There is a guy in my monday league that has a backswing that im pretty sure i cannot describe, but ill try.
He drops the ball into his "swing" then pulls it up, bends his elbow & opens his shoulder, all at the same time. EVERY swing is the same, despite the fact that the ball is inches from hitting him in the head. Then, somehow the arm completely uncoils, only to loft the ball 10 feet out onto the lane.
Not only is it the strangest swing ive ever seen, it looks incredibly painful & dangerous to boot.
The guy averages around 170 & rarely has a horrible game.
I still maintain that if u can do the same thing every shot, it doesnt matter what it is. If i could toss the ball in the air, roll on the approach, catch it & then kick it down the lane for a 240 average, u can guarantee i would do it.
In the bag
Ebonite Mission(pin under bridge, low weight hole) polish over OOB
Storm Fast(pin under bridge, low weight hole)
Storm Natural(pin over ring)
Coming soon
high scores??