I saw an episode this afternoon.
Has anyone considered that this could be the future of bowling?
Lets face it, todays society is considered the "Hip-hop society". The majority of these athletes, or participants if you will, are black. The vast majority of bowlers are white. Is that an issue that we have all failed to ignore? Do we need to recruit other "races" to participate in bowling?
Kids today, black, white, whatever listen to hip-hop and watch MTV. They wear their clothes baggy and act like rap stars and such. Bowling needs to appeal to this demographic to recruit more bowlers. I worked at a center during cosmic bowling. We had FAR more of the "hip-hop soceity" participants during cosmic than we ever have during open play.
Even if league bowling becomes all cosmic bowling, we would have more participation. I think the public view of bowling needs to change. If the majority of leagues were cosmic and only one "normal" league, would this help recruit new bowlers? Maybe, just maybe, Espn is on to something here.