What's more difficult to do?
Shooting a 300 or 800 on a PBA shot or THS?
Everyone knows the answer on this board, but not everyone knows that bowls in leagues. An 800 on the THS is an "THS 800". It DOES NOT EQUAL to a Sport Shot or PBA 800. THEY ARE NOT SAME and it SHOULD BE UP TO THE USBC TO LET THEM KNOW! Why do we have keep this thing a secret to the recreational bowler. This kind of stuff you do with a litte kids....NOT ADULTS!
THS should be used for beginners. Anyone that has some skill in bowling should be embarrassed stating that they can score (220, 250, 300 or 700, 750, 800, 900) on an easy shot!! Yeah anyone can do it!! That's the kind of statement that needs to be made.
Look at Golf....I know many golfers who shoot from the white tees when they should be shooting from the Blue. Why? They like to brag how they can get their ball on green in two shots on PAR 5s. They do NOT want a challenge!!!