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Author Topic: New Bowling Ball Reviews Website - [SURVEY RESULTS]  (Read 535 times)


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New Bowling Ball Reviews Website - [SURVEY RESULTS]
« on: January 01, 2010, 02:28:18 AM »
Here are the results of the survey along with popular optional responses.

1. Do you feel there is a need for a new Bowling Ball Reviews website?
87% YES (Bowling Related Only, Old Bowling Balls, Overseas)
13% NO

2. Additional fields for bowling ball description template?
81% NO
19% YES (Release date, company website address)

3. Additional fields for review template?
74% NO
26% YES (Bowler type, Rev rate, axis tilt, speed, lane condition, layout, X-HOLE)

4. When reading a ball review, what attributes or details do you feel are most helpful?

Bowler accomplishments    18%
Thoroughness of the reviewer 75%
Objective opinion 61%
Bowler details 69%
Other (Use comment box)   14% (Picture, Ball Comparison, Similarity to the bowler)

5. Additional Website Features?
88% NO
12% YES (User profile, Blackberry useable)

6. Do you mind some small advertising?
8% YES
92% NO

7. Additional Comments?
(No viruses, moderation, we need professional reviews, hurry! we miss

Let me address a few things that were submitted.

1. There will be no forum on this new website.
2. The reviews will be closely monitored, useless reviews will be rejected.
3. The website will be a FULL repository of bowling ball from around 1980-present
4. Layout on the review ball will be addressed.
5. No buy/sell/trade section, sorry.
6. Pictures will be allowed.
7. Bowling related only!
8. Global stats in a user profile can be deceiving, we all change through time.
9. Criteria for rating will be more complex than one rating, criteria will include: Performance, Durability, Longevity, Versatility.
10. Look for a proof of concept & beta website soon.

I will need help from the community to enter the ball listings, stay tuned for how you can become a publisher.

Feel free to discuss these results further.

Edited on 1/1/2010 11:43 AM