-LH.

To the rest of of luck during the off-season.


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Re: usbc sportshot crap
« Reply #236 on: April 25, 2008, 06:36:48 PM »
My last post was in DIRECT response to Tony's complaint that I wasn't man enough to post a profile.  Quite frankly I do not care to blow my own horn, but if you wish to continue baiting me...then toot toot.  Most of you wouldn't believe anything that I put in a profile anyway...too bad for you.

If you think that I'm merely here to blow smoke, well quite frankly to hell with you.  I have done my part to try and inject a different viewpoint and look from a MUCH larger scope than it appears most of you are capable of.  If that comes across as elitist I would suggest it is because you are incapable of comprehending what I am talking about.

I have been on the lower end of the scoring spectrum and worked my up to near the top, so I know that I can comment about these things from experience.  For those of you who haven't cracked the 200 average barrier, how dare you attempt to tell anyone how it is when you haven't been there?  Is that wealth of knowledge coming out?

I have worked with well known coaches, including National PBA champions.  I have worked at my local association and have talked about these very issues with past ABC Presidents, Directors, and Executive Directors.  These are well-respected individuals within the sport, and people who I respect a great deal.  Our conversations have often echoed some of the things discussed here.  So since I seem to be on track with people that I respect, and are respected throughout the industry, I get far less concerned with what other less respected individuals think, especially those who are unable to think outside of their tiny box.

Meanwhile, Tony felt the need to PM me and challenge me (among other things he had to say).  Good luck with that, I have much better things to do with my time than to deal with your ignorance and childishness.  If you don't want to get called out, then keep quiet.

For the record, my high average was 231-RH and 187-LH (bowled half the season after pulling a tendon in my right was my 1st time bowling LH).  High game 300-RH, 267-LH, High series 819-RH, 665-LH.

To the rest of of luck during the off-season.

More chest-thumping and posturing from someone who, at the end of the day, is no more or less significant than anyone else who holds a USBC card.

That's what you can't tolerate, but have no choice BUT to tolerate. You're not driving the bus and it obviously kills you.

No one else who responded to this thread did so with the haughtiness you brought to the table, so the more pi**ed-off you get (and it's obvious), the more I just sit here and chuckle. You can't do a thing about any of this and it's just eating away at you. I'm sure you were counting on people to respect your viewpoint more because of your bowling but guess what -- the opposite thing happened.

Good luck to you, too, this summer. Maybe you'll find some humility.



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Re: usbc sportshot crap
« Reply #237 on: April 25, 2008, 06:40:02 PM »
tfav44 lock this thread up now, JessN16 pretty much drove the nail in the coffin
I will head to my local pro shop. Right after I buy it online.

Sport Bowling is a F**king joke


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Re: usbc sportshot crap
« Reply #238 on: April 25, 2008, 09:40:28 PM »

Your the man, there is no doubt. If someone doesn't average 200, they know nothing about the sport of bowling. You are an even bigger jacka## than I  thought you were. The scores you post are merely that and with no proof I would only believe you are lying. You think anyone under 200 or that bowls on a THS is insignificant and worthless to bowling. You lied about knowing the bowling business and give some lame excuse to back the lie. Talking to people doesn't mean jack. Being involved in the day to day business of a bowling center would knock that smugness out of you. You know nothing about what drives bowling, you only know the sport from your blowhard perspective. You tell me you could throttle me with either hand yet haven't got the nads to back it. You are the slimy wuss I knew you were. Willing to run down the backbone of the sport and spew things about an industry you have know real knowledge of. WHAT A MAN!!


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Re: usbc sportshot crap
« Reply #239 on: April 25, 2008, 09:57:42 PM »

That's a great post, right on the money. It's clowns like sparrowhunter that are what killing the growth of bowling and in fact driving many away. He knows it, but that's what he wants, a slimmer sport that only includes the guys that average over 200 on a shot he feels justifies that score. The men who brought this game to the forefront (Dick Weber, Don Carter, Earl Anthony, Johnny Petraglia, to name a few) never had such egotistical, elitist thoughts come out of their mouths. He's used some of their names and should be slapped up side the head real hard for bringing them into his gutter thinking. Guys like him could leave the game tomorrow and nobody and I mean nobody would miss whatever he brought to it.


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Re: usbc sportshot crap
« Reply #240 on: April 28, 2008, 10:50:42 AM »
I will repeat, I have been bowling in men's leagues for 36 years and have been taking care of our local lanes for 26. I believe I've learned a few things about the industry during that time. First, if you think easy lanes are the answer, you are wrong. If you think tough sport shots are the answer, YOU ARE A MORON!!!! The industry is in a fragile state, and if the answer was simple the brain trusts at the USBC would have found it by now. Jorge, climb into the real world and quit being an elitist (you guys are ruining this sport). This game was created for recreation. It evolved into many different layers. The top bowlers of yesteryear were not the holier than now guys who having been piping off on this subject over the last few days. Many of today's top bowlers have now become such snobs that if anyone shoots a high score and are not the quality bowler they are, it shouldn't be taken seriously. Get over yourselves! This game is still dominated in numbers by the average joe bowler. They pay your way at every turn. You take their money in leagues, you take their money at tournaments and yet you want them to bow down and kiss your feet because you have put more into your game than them and they damn well better not shoot a 300 game or honor count of any kind unless it's on a difficult shot.

Any bowler can shoot 300. Lanes don't play into that at all. 150 avg. bowlers have been doing it forever. These guys do not shoot 800s. These guys gladly let you take their money at every turn, but if they luck out and have a 300, boy you get hosed off about it. Who are you guys and where did you snobs come from? Why do you even bowl in these leagues with the soft shots anyway. Why submit yourself to such agony? Your better than that, find the other elitists and form your own leagues where you can beat your heads against the wall every night but can go home satisfied you did it admirably. Quit bowling in the tournaments those schmucks with those inflated averages do. Those inflated averages they bring with them giving you every edge possible has to diminish your enjoyment when you get your prize money check. Tell the USBC to just ban these clowns and have the BPAA provide membership to them if they want a sanctioning body. Tell the USBC we don't need them to survive. We elitists will bring enough ego and savvy to the organization that our hot air alone will keep the ship afloat. That is how to grow the sport!!

Tony C,
   I guess after 36 years in the bowling business, your customer service skills have either gone away or more then likely you never had any to begin with. You complain about me and others yet you can't do so without calling names and generally acting like a child. Maybe someone would take you seriously if you could actually put a post together without calling someone a moron?!?

   Now, After you have judged me wrong again, let me say that I do understand the business of bowling. Unfortunately, league bowlers aren't the big drawing items for center owners. That's why you have places like Main Event show up that have no or only a few leagues. The open play bowler is what they want, the person who pays $3.50-4.00/ game, eats and drinks at the snack bar, orders a round or two at the bar, etc. Or the cosmic bowler who will pay $20-30 to bowl in the dark with loud music playing and laser lights flashing. Luckily there are still houses who realize that having leagues that will fill up 60-90% of the house every week guaranteed are worthwhile.

   And lastly, again, I have never called for an end to the THS. All I have said was that SPort Bowling and PBAX leagues allwo for those who want to progress to the next level a chance to do so, and for those saying they are a joke or are crap and things like this are being ignorant. Now if you want to fall into that category, be my guest, as your posts following this one have shown that you fit right in.
