The product is approved for use during competition. Doesn't this mean it won't change the surface of the ball?
That's right.
It seems like people are saying the product works too well so people shouldn't use it.
Here's some more info from the thread this came from, the league this is happening on is a scratch league with several PBA National and Regional Titlists, who are high rev bowlers and before league even starts they are complaining about how the lanes will breakdown faster because someone is cleaning their ball with the P.S.
(I guess they either know someone is a known purple stuff user or they see a bottle sitting there and say "OH S*** I'm F*****!)Because I guess being big pros, bowling just league, they need perfect conditions for their high rev style or forgot how to adjust.
It's nice to see that even the Pros whine about everything not being just perfect for them, just like the rest of us do.
Hmm, It would be fun just to set a bottle of it on the table and keep pointing at it and nodding your head at the other team and watch and see if they meltdown.
I thought sandbaggers were bad, Now it's them dirty ball cleaners!!
"I would have won that tournament if those guys didn't clean their ball!"