Yep especially with my buzzsaws.
I bought a used Viper, and a Pro Purple, liked them then bought a new one
of each.
ALl of the smaller guys out there will sometimes find a ball with the same span as them, and a decent layout and go with that, but I can't do that

When I first got on this site, I was buying a lot of used equipment because I was looking for a replacement for my Rhino PRo T2, and I didn't want to buy a bunch of new equipment if I wasn't going to like it. 10's of 20's of balls later I have a closet full of Visionary equipment.(I had never heard of them until I got on this site)
I have tons of balls, but they are duplicates. I told myself if I found a replacement ball for the T2 I would buy a case, and I did.
I actually only have 4 bals, but because of multiples I have about 16 17

As far as how long I have had them, I keep the ball longenough to decide if I want a new one of that ball (about 4 weeks of bowling)
Eric T. Spivey, P.E.
Visionary Test Staff Member