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Author Topic: USBC to change adult high score awards  (Read 11111 times)


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USBC to change adult high score awards
« on: August 17, 2013, 09:30:48 AM »
Go to and see the news. Usbc is cutting out awards to once in a lifetime for high scores and eliminating the 11 in a row award. I don't agree with this at all. They say its not because of the $ amount, but I believe that's what it all boils down too. So now we will pay our sanction fee and cant even get an award if you earn it.
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Re: USBC to change adult high score awards
« Reply #31 on: August 20, 2013, 04:26:14 PM »
I totally support the USBC on this one, I have been bowling competitively for 50 years and have bowled in some very strong senior house leagues where in some cases we had 40 5 man teams and nearly everyone carried an average of 190 and better, and if you had five 300 games bowled in a season,that was a lot. Bowling in my opinion does not require the skill it once did and for that reason I believe has led to decreasing membership numbers and demise of many leagues and bowling establishments. Use the energy of bowling all these 300 games and find a way to drive people back into the lanes and fill them up with league bowlers


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Re: USBC to change adult high score awards
« Reply #32 on: August 20, 2013, 04:31:44 PM »
I hope you are correct!!!!

Again, you keep blubbering about the loss of plastice metalized trinkets.  "oh, if only they would come with something "nice" for a lifetime achievment award".  Bitchers and belly-achers whining about awards.  MOVE ON.

Hey LGD,

If 85% of your membership cares about the awards and 15% (the 90% that earn them) don't care, do you propose USBC just "move on" and ignore that 85% of it's membership and potential dues income.  Might not be smart.

In other words, a 50 cent award might cost them a 10 dollar sanction fee.  Yes, makes sense, but if people are such sheep that they're going to go unsanctioned over a couple magnets . .

I understand the arguments....

But what do you tell the 1,000,000+ sheep that do not care one bit about the "sport" of bowling.  And this is probably the wrong board to be asking the question because we do all care on some level.  But that 85% does not. 

They want something in return for their dues.  And they sure do not want anything that involves the good of the sport of bowling, the future of bowling, etc.

Remember, bowlers are selfish. What do "I" get?

Oh yes, and I get where you're coming from.  However, if these are the people that aren't going to support the sport, even if they are the majority, do you really want to cater to that group over the group that's there and cares?  I'd rather have bowltv showing stuff from nationals and other things than magnets.  Matter of fact I'd pay 15 or 20 bucks a year if that means getting bowltv in HD.  Again, I think bowling is still on its way down, and it's going to take time, but actually when I sat and thought about it, they're building it back up the right way.  Get the kids interested, get the kids in HS bowling, get them onto sport tournaments and to Jr Gold, and they'll grow up WANTING the challenge.  This generation will weed its way out, and bowling will be back up in another decade or so once the information, coaching, and programs catch up with technology. 

And again, LGD is right.  If you (people in general) don't like it, move on.  Staying and complaining isn't going to do anything.  Your mouth says no, but paying your dues says yes. 


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Re: USBC to change adult high score awards
« Reply #33 on: August 20, 2013, 05:08:04 PM »
I think usbc should look back at how bowling used to be, make the bowling alley use more than 3 units of oil and test the bowler knowledge on bowling, and how to adjust, most AMF bowling alley only use 3 units of oil and have a big bumper, take the bumper away and make the bowler think again, and learn to adjust to the condition's.......
Brian Woolf

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Re: USBC to change adult high score awards
« Reply #34 on: August 20, 2013, 06:51:48 PM »
the3wolfs, it would be nice but it will never happen.


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Re: USBC to change adult high score awards
« Reply #35 on: August 21, 2013, 12:56:15 AM »
I agree, but most of your league bowlers want an easy shot they can score on, so I don't see it happening.

Like I said my area is a perfect example. One house with a harder shot ( you get it outside it ain't coming back) and another with a seriously easy THS that inflates scores. The winner? Everyone got up and moved to the easier THS, the other center has zero leagues now.

I don't understand it myself, I like having my mistakes actually cost me, but I'm guessing I'm one of the small percentage that does.

Elimeno Pee

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Re: USBC to change adult high score awards
« Reply #36 on: August 21, 2013, 04:08:17 AM »
I agree, but most of your league bowlers want an easy shot they can score on, so I don't see it happening.

Like I said my area is a perfect example. One house with a harder shot ( you get it outside it ain't coming back) and another with a seriously easy THS that inflates scores. The winner? Everyone got up and moved to the easier THS, the other center has zero leagues now.

I don't understand it myself, I like having my mistakes actually cost me, but I'm guessing I'm one of the small percentage that does.

I agree, give me the tougher shot.  I currently bowl in a wood house, that has somewhat of a cake shot, but how they score changes from pair to pair, and night to night.  How many synthetic houses can say that?  Wood is so temperamental at times, but it's fun, and I know I can go to a synthetic house and likely have some decent success.
Wise bowler told me once: K.I.S.S.   Keep it simple stupid.

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Re: USBC to change adult high score awards
« Reply #37 on: August 21, 2013, 09:01:28 AM »
I think its all about perspective. I've got a 300 and a 298 ring. I've only shot them once. If I shoot one again and I don't get a ring, I honestly don't care.

My girlfriend has been bowling for a while now. She maintains a 160-170 average. I think she would be disappointed in not getting some sort of recognition for shooting 11 in a row.

It's about perspective.