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Author Topic: USBC Town Meetings  (Read 1545 times)


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USBC Town Meetings
« on: March 01, 2009, 05:58:45 PM »
Today was our area's USBC Town Meeting.  This was an open meeting with the "higher ups" of USBC to be introduced to some of the new ideas they have to gain membership and hopefully better the sport.  Any sanctioned bowler was welcome.  

The hottest topic was the change in Youth bowling.  No longer can youth compete after age 20.  And it starts Aug.1st; period.  At that time all 20 year olds will have to go adult or quit bowling.  No more scholarship.  Their resoning is that of the 250000 bowlers in the National Youth program, only 1600 are over 20.  It also inhibits international youth play, since most countries stop youth participation at 18 or 20.  They also argued that the physical ability of a 22 year old should never be put in competition with those that are 13 or 15.  Its not fair.  Even though they recognized that some 20 year olds do not average over 200 and some 15 year olds do.  Its a broad based perception of what is youth.  And 21+ is not it.  This is a done deal.  

Youth membership dues.  Are going up.  $17.  With 2 to local, 1 to state, and 14 to National.  This hurts many higher economic areas like California, New York, Washington DC since they can no longer adjust their local dues to match their higher cost of living in those areas.  When questioned about this, the response was to cut back on other local awards that may be given and make up the loss by raising tournament fees.  The raise in youth dues is a done deal.  Adult dues are also going up, but that is waiting for the National convention and vote.  For some reason USBC doesn't believe that youth dues should be up for vote.  

Awards will change for next year.  No vote.  On the positive side, rings will be back for youth.  Now that they cut out the higher age group that is more likely to earn them.  Anyway, youth will now get rings for 300 and 800.  Emblems are gone for everyone except those 12 and under.  The 12 and under youth will still get emblems and pins.  Everyone else will get "refridgerator magnets" and pins.  Yep, refridgerator magnets.  The structure for the awards will also change.  The average requirement will be higher for 200 game award for example.  Also many awards will be now available as certificates that you print out yourself online.  Awards such as Dutch 200, ,7 10 split, Big Four, 75 pins over average will now be up to the bowler to print out themselves if she choose.  

A basic Youth membership will be available for leagues less then 12 weeks long; $5.  Rationale for this was that due to the amount of sports available to youth like baseball, soccer, football etc.... this shorter league format may allow some youth to bowl and sanction when they otherwise would not have due to wanting to play the other sports more.  This is in an effort to hopefully gain some of the non sanctioned youth after school programs and others, of which they estimated there are 500000 - 750000 participants.  

An "Affinity" program will be in place to give USBC members discounts for things like certain hotels, storage companies, moving companies, cell phone providers.  

That's what comes to mind from a 5 hour meeting and it now being 1am in the morning.  If anyone has questions I will try to answer them and will have my notes (which are copious) handy.  




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Re: USBC Town Meetings
« Reply #16 on: March 03, 2009, 07:19:28 AM »
I'm not sure cost is as high an issue.  I think you are right, in that it can be a contributor to the drop in league play, but lets face it, all through the decades, times are tough, money short no matter what economic time you are in.

I say this because I was just in a brand new center.  The fees for bowling are $6/game and $5 for shoes.  Not one person in that bowl (44 lanes) had their own equipment and they were all wearing rental shoes (as far as I could tell).  Nearly all the lanes were going at 5:30pm on Sunday night. If a family of three bowls just one game that's $33.   That doesn't count sodas, french fries etc......  We're looking at probably $50 to bowl a game for a family of 3.  And like I said, there were at least 35 to 40 lanes going.  When our party finished at 11:00pm, there were still a good amount of lanes being used, though the restaurant and bar were closing down.  

So if a family can afford $50 to bowl a game, they can spend $$s in league.  I suppose if you count the fees associated with a youth league that's $17 for sanctioning divided by 34 weeks (.50 a week), and maybe $9 for league fees.  So 9.50 a week X 34 = 323.oo for about 2/3rds a year of bowling.  I just saw a sign for karate special $299.00 for three months.  Apparently compared to Karate, bowling is a bargin.  

Its got to be something about the commitment of 34 weeks.  Which USBC believes also since they are now trying to target shorter, less then 12 weeks, leagues.  



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Re: USBC Town Meetings
« Reply #17 on: March 03, 2009, 11:18:27 AM »
Thanks Erin .. I understand the argument of comparing Bowling to other sports and I agree with the conclusion you reach. However why not say that the Father of this Jr bowler is also a bowler .. now calculate the COST when you add his fees (use $20 as league fee) and see what it comes to. Don't forget the Father has to pay the last two weeks in the first month.

My only point here is that cost is a major factor in the decline of Bowlers!

The Center you describe is as you define NEW .. lets see how they do after they have been open for a while. Fees of $6 a line can work for awhile .. but (in my opinion) only for awhile!

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