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Author Topic: USPS frustration  (Read 5281 times)


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USPS frustration
« on: September 08, 2011, 07:03:59 AM »
This example exemplifies why I rarely ship anything of concern via USPS anymore. It is not a bowling ball, just a pair of pants, and I'm in no particular rush to get them. It's just frustrating.
The USPS actually tracked them, too!
They were shipped yesterday, Sept.7th and they have already arrived, as of 6 PM, today, Sept. 8th in Secaucus, NJ, which is roughly one hour from me. The frustrating part is they are scheduled to be delivered to me until Tuesday, Sept. 13th! So I guess they're just going to sit there in a warehouse receiving center somewhere until they have to be delivered. I understand the logic of a type of mail being delivered according to a certain schedule, but I don't understand their sitting there when USPS could get rid of their obligation by sending them on their way.
Small wonder the USPS is getting less and less packages and letters to be delivered.

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Re: USPS frustration
« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2011, 03:20:45 PM »
My local post office will usually deliver it the next day with that happens. 
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Re: USPS frustration
« Reply #2 on: September 08, 2011, 03:57:29 PM »
I have that all of the time with UPS. What FedEX will do in 3 days for less, UPS takes 5 days to do and always cost more. 
I hate tracking a package with UPS because you see how slow they really are. Still everyone uses them and the rest of us have to wait. USPS is usually better then UPS, so you will probably get them Friday or Saturday at the latest. Usually when I track a package with USPS it gives no tracking info until the package has been delivered. Which is also pointless.

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Re: USPS frustration
« Reply #3 on: September 08, 2011, 07:56:46 PM »
I can not disagree with anything you said.  About 1 month ago, I mailed two packages via their express mail deal.  One went 50 miles from my home and the other half way across this beautiful country.  The longest distance mail got there in 3 days, the 50 mile mail took 8 days.  When I complained about the time and me paying extra for the fast delivery, I got this stare as if I was asking for their blood or first born.  They would not reimburse me for their failure to get it to the delivery point in the required time.  If it would be for somewhat needing their service once in a while, I would not have any problem with them going under.

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Re: USPS frustration
« Reply #4 on: September 08, 2011, 09:34:26 PM »
I see the same thing with UPS.  I tracked a package and watched it sit for two days in Phoenix before they decided to send it on down, just so that it would make the 'scheduled delivery date'. Of course, that is not as bad as your six day 'overnight wait' that you experienced with USPS.


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Re: USPS frustration
« Reply #5 on: September 08, 2011, 09:48:27 PM »
I really don't like the USPS, but I HATE FEDEX!


 At least the USPS has never lost my stuff, and neither has UPS, but FEDEX has lost TWO bowling balls being shipped to me. They also delivered a bowling ball to me that wasn't mine, nor was it addressed to me, and I wasn't even expecting one either. They found one of the balls EMPTY boxes on a shipping dock in washington state (I live in Tx, and the ball was coming from Illinois?), but never even found a trace of the other one.


 Given a choice, I WILL NOT USE FEDEX.


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Re: USPS frustration
« Reply #6 on: September 09, 2011, 07:19:24 AM »
I have had issues with ALL of the services over the years so no one is exempt of problems or issues. It just depends on how much you ship eventually you will have an issue.  I ship quite a bit.
Last one was a broken shaft on a well packed driver that I shipped to a customer thru FedEx Ground.  All in all not a bad way they dealt with it.  I had the customer take some pics and I sent them to FedEx Nat'l offices and the payment was made in a week.  
Issues are gonna happen it's how they react and how fast.  Most folks have very little patience these days...part of our immediate gratification American society.  




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Re: USPS frustration
« Reply #7 on: September 10, 2011, 08:34:19 AM »
I typically ship Fedex and in part since that is the only one that my company uses. However, due to the increased cost of shipping I decided to give USPS a try ona a bowling ball. Two months later and significant damage, it showed up at the buyers home. Ball looked like it had been removed from the box and used in some parking lot bowling. Luckily the buyer was reall nice and worked in a pro shop so just dropped on the resurface equipment and since its the last I heard must have worked out. That will be my last shipment with them though. The cost of UPS has gotten outragous and to my location a whole 20 miles from a distruibution center we have to pay additional fees for rural delivery. Considering we have mulitple large corporations in our town, not like they don't have at least 4 trucks a day out here and two deliver to my company each day.

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Re: USPS frustration
« Reply #8 on: September 10, 2011, 01:21:49 PM »
I think the head supervisor of a location, his attitude, his treatment of employees, attitude and type of employees etc. whether it be UPS or Fed-Ex,  has a lot to do with it. If the location has a "don't give a damn" boss, the attitude of employees will be likewise. If the location has a boss that cares about the customers and timely shipments, then the employees will be likewise, regardless of which company.


For example, I have 2 UPS places (not out-lets but geuine UPS stores) with each being 4 miles from my house. One is easy to get to and it is bad and it's employees throw things around like they don't give a damn. Things take 2 days longer there than the other one which takes more time to get to because of traffic.


Then there is Fed-Ex. When I lived north of Edmond before moving 2 1/2 years ago, the Fed-Ex office there was so nice and helpful. After I moved to west OKC, I went to the Fed-Ex office here one time and I haven't been back since as the employees there were not helpful at all with a don't give a damn attitude.


The same thing exists in other businesses. For example, when I lived at Edmjond, the Home Depot store there was the worse I have ever seen in any business with terrible help for a customer when needed, terrible employee attitudes, and etc. The Lowes store there was one of the greatest stores a person would ever like to shop at. The great help from employees and their friendliness and attitudes was second to none. I shopped Lowes all the time and swore I would never shop Home Depot again.


Then when we moved to west OKC 2 1/2 years ago, there was a Home Depot only 5 minutes and 2 miles from my house and the closest Lowes store was 10 miles and 20 minutes. Well, I decided to try this store one time and the first time I went to this Home Depot store, the Employees were so nice and helpful, that if I didn't know better, I would have swore I was at Lowes in Edmond, so I now shop this Home Depot, but will still enver go back to the one in Edmond.


Sorry for such a long post, but I was just trying to show that I think it all ahs to do with the type of head boss at each location, regardless of what company.


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Re: USPS frustration
« Reply #9 on: September 10, 2011, 02:58:40 PM »
On top of all this BS with USPS,
I had 2 deliveries scheduled, one From FEDEX and one from UPS. One was scheduled for Friday (yesterday) and one for Saturday (today). When I checked on Friday with the Tracking number from both places, BOTH said they would be delayed due to the hurricanes. Understandable, entirely. Again, neither one was a rush order. I am completely sympathetic when these situations happens,
Both FEDEX and UPS said the rescheduled  delivery date was Tuesday, 3 days from now. Ok. Thanks for letting me know.
So what happens? Without further notice from either FEDEX or UPS, both get delivered today, Saturday. 
What the <bleep>  ?????????
Now if I were in a sensitive area or I needed to be home when they arrived to sign for something to check the safety of the packaging or anything else where I needed to be here when they were delivered, what would be the situation then?
Thankfully, I have a good arrangement with my UPS delivery guy, whom I tip regularly because I ask him to put any package on my rear patio. And he is reliable.  FEDEX, who knows what they do. I'm lucky to get anything I expect them to deliver to me. 

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Re: USPS frustration
« Reply #10 on: September 10, 2011, 03:40:02 PM »
Get this one... Im leaving on a fishing trip on wednesday. I ordered jigs from 2 different online stores.

Both sent my orders USPS (no problem with that as they were basically small orders).

Yesterday, I still haven't recieved either order. I emailed the seller requesting tracking info. Being a good seller, he checked with USPS and you will not believe what happened. We moved into a new house on the

15th of last month. My girlfriend and I are not married so she has a different last name. Both orders were sent out for delivery on Sept 6 th  BUT.........   MY MAILMAN DECIDED THAT I DO NOT LIVE AT THIS ADDRESS  AND BOTH PACKAGES HAVE BEEN RETURNED TO SENDER.  They are sending them back to me, and i need to make an appointment with the route supervisor on Monday.   Unfortunately I dont think either package will be here before I leave.  Government employees SUCK!

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Re: USPS frustration
« Reply #11 on: September 10, 2011, 06:03:02 PM »
The route carrier has an awful lot of discretion, UNLESS the supervisor learns he or she actually violated some rules.  Having been a carrier substitute, let me tell you that carelessness has more to do with lost mail than any other single factor. I've found 1st class letters and Priority mail stuck in the oddest places when I was delivering, from anywhere around the post office (including bath rooms, behind, under and inside cabinets and closets, garbage pails) to the outside yard where all the trucks are parked to any place whatsoever inside the trucks & delivery vans.

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Re: USPS frustration
« Reply #12 on: September 10, 2011, 07:43:39 PM »
My brother missed the Cowboys vs Greenbay Packers game a few years ago in Dallas with Farve(last year in GB) and Romo because of UPS. The tickets were schedule to be delivered Friday and were lost/misplaced. Game on Sunday, no tickets. Monday morning UPS finds and delivers the tickets.
My USPS guy blows. I'm at home one day and my wife pulls into the garage while the mail carrier is at the mailbox on the street. We have a note in our mailbox to go to the local USPS station to pickup a certified letter that needs to be signed. The D*%K never came to the door and watched my wife pull into the driveway while filling out the form. So I had to drive and pick it up the following day because he is a worthless piece of S%#T!!!! All the more reason that place will start laying off and closing down. 

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Re: USPS frustration
« Reply #13 on: September 12, 2011, 07:52:41 AM »


My mailman has owned up to determining that I do not live at my address.

He told his supervisor that with the amount of mail we have returned (4 whole pieces in 3 weeks),

that he just thought these would be returned also. I did get an apology......BUT there is nothing they can do to get them back to me by tomorrow..........................



Looks like I will have a lot of new jigs for next year.      SUCKS



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