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Author Topic: USBC to eliminate Special Achievements Awards....  (Read 19382 times)


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USBC to eliminate Special Achievements Awards....
« on: July 10, 2009, 03:54:54 AM »
I got this in an email from the USBC Rules Extra:

Rule Changes

The USBC Board of Directors and delegates approved several changes to the Playing Rules, Awards, and Bylaws. Changes that could affect regular league play deal with legal lineup (Rule 109a), vacancy scores (Rule 105) and playoffs (Rules 113a and 113b).  The Youth awards program has been expanded; the adult average requirements for averaged based awards are changed; and Special Achievements Awards (Dutch 200, All Spare Game, Triplicate, 7-10 and Big Four Conversions) are eliminated; see Chapter 3 of the 2009-2010 Playing Rules available August 1.

Personally, I think this stinks.  I'm very proud of my two career 7-10 conversions and last year I got a patch for a Dutch 200.  My Grandma (who got me started in bowling) has an All Spare Game patch from 1988, she still talks about how proud she is of it.  
This is one of my problems with the USBC, how come they don't ask members first before doing this stuff?
What are some other thoughts on this?
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Re: USBC to eliminate Special Achievements Awards....
« Reply #1 on: July 10, 2009, 12:21:51 PM »
anything they can do to save a buck.. it goes from our hands right into their wallets!!(lets raise the sanction fees again) I personally don't think they have done any good in along time to support the adult bowler and our programs(if any??).. "except for the pba experience(which we don't have around here)".. they work harder and harder to involve the kids, which is a good thing.. after all they are supposed to be the future of our great sport.. but, they need to work a little more on the bowlers that have made and kept the sport in their blood(the league bowlers)..them 2to3 cent patches are not breaking the bank for them, they are just being greedy(more money for them).. I agree that the little things like an all spare game, a dutch 200, picking up a big 4 split etc are the little things that keep us as bolwers wanting to come back to try even harder.. a small award to show that are hard work and dedication week after week(not including the practice)is a good thing once in awhile.. they are deffinetly missing the bus on purpose now!! sorry for the rant.. slashrr69


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Re: USBC to eliminate Special Achievements Awards....
« Reply #2 on: July 10, 2009, 02:05:12 PM »
with the tracking they have now on the website they should atleast do one lifetime achievement award for each catagory.. So atleast you have the award and they can track how many on the website when they are submitted..
and why get rid of the 7-10 patch.. they give out less 7-10 patches then 300 rings..
16-17 mph,350 rpm,PAP 5 1/2 x 3/8up, HighGame 300 x 3, High Series 782
Book Average 215 / 205,PBA Xperience ave180

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Re: USBC to eliminate Special Achievements Awards....
« Reply #3 on: July 10, 2009, 03:23:38 PM »
If they eleminate this stuff I wanna pay less for sanctioning as I am getting less back. Seems fair. Oh yeah thats right they need my money...for their pockets...or I mean their big new building in Texas.
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Edited on 7/10/2009 3:37 PM
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Re: USBC to eliminate Special Achievements Awards....
« Reply #4 on: July 10, 2009, 03:37:14 PM »
USBC is heading for self destruction. I see they will be gone soon

all those POS awards who give a F anyway. Better offer put the $18 in price fund. or Buy award rings and do  you own. who care about 7 -10 split , 100 pin over average or even 300's. ALl Meaning less.

Always a good laught when someone wear their 300 rings and 800 rings lol
is made in china for less the 10 cent ea. Only low self estem and loosers wear those lol

I like bowling because it give me 3 holes of fun.


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Re: USBC to eliminate Special Achievements Awards....
« Reply #5 on: July 10, 2009, 03:44:49 PM »
USBC is bunch of people making money off of all of us, big paychecks for the few bowlers who are handed the jobs on a silver platter.

Do we really need 3 ladies for youth bowling???? Carolyn, Diandra and Kim are a huge waste of money. They probably get 100k a year or so and do make a few appearances to make it look good.

Yes they really needed a brand new building off of your sanction dues lol

I think they should all employees have there pay posted on for us to review and see what we all think of this.


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Re: USBC to eliminate Special Achievements Awards....
« Reply #6 on: July 10, 2009, 03:49:25 PM »
you could give mainzer a special award, and let him ride the short bus again
c/2 flavored kool - aide is my favorite, but I am looking for black raspberry flavor


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Re: USBC to eliminate Special Achievements Awards....
« Reply #7 on: July 10, 2009, 04:01:58 PM »
I've always thought it would be a good idea to put those type of awards (7-10, All Spare, ect.) on the website, then it wouldn't cost anything.  Heck, they could put all the achievement awards on there.  My wife, who is about a 165 avg., would like to see something under her "Achievement" section.
"mrbowlingnut" is right, do they really need all these spokespeople for Youth bowling, or collegiate bowling.  Such a waste of our money.
You stop laughing right meow!


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Re: USBC to eliminate Special Achievements Awards....
« Reply #8 on: July 10, 2009, 04:12:54 PM »
so casual bowlers will drop out of league. they will just open bowl once a month. i dont really care for the patches but thats me . my teamates like getting them and now there bummed .


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Re: USBC to eliminate Special Achievements Awards....
« Reply #9 on: July 10, 2009, 04:43:24 PM »
I feel sorry for you.
Bob G


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Re: USBC to eliminate Special Achievements Awards....
« Reply #10 on: July 10, 2009, 05:38:30 PM »
I have yet to roll an all-spare game in league and hell yes, I'd be proud of that emblem!

:: polishes the WIBC 300 ring while sitting here typing this::

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Re: USBC to eliminate Special Achievements Awards....
« Reply #11 on: July 10, 2009, 09:38:29 PM »
i don't think the usbc or the pba has a clue what's going on..........


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Re: USBC to eliminate Special Achievements Awards....
« Reply #12 on: July 10, 2009, 09:46:18 PM »
Seriously?  So USBC eliminates a few what?  Are there REALLY that many people that hold the AWARD up when they talk about their ACCOMPLISHMENT?

Personally, I have most of the special achievement awards.  If someone asks me about the ACCOMPLISHMENT, I can tell them most of the details about it.  If they ask me about the AWARD...I tell them I have no idea where my patch is.  After all, the ACCOMPLISHMENT is what is important, not the AWARD!

If anyone needs the 10cent patch to show off how great they are (FIGJAM), then I suppose this is unfortunate for them.  However, awards are won and lost on a daily basis.  If USBC kept awarding these special achievement awards and bowlers LOST them, would their ACCOMPLISHMENTS be lost as well?

We all know the answer to that.  This is no great loss for anyone.  It is, at best, yet another exceptionally weak reason to rip on USBC (and the WHOLE $10 they collect from each bowler).  If you don't like it, then don't certify.


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Re: USBC to eliminate Special Achievements Awards....
« Reply #13 on: July 11, 2009, 12:39:39 AM »
Well said EH!


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Re: USBC to eliminate Special Achievements Awards....
« Reply #14 on: July 11, 2009, 12:56:28 AM »
Do you tell everyone about your "accomplishment" when you pick-up a 6-7-10 split?  No, because it's not special.  But there is something special about the 7-10 and the Big 4. Without the award, the 7-10 or the Big 4 are just splits like any other.  But, every time we leave one of those 2 splits, most of us know in the back of our minds that those are special, and mean a little more than any other splits in bowling.  Come on, is there any other good reason to when you can't carry a strike to try for an All Spare game or a Dutch 200.  I even know a few people that threw gutters in the 10th frame of their 3rd games to get a Triplicate patch.  I think the majority of bowlers do care about these awards and deserve an explanation why the USBC "cartel" are eliminating these awards.
You stop laughing right meow!