Very interesting question. I say no.
People bowl for fun. You have fun when you enjoy bowling. Each person is of a different makeup.
Some people have fun no matter what happens. They don't care if their scores are high or low, or whether their team wins or loses. They obviously don't need to know any more than which direction the ball should roll.
Some people care a little about whether or not they win or lose. If you give them a little insite into how to play the current conditions, or if they can do something easy to their physical game to improve, they are happy because that's all they need to know to bowl better.
Then there are some people who enjoy bowling more when they improve. To improve from where they are now, they need the reasons for why they should move, why they should change balls, why they need to know things that are nescessary for a ball driller to extract the best from a certain ball. Again, the improvement lets them have more fun, because they don't have fun just being the same old bowler.
In the end, you only need to get into bowling as far a nescessary to have fun. So as I said before, only some people need to know all the deep down stuff.