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Author Topic: Vegas 2009  (Read 1010 times)

Southern California Bowl

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Vegas 2009
« on: January 30, 2009, 06:48:13 AM »
Who is going to Vegas for the Mega Buck tournaments next week. I have a feeling that the tournament entries will be way down this year, hopefully with the Masters the followign week, there will be a few more people around.



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Re: Vegas 2009
« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2009, 03:00:11 PM »
I will be down there...also the following weekend feb. 8th I believe is the Boot Hill tourney.

Lots of action.


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Re: Vegas 2009
« Reply #2 on: January 30, 2009, 09:42:52 PM »
I'm flying out from maryland on Sunday and staying at southpoint which I've never been to before.  I'm bowling the mini and the tac for sure.. the High Roller I'm still debating on as it's the most expensive.. Probably cost as much as the other two combined, although there is more reward for the risk.  I'll bowl the Boot Hill as well, although I don't think I have a huge chance of cashing in that one as it's practically a pro stop, LOL.  I haven't bowled any megabucks events in couple of years so it should be interesting.  Hmm as far as entries it's hard to say.. I guess we will find out when we get there.  Even so, I still enjoy bowling these, but I really do miss the 'good' ole days at the showboat in the mid nineties.  That was some of the most entertaining bowling I've ever seen.. 1100 entry for one game.. with no '2nd chance'.  A lot of the guys bowling in the early rounds were just 'average' good bowlers, and watching them win and sometimes go down in flames in dramatic fashion was just pure bowling entertainment.   The crowds, the action, guys choking easy spares by feet, the average guy throwing three brooklyns to beat a professional amateurs.... that was bowling at it's best.   I thoroughly miss the old high roller but I'm glad I had a opportunity just to witness and participate (I mean donate).   My best finish was a top 32 the last year it was 100k.   That almost made up for most of the years I donated (almost)

Edited on 1/30/2009 10:45 PM


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Re: Vegas 2009
« Reply #3 on: January 31, 2009, 07:17:57 AM »
Agree dursty, that was the beauty of the High Roller and what made it so exciting. In a one game match, anyone can win. Watching the reaction of a 180-190 ave bowler beat a professional amateur and seeing them storm off "priceless".
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