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Author Topic: USBC to change adult high score awards  (Read 11112 times)


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USBC to change adult high score awards
« on: August 17, 2013, 09:30:48 AM »
Go to and see the news. Usbc is cutting out awards to once in a lifetime for high scores and eliminating the 11 in a row award. I don't agree with this at all. They say its not because of the $ amount, but I believe that's what it all boils down too. So now we will pay our sanction fee and cant even get an award if you earn it.
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Re: USBC to change adult high score awards
« Reply #16 on: August 18, 2013, 08:33:27 PM »
Used to be you bought an ABC card to qualify for tournaments.  Once you got your average around 185-190 , you could compete and actually make money.  Remember when league payouts for the high finishers were more than your league fees for the year.

Plus tournaments every weekend.  Scores weren't so outrageous.  660 would probably make you high qualifier.  Everyone felt that just one break a game or a turkey kept them in the hunt.  Used to have tournaments that paid 10K for a 300 in the finals, used to be new cars doanted for a 300.

Now, hardly anyone bowls tournaments.  Hard to convince the regular bowlers they have a chance when it takes 750 to cash.  Most of the "donators" have never bowled a game that high, let alone a set.

I still believe the easy scoring caused the demise of tournament bowling, and leads to the diminishing numbers each year.
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Long Gone Daddy

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Re: USBC to change adult high score awards
« Reply #17 on: August 18, 2013, 10:30:52 PM »
Freaking people bitch about the USBC spending money and the same people get bent when they say they're not going to supply the junk plastic awards that nobody cares about.  People who bitch about the USBC are the same people that can't be bothered to attend their local association meetings.  I would bet the majority of them don't even attend their league's annual rules meeting and then bitch about rule changes.
Dear Long Gone Daddy:

I not only have attended annual local association meetings for many decades, I have also attended many ABC/USBC national conventions, and at least a dozen of my proposals and suggestions have been adopted into the national rule book.

Further, I've been a league officer on 59 occasions, and even when I wasn't a league officer, I always attended the league organizational meeting.

Therefore, your above-quoted mini-rant doesn't apply to me.

And we all know that its always about you, Fishwrap.  Especially your vendetta against USBC, which like the sport of bowling, has committed the cardinal sin of trying not to be stuck in the 50's and 60's like darts and tiddlywinks.
Long Gone also posts the honest truth which is why i respect him. He posts these things knowing some may not like it.



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Re: USBC to change adult high score awards
« Reply #18 on: August 19, 2013, 08:52:54 AM »
I've gotta go with LGD and Mainzer on this one 100%.  The people doing the majority of the whining and complaining do NOTHING about it.  They cry about awards, then throw them in the trash or leave them on the tables.  They DO whine about things, but never show up to even the annual board meetings.  BUT, if we're required to continue to pay our USBC dues, it's getting really hard to explain to people what those are going for, because to most people, it's just to have an average for tournaments and to get awards. 

I like the idea of getting rid of awards period, it's just that people are used to getting them now, and it's like taking a sucker away from a kid.  They cry and whine and scream, but if you'd have never given it to them in the first place they'd have been fine.  I won't lie though, it's fun collecting the different kinds of rings, but the last several years they've REALLY sucked. 
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Re: USBC to change adult high score awards
« Reply #19 on: August 19, 2013, 09:56:35 AM »
I think elimination of awards is ancillary. So far what has been presented in their stead are platitudes about promoting and protecting bowling. What's the plan? Bullet by bullet. Is there actual detail to this vision?

When you get rid if something concrete and specific and replace it by something vague and undefined, it leaves kind of a vacuum. If they provided actual detailed ideas and plans, then maybe more people would say "oh okay, I hate to see my awards go away, but what they plan to do makes sense".

As it is, they just don't have the credibility capital to say "trust us" and expect people to fall in line.
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Re: USBC to change adult high score awards
« Reply #20 on: August 19, 2013, 06:14:09 PM »
I'm not sure if it's just me or not, but I can't really see what the big deal is. If you already have a 300 or 800 do you really need another ring each year? If so pay the 40 or 75 bucks from keepsake to get a cheap ring (if you upgrade to gold you're paying for it anyways). You are still getting credit for the honor scores. Anyone who throws one and hasn't gotten an award still will. If it is such a big deal to people then save your ten bucks that goes to the USBC and don't bowl. I hear people complain all the time about the dues but guess what, they want to and enjoy bowling so they pay and bowl. 

Long Gone Daddy

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Re: USBC to change adult high score awards
« Reply #21 on: August 19, 2013, 07:44:16 PM »
Ta da!  These clowns that bitch are just habitual bitchers that have to bitch about something.  I donate the money to the Cancer charity.  You're absolutely correct.  Those who have one of each don't need more.  Those who don't have yet, they get them. 
Long Gone also posts the honest truth which is why i respect him. He posts these things knowing some may not like it.


Mighty Fish

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Re: USBC to change adult high score awards
« Reply #22 on: August 19, 2013, 08:39:48 PM »
And we all know that its always about you, Fishwrap.  Especially your vendetta against USBC, which like the sport of bowling, has committed the cardinal sin of trying not to be stuck in the 50's and 60's like darts and tiddlywinks.
Dear Long Gone Daddy:

I was only responding to your post that referred to people who complained about things but didn't attend local association or league meetings, and I indicated that I have always done so, in addition to attending (and submitting legislation at) many ABC/USBC national conventions.

So whether you like me or not, I don't fit into the classification of the type of complainer that you were talking about.

Mighty Fish

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Re: USBC to change adult high score awards
« Reply #23 on: August 19, 2013, 08:44:26 PM »
Dear Long Gone Daddy (and others):

PAY ATTENTION. The following are not my comments, but rather a response (regarding the article) from Mike Zink, the PRESIDENT OF MY LOCAL ASSOCIATION, by the way ... and pay attention to what he told me ...

[begin quotes from Mr. Zink]

You're absolutely right, most of the non-sanctioned leagues are older retired people that know that the chances of getting their money's worth are slim, and after the 2104-2015 season, that may go for the rest of us, and now USBC wants the local associations to do the awards for them while they're still collecting the $10.00. It's all a money thing with them now, even though they are non-profit, as mentioned in the article (very good by the way), they dug themselves into a hole and want us to get them out of it.

The lifetime award would work if they came up with something REALLY nice that you could add small plates to it afterwards for 11 in a row/300/800. What's worse is that they have eliminated the junior awards completely and after this year, the small adult awards are eliminated. So, you really have to ask yourself, why bother being in USBC? I'm very disappointed in them.

[end Mr. Zink's quotes]

... and again, Mr. Zink is PRESIDENT of the Sarasota-Manatee County USBC Bowling Association.

Long Gone Daddy

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Re: USBC to change adult high score awards
« Reply #24 on: August 20, 2013, 07:16:10 AM »
Again, you keep blubbering about the loss of plastice metalized trinkets.  "oh, if only they would come with something "nice" for a lifetime achievment award".  Bitchers and belly-achers whining about awards.  MOVE ON.
Long Gone also posts the honest truth which is why i respect him. He posts these things knowing some may not like it.



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Re: USBC to change adult high score awards
« Reply #25 on: August 20, 2013, 09:23:34 AM »
I personally do not see a problem with eliminating award rings AS LONG AS the USBC makes them available for purchase (which they already do) for those that do cherish the perfect game and 800 series. Its kind of like when you are a senior in high school and get your senior ring or varsity jacket.....its just a nice reminder that you accomplished something on your own.


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Re: USBC to change adult high score awards
« Reply #26 on: August 20, 2013, 10:48:22 AM »
Again, you keep blubbering about the loss of plastice metalized trinkets.  "oh, if only they would come with something "nice" for a lifetime achievment award".  Bitchers and belly-achers whining about awards.  MOVE ON.

Hey LGD,

If 85% of your membership cares about the awards and 15% (the 90% that earn them) don't care, do you propose USBC just "move on" and ignore that 85% of it's membership and potential dues income.  Might not be smart.


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Re: USBC to change adult high score awards
« Reply #27 on: August 20, 2013, 10:53:51 AM »
Again, you keep blubbering about the loss of plastice metalized trinkets.  "oh, if only they would come with something "nice" for a lifetime achievment award".  Bitchers and belly-achers whining about awards.  MOVE ON.

Hey LGD,

If 85% of your membership cares about the awards and 15% (the 90% that earn them) don't care, do you propose USBC just "move on" and ignore that 85% of it's membership and potential dues income.  Might not be smart.

In other words, a 50 cent award might cost them a 10 dollar sanction fee.  Yes, makes sense, but if people are such sheep that they're going to go unsanctioned over a couple magnets . .
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Re: USBC to change adult high score awards
« Reply #28 on: August 20, 2013, 02:03:18 PM »
Again, you keep blubbering about the loss of plastice metalized trinkets.  "oh, if only they would come with something "nice" for a lifetime achievment award".  Bitchers and belly-achers whining about awards.  MOVE ON.

Hey LGD,

If 85% of your membership cares about the awards and 15% (the 90% that earn them) don't care, do you propose USBC just "move on" and ignore that 85% of it's membership and potential dues income.  Might not be smart.

In other words, a 50 cent award might cost them a 10 dollar sanction fee.  Yes, makes sense, but if people are such sheep that they're going to go unsanctioned over a couple magnets . .

I understand the arguments....

But what do you tell the 1,000,000+ sheep that do not care one bit about the "sport" of bowling.  And this is probably the wrong board to be asking the question because we do all care on some level.  But that 85% does not. 

They want something in return for their dues.  And they sure do not want anything that involves the good of the sport of bowling, the future of bowling, etc.

Remember, bowlers are selfish. What do "I" get?

Long Gone Daddy

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Re: USBC to change adult high score awards
« Reply #29 on: August 20, 2013, 03:00:54 PM »
What you get are standardized rules and regulations to abide by and bonding of your league prize fund.  To those 85% I say, grow up.  Better yet, MOVE ON.  Have your un-sanctioned league buy some cheap plastic crap and give it out for "achievements".   
Long Gone also posts the honest truth which is why i respect him. He posts these things knowing some may not like it.



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Re: USBC to change adult high score awards
« Reply #30 on: August 20, 2013, 03:09:15 PM »
Again, you keep blubbering about the loss of plastice metalized trinkets.  "oh, if only they would come with something "nice" for a lifetime achievment award".  Bitchers and belly-achers whining about awards.  MOVE ON.

Hey LGD,

If 85% of your membership cares about the awards and 15% (the 90% that earn them) don't care, do you propose USBC just "move on" and ignore that 85% of it's membership and potential dues income.  Might not be smart.

In other words, a 50 cent award might cost them a 10 dollar sanction fee.  Yes, makes sense, but if people are such sheep that they're going to go unsanctioned over a couple magnets . .

I understand the arguments....

But what do you tell the 1,000,000+ sheep that do not care one bit about the "sport" of bowling.  And this is probably the wrong board to be asking the question because we do all care on some level.  But that 85% does not. 

They want something in return for their dues.  And they sure do not want anything that involves the good of the sport of bowling, the future of bowling, etc.

Remember, bowlers are selfish. What do "I" get?

Oh yes, and I get where you're coming from.  However, if these are the people that aren't going to support the sport, even if they are the majority, do you really want to cater to that group over the group that's there and cares?  I'd rather have bowltv showing stuff from nationals and other things than magnets.  Matter of fact I'd pay 15 or 20 bucks a year if that means getting bowltv in HD.  Again, I think bowling is still on its way down, and it's going to take time, but actually when I sat and thought about it, they're building it back up the right way.  Get the kids interested, get the kids in HS bowling, get them onto sport tournaments and to Jr Gold, and they'll grow up WANTING the challenge.  This generation will weed its way out, and bowling will be back up in another decade or so once the information, coaching, and programs catch up with technology. 

And again, LGD is right.  If you (people in general) don't like it, move on.  Staying and complaining isn't going to do anything.  Your mouth says no, but paying your dues says yes. 
What would you be if you were attached to another object by an inclined plane, wrapped helically around an axis?