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Author Topic: usbc sportshot crap  (Read 21493 times)


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usbc sportshot crap
« on: April 20, 2008, 05:12:34 AM »
is anyone else sick of the sportshot crap the usbc keeps shoving at us, I have read that league bowling membership is declining, iknow that this is true in my area. I live in mich. and the decline of the auto industry is having a huge impact on our leagues.Jobs, Money, and time are tight so guys are having to cut back. the usbc is basically ignoring normal house leagues and is pushing pba experience and sport leagues. the thing is we don't have the time and disposable income to devote to having all this extra equipment and practice time. everyone on my team averages over 200, we have all decided to cut back to once a week bowling. we tired of the usbc telling us that what we are doing doesn't measure up and for the "integrity of the game we should switch to a pba exp. league.
thats my rant
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Re: usbc sportshot crap
« Reply #91 on: April 22, 2008, 11:46:44 AM »
What's more difficult to do?

Shooting a 300 or 800 on a PBA shot or THS?

Everyone knows the answer on this board, but not everyone knows that bowls in leagues. An 800 on the THS is an "THS 800". It DOES NOT EQUAL to a Sport Shot or PBA 800. THEY ARE NOT SAME and it SHOULD BE UP TO THE USBC TO LET THEM KNOW! Why do we have keep this thing a secret to the recreational bowler. This kind of stuff you do with a litte kids....NOT ADULTS!

THS should be used for beginners. Anyone that has some skill in bowling should be embarrassed stating that they can score (220, 250, 300 or 700, 750, 800, 900) on an easy shot!! Yeah anyone can do it!! That's the kind of statement that needs to be made.

Look at Golf....I know many golfers who shoot from the white tees when they should be shooting from the Blue. Why? They like to brag how they can get their ball on green in two shots on PAR 5s. They do NOT want a challenge!!!


Talkin' Trash!


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Re: usbc sportshot crap
« Reply #92 on: April 22, 2008, 12:20:03 PM »
What's more difficult to do?

Shooting a 300 or 800 on a PBA shot or THS?

Everyone knows the answer on this board, but not everyone knows that bowls in leagues. An 800 on the THS is an "THS 800". It DOES NOT EQUAL to a Sport Shot or PBA 800. THEY ARE NOT SAME and it SHOULD BE UP TO THE USBC TO LET THEM KNOW! Why do we have keep this thing a secret to the recreational bowler. This kind of stuff you do with a litte kids....NOT ADULTS!

THS should be used for beginners. Anyone that has some skill in bowling should be embarrassed stating that they can score (220, 250, 300 or 700, 750, 800, 900) on an easy shot!! Yeah anyone can do it!! That's the kind of statement that needs to be made.

Look at Golf....I know many golfers who shoot from the white tees when they should be shooting from the Blue. Why? They like to brag how they can get their ball on green in two shots on PAR 5s. They do NOT want a challenge!!!

Anybody can do it?  Anybody can shoot an 800?  You should stop and think about what it is you are really saying.  Anybody can average 266.67 for 3 games?  Let's drop it down to a 700.  Anybody can average 233.34 for 3 games?  No, not everybody can.  And no, not everybody will either.  I'm not sure why so many people are hellbent on saying that a THS is too easy, that there are too many high averages, honor scores, people quitting, etc.  

Let's use an example:  I have been working diligently on my game for the past 2.5 years or so, building my first true arsenal, working on my form, and being consistent on my repetition in shots.  It all paid off last summer when I bowled my one and only three hundred game.  I was ecstatic, and felt like a million bucks.  Everybody in the league stopped to watch, and they all gave me a congratulatory hand shake and hug, and to top it off my parents and girlfriend were there, all in tears.  It was the best feeling I've ever had, and I've never felt anything quite like it since (not yet anyway ).  Now I don't know about any of you, but to me, that's what bowling is all about.  No, that's what competing is all about: doing your best, every single time, and having fun.  Everybody in my leagues think that way also.  Some may take bowling more seriously than others, but to get to the point that people are telling others "your honor scores don't count" is just ridiculous.  Get off your high horse and get yourself a life.

Bowling is a game, games are fun.  Games can be taken seriously too, look at horse shoes, softball, darts, billiards, whatever.  There's people who play them recreationally, and people who play them competitively.  If you think a THS is too easy, go join sport and PBA leagues.  If you can't get them, then petition to get them at your local center, don't come on this site and be a jerk about it.  If you think leagues are dying b/c a game is too easy, then you my friend, are incredibly out of touch with reality.
"This is not 'Nam. This is bowling. There are rules."


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Re: usbc sportshot crap
« Reply #93 on: April 22, 2008, 12:25:16 PM »
And as far as integrity of the me another sport where Joe Citizen can go out and out-perform the professional athletes of that sport? Bowling is the only one. The average bowler on his THS pattern shoots his 200-210 average, and then watches Chris Barnes shoot 160 on TV and thinks "I can beat him". They don't understand the reality of what it took to just get to the TV show, and the difference in the conditions the Pro's face versus the league bowler. No one thinks because they can make a lay-up in the pick-up basketball game that they go one-on-one with Kobe or Lebron do they? No one thinks that if they make a tackle in their backyard football game that they go and sack Brett Favre or Peyton Manning do they? You saying that you don't care about the PBA and it has nothing to do with league bowling shows the closed minded world that you live in. No one is saying you have dedicate your life to this sport, if you want to just do it to have fun, be my guest, but if you do that, you shouldn't be outscoring the professionals that do this for a living.

The whole paragraph is flawed with the same

What does it matter what a bowler thinks ?!?!

What does that have to does with the PBA ?!?!

So according to you, if I want to just play the game of bowling for fun, I SHOULD NOT be out scoring professionals ?! Where did this come from ?

When I played basketball in high-school (varsity year) and I avged around 22 points per game, your sayin I was wrong and I should'ne be higher then alot of NBA players ?!...LOL

You keep saying "sport" of bowling, you CAN'T classify bowling in general as a sport !

League bowling is a fun and entertaining GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sport bowling is ..well..if you wanna call it a sport, go head.
I will head to my local pro shop. Right after I buy it online.

When faced with a difficult situation, Jesus asks himself, "What would Chuck Norris do?"

Robo-Arm bowlers SUCK...


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Re: usbc sportshot crap
« Reply #94 on: April 22, 2008, 12:28:36 PM »
heres an idea, screw usbc, don't sanction your leagues, all they do is jack the price up on membership fees and for what so you can get a deck of cards or a coaster for a high game? or hey you only get one ring for honor scores now. So awards keep declining and fees keep going up? Doesnt make any sense to me

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Re: usbc sportshot crap
« Reply #95 on: April 22, 2008, 01:21:33 PM »
What's more difficult to do?

Shooting a 300 or 800 on a PBA shot or THS?

Everyone knows the answer on this board, but not everyone knows that bowls in leagues. An 800 on the THS is an "THS 800". It DOES NOT EQUAL to a Sport Shot or PBA 800. THEY ARE NOT SAME and it SHOULD BE UP TO THE USBC TO LET THEM KNOW! Why do we have keep this thing a secret to the recreational bowler. This kind of stuff you do with a litte kids....NOT ADULTS!

THS should be used for beginners. Anyone that has some skill in bowling should be embarrassed stating that they can score (220, 250, 300 or 700, 750, 800, 900) on an easy shot!! Yeah anyone can do it!! That's the kind of statement that needs to be made.

Look at Golf....I know many golfers who shoot from the white tees when they should be shooting from the Blue. Why? They like to brag how they can get their ball on green in two shots on PAR 5s. They do NOT want a challenge!!!

Anybody can do it? Anybody can shoot an 800? You should stop and think about what it is you are really saying. Anybody can average 266.67 for 3 games? Let's drop it down to a 700. Anybody can average 233.34 for 3 games? No, not everybody can. And no, not everybody will either.  

My statement is anyone can do it....I DID NOT SAY EVERYONE CAN DO IT! More people shoot honor scores on the THS.  


I'm not sure why so many people are hellbent on saying that a THS is too easy, that there are too many high averages, honor scores, people quitting, etc.

Because it is the truth. It is easy compared to other shots. A "TRUE" THS is easy. You have can have a bad release and get a can miss your target inside and outside and still get a strike. You can't argue with that!


Let's use an example: I have been working diligently on my game for the past 2.5 years or so, building my first true arsenal, working on my form, and being consistent on my repetition in shots. It all paid off last summer when I bowled my one and only three hundred game. I was ecstatic, and felt like a million bucks. Everybody in the league stopped to watch, and they all gave me a congratulatory hand shake and hug, and to top it off my parents and girlfriend were there, all in tears. It was the best feeling I've ever had, and I've never felt anything quite like it since (not yet anyway ). Now I don't know about any of you, but to me, that's what bowling is all about. No, that's what competing is all about: doing your best, every single time, and having fun. Everybody in my leagues think that way also. Some may take bowling more seriously than others, but to get to the point that people are telling others "your honor scores don't count" is just ridiculous. Get off your high horse and get yourself a life.

Congratulations! Nice Game! A memory you will never forget!


Bowling is a game, games are fun. Games can be taken seriously too, look at horse shoes, softball, darts, billiards, whatever. There's people who play them recreationally, and people who play them competitively.

Go ahead and have fun. Enjoy it! I didn't state bowling is not FUN.


If you think a THS is too easy, go join sport and PBA leagues. If you can't get them, then petition to get them at your local center, don't come on this site and be a jerk about it. If you think leagues are dying b/c a game is too easy, then you my friend, are incredibly out of touch with reality.

I bowl in a Mixed League (THS) with my wife and I have fun. I also enter local tournaments with PBA shots and bowl at PBA Regionals once or twice a year.

Maybe my words were a little strong, but the REALITY is, a THS 300 is NOT the same achievement as a 300 on a tougher shot. More people shoot 300 on THS than any other oil pattern. Look at the statistics over the years. The jump in 300 awards is not because of everyone are better bowlers!!!

We have too many bowlers in LEAGUE thinking they are GREAT cause they carry high averages and shoot high scores. They need a dose of REALITY!! It might be harsh to some but it is the truth!!!  

Talkin' Trash!


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Re: usbc sportshot crap
« Reply #96 on: April 22, 2008, 01:26:46 PM »
We have too many bowlers in LEAGUE thinking they are GREAT cause they carry high averages and shoot high scores. They need a dose of REALITY!!  

Why do they need a dose of reality ?!

What does it matter ?

Why do you care so much ?...Sounds like your losing sleep over it at night !

May I ask what you avg is in that league vs the people that need a dose of reality ?
I will head to my local pro shop. Right after I buy it online.

When faced with a difficult situation, Jesus asks himself, "What would Chuck Norris do?"

Robo-Arm bowlers SUCK...


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Re: usbc sportshot crap
« Reply #97 on: April 22, 2008, 01:40:33 PM »
302 After averaging 22 a game in high school did you think that you could do it in the NBA? You are saying the game is all about fun and just shooting high scores why not just bowl in a fun non sanctioned league? Why join a club because that is what the USBC is its a giant club that takes bowling seriously and most BOWLERS get upset when those with very little skill are able to do the same things that those with an immense amount of skill can do? Why bother sanctioning its more money you can spend on beer? You have yet to answer these questions but keep saying "why should we care what the pba does?" and "why should we care about high scores being shot with no skill involved?" Just answer why you sanction if its all about fun for you? Why waste the money?


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Re: usbc sportshot crap
« Reply #98 on: April 22, 2008, 01:56:40 PM »
302 After averaging 22 a game in high school did you think that you could do it in the NBA?

I know I couldnt, I UNDERSTOOD that HS ball vs NBA ball is different.

You are saying the game is all about fun and just shooting high scores why not just bowl in a fun non sanctioned league?

Find me one non sanctioned league around my area. There is none, nil, zip, nothing.

hy join a club because that is what the USBC is its a giant club that takes bowling seriously and most BOWLERS get upset when those with very little skill are able to do the same things that those with an immense amount of skill can do?

USBC takes bowling seriously ? Thats a joke, I laughed

So in this game your saying that someone with no skill can match a skilled player and that makes them mad & upset ?  Maybe the "skilled" person is not as "skilled" as they think, no ? Shouldnt the skilled person be putting an azz beating on the unskilled ? As easy as most of you make the THS out to be, you guys should be able to 900 every set ?...Remember an unskilled THS bowler still has to make their spares, no ?

Why bother sanctioning its more money you can spend on beer?

I'm not a big drinker, and see my 2nd qoute for response on the fees ^^^

You have yet to answer these questions but keep saying "why should we care what the pba does?" and "why should we care about high scores being shot with no skill involved?"

You got it backwards, you still have yet to answer WHY DO SHOULD CARE ABOUT THE PBA ?, I posed the question, but NOONE will answer it...hmm wonder why.

...and what is there to answer about the highsocres being shot, whats the problem ? Bowling is a game and played at different level. THS is a simpler level...I'm not complaining, YOU ARE.

Just answer why you sanction if its all about fun for you? Why waste the money?

There is no non-sanctioned leagues around me. I wanna have fun and shoot high like everyone else when I go bowl for league. Close my eyes and rip the cover off the ball and send it wide and watch it come screaming back....and in the process get another ring here and there.

When I go bowl a regional or a tourney, I know that it is not the same.

So whats the problem again >?
I will head to my local pro shop. Right after I buy it online.

Please do not cry that the THS is to easy

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Re: usbc sportshot crap
« Reply #99 on: April 22, 2008, 01:56:41 PM »
Actually NOT losing any sleep over this at all.

Let me rephrase this a little bit. The issue of "GREAT" is because they don't know what they are shooting on. They honestly think they are just a step below PBA level. They don't know how much the oil pattern (and ball) helps them. I blame the USBC and proprietors for this.

Let's just keep them dark.

Why does it matter.....I N T E G R I T Y....that's what makes the SPORT of bowling GREAT!
Talkin' Trash!


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Re: usbc sportshot crap
« Reply #100 on: April 22, 2008, 02:05:12 PM »
The issue of "GREAT" is because they don't know what they are shooting on. They honestly think they are just a step below PBA level. They don't know how much the oil pattern (and ball) helps them

Once again, why does it matter if they dont know what their bowling on ? So what if they don't know the oil pattern !

Why can't paying USBC memebers enjoys the game of bowling as provided by USBC and complying bowling centers ?

Why does it matter.....I N T E G R I T Y....that's what makes the SPORT of bowling GREAT!

INTEGRITY !?!!? You joking right ? Bowling starting out as a drunk, fat mans game in smoked filled bowling alleys !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Integrity means NOTHING in this game !
I will head to my local pro shop. Right after I buy it online.

Please do not cry that the THS is to easy

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Re: usbc sportshot crap
« Reply #101 on: April 22, 2008, 02:11:16 PM »
Bowling starting out as a drunk, fat mans game in smoked filled bowling alleys !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Obviously you do not know the history of this game.
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Re: usbc sportshot crap
« Reply #102 on: April 22, 2008, 02:11:17 PM »
Actually NOT losing any sleep over this at all.

Let me rephrase this a little bit. The issue of "GREAT" is because they don't know what they are shooting on. They honestly think they are just a step below PBA level. They don't know how much the oil pattern (and ball) helps them. I blame the USBC and proprietors for this.

Let's just keep them dark.

Why does it matter.....I N T E G R I T Y....that's what makes the SPORT of bowling GREAT!

Seriously...if the real issue is that people don't know enough about the differences between THS and the PBA shots (and I agree they don't), why can't we fix this with an education program instead of having to change the whole system?

I have now asked this same question several times. No one will answer it. If the problem is lack of education, EDUCATE. Don't use a "fix" that doesn't really fix that specific problem.

The USBC has been a terrible educator. Golf courses print their layouts on their scorecards and go into great detail about yardages, how to attack the hole, etc. Apparently, we just assume John Q. Leaguebowler will show up and inherently know the difference.

Then, we blame him for NOT knowing the difference, call him names, run down his game, etc.

There's the problem.



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Re: usbc sportshot crap
« Reply #103 on: April 22, 2008, 02:11:42 PM »
The issue of "GREAT" is because they don't know what they are shooting on. They honestly think they are just a step below PBA level. They don't know how much the oil pattern (and ball) helps them

Once again, why does it matter if they dont know what their bowling on ? So what if they don't know the oil pattern !

Why can't paying USBC memebers enjoys the game of bowling as provided by USBC and complying bowling centers ?

Why does it matter.....I N T E G R I T Y....that's what makes the SPORT of bowling GREAT!

INTEGRITY !?!!? You joking right ? Bowling starting out as a drunk, fat mans game in smoked filled bowling alleys !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Integrity means NOTHING in this game !
I will head to my local pro shop. Right after I buy it online.

Please do not cry that the THS is to easy

The USBC has lost what 2.7 MM members, and the ones we keep are like this loser...what a shame. For since you hate the USBC so much, just stop bowling. Since you can't can't see the idiocy and fallacy of your uberflawed logic,just quit. Then those of us who want to actually improve and want to test our skills and what this to the SPORT it is supposed to be can go on and bowl Sport leagues, and PBA experience leagues and you can sit on your fat @ss, drink, smoke and play with that tiny member you have all night long.



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Re: usbc sportshot crap
« Reply #104 on: April 22, 2008, 02:16:59 PM »

Sound like I pissed you off...Personal insults ?

I knew it wouldnt take much longer for you "bowling elites" !!!!

Sportshot cry-babies and whiners at their finest !

"Improve your skills"...ROFLMAO ! Just buy the latest hook monster ans your set!

Also I never said I hate the USBC,,I mean damn they ARE THE ONES that allow the soft THS conditions ! The can't be to bad ! Give me a soft shot, and you bet your azz I'm gonna exploit it !!!!!!!!!
I will head to my local pro shop. Right after I buy it online.

Please do not cry that the THS is to easy

Edited on 4/22/2008 2:19 PM


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Re: usbc sportshot crap
« Reply #105 on: April 22, 2008, 02:21:04 PM »
I'm just curious, how old are the sport and pba experience guys . because they seem to alot of time and money to spend bowling. married, kids, careers, homes????ect. and they make it sound like every joker who picks up all ball is shooting 700 or better, week in and week out on the crown pattern (ths). the sport guys should only throw white dots. now there's a challenge.
twisted fury
eraser boost
hot rod super sport pearl
a bad night of bowling is better than a good night at work.
every frame is a opportunity to succeed!