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Author Topic: USBC Wrong Book Average Question?  (Read 2585 times)


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USBC Wrong Book Average Question?
« on: April 22, 2016, 04:36:38 AM »
I just started bowling again and joined a non sanctioned bowling league that uses only standard house shots fro there oil pattern.  My average is currently 189 in that fun league.  I then recently joined a USBC sanctioned league so I can establish a book average and play in some of the jack pots and tournaments.  My average after 24 games is 160 with a 40 pin handicap played on sports pattern.  I found it tougher to score high compared to the house oil pattern in my non sanctioned league.   When I look at the league print out, it shows my book average as being 217 and my current average as 160.  I have never in my life average 217 and was wondering how they came up with this figure. I do shoot well sometimes in practice but those are all done on house oil pattern as well. I don't feel like playing any jack pots because other bowlers may think a 217 average bowler is sand bagging now with a 160 average and don't deserve to win.  Then all arguments breaks loose and the madness occurs.  This is what I want to stay away from until my book average is the TRUE average of 160 so no one complains due to a typo or wrong input for my name. Is this normal or should I report it to the league secretary?  Another theory maybe that someone in the league wants to see me fail as I just starting to get good. After looking at the Sports Bowling Adjustment Chart it seems I am almost bowling the correct number in those oil patterns.  Would appreciate some feedback.
« Last Edit: April 22, 2016, 04:54:50 AM by Dexter »



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Re: USBC Wrong Book Average Question?
« Reply #1 on: April 22, 2016, 08:04:01 AM »
Get with the secretary for the league that has the 217 average listed.  It seems they were looking at the wrong person.

Also, check yourself to see what it shows.


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Re: USBC Wrong Book Average Question?
« Reply #2 on: April 23, 2016, 06:44:45 AM »
Thanks for your feedback.  I only have 24 games bowled in this USBC sanctioned league.  I paid but didn't receive my USBC card back yet.  I also cheeked the  website and tried to enter my name, but no info spears yet.  I am frustrated with whoever had my down as 217 book average when I average 160 in this USBC sanctioned league sports pattern and 189 in a  non USBC sanctioned standard house pattern league. I'm gonna wait this my next bowling night and meet with the league secretary to straighten this out. I'll go higher up and up if nothing gets resolved. If this was done on purpose, I will be furious.


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Re: USBC Wrong Book Average Question?
« Reply #3 on: April 25, 2016, 09:27:02 AM »
Looking at the attached chart, I would say that it is either as someone else mentioned where they pulled the wrong person or, alternately, that they looked at the wrong column for the average adjustment.  If you go two columns over from the 160, you will see a 217 for the adjustment on a 19x.